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6103 No. 6103 [Edit]
I'd like to suggest a potentially permanent solution to the CP spam that's plagued us for quite a while now.

The first time a post is made from a given IP address, instead of being posted immediately, it is placed in a queue, and is only posted to the site itself once approved by a moderator. Once one post is approved, all further posts from that IP are posted immediately as normal.

For regular posters, this would mean absolutely no difference whatsoever.
First time posters and posters whose IPs change will experience a slight delay in their posts, but the pace of conversation here is gentle enough that I doubt it would make much difference.
Spammers would be severely inconvenienced; in order to post anything untoward, they'd have to first make an innocuous post and then wait long enough - with the same IP - for it to be approved. Given that the CP spammers are probably using TOR or similar, this would be practically impossible.
Moderators might have slightly more work, but then again they'd have to go through and delete these posts anyway, and it's probably worth it for being rid of the CP spam.

I know this system is already used in various places, notably including bay12forums, where a forum with >2000 posts per day is overseen entirely by one solitary admin. If it works there, I see no reason why it shouldn't work here.

The only serious downside is that it requires harvesting data from users, but IP address alone isn't particularly sensitive data, and you could always include some opt-out.

I'd code this up myself, but I'm not great at programming and don't know anything about the existing board software.
>> No. 6104 [Edit]
This is a very good idea and I brought up something similar with the guy that did all our programming before, unfortunately he didn't want to implement it because they claimed it would mess up the database too much. Sadly I don't have the technical know how to implement this myself and don't know too many people who could.

>I doubt it would make much difference.
I dunno. Lot of people here like to use proxies/tor, and they'd probably get anal about this after a while.
I'm here everyday though so at worst their post would take a few hours to go in.
>> No. 6105 [Edit]
You could easily just go the whole route and start harvesting browser fingerprints & keeping individual dossiers on all posters.
The way OP wants it set up will make it bad for people who post via proxies because we all know the the bitchy mods here likely won't be approving our posts because it doesn't meet their personal standards for quality (i.e. it wasn't posted by themselves or one of their irc cancerjerk buddies)
>> No. 6106 [Edit]
>final solution

stopped reading there
go back to /pol/
>> No. 6107 [Edit]
If it's not "mods are nazis who wont let me post what I want!" then it's "the mods are lazy assholes who are letting all the shitposts and normalfags in!"
Fuck off with that shit already.
>> No. 6110 [Edit]
>letting all the shitposts and normalfags in

advertising on 4chumps is a bad idea, all it will is turn this site into another /pol/
>> No. 6117 [Edit]
This anon gets it 4chan died please do not kill this site.
>> No. 6118 [Edit]
.../pol/ is the board you're most concerned about on 4chan? Are you from /soc/ or something? I think your priorities are seriously distorted.

I have no clue why you'd assume Tohno would run ads for TC on /pol/ of all places anyway. They've always gone on /jp/ to my knowledge.
>> No. 6124 [Edit]
I don't think it's necessary because this place is so slow and the mods and admin here do such a good job.

I suggest they add a loli board to scare away the normalfags however.

I hope you aren't serious.

I'm going to plead with the admin of tohno-chan again. Please do not let it being normalfag as 4chan has become. You are our last line of defense from them. This is our home. You can't let them take it away from us. Just look at the boards here. The normalfags don't belong and will never belong.

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