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File 138190013439.jpg - (35.46KB , 429x297 , 1249447939751_ib4f_ib4f.jpg )
4401 No. 4401 [Edit]
I got nostalgic and started thinking: what ever happened with all the old tripfriends of /tc/? why did they go? Back then I thought we'd be together til the end...

How many people from the ib4f days still remain?
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>> No. 4404 [Edit]
They got sick of this place I guess. I do wonder what hamish and natsume get up to these days. Also I always thought ayu-ayu was funny
>> No. 4405 [Edit]
pretty much this. >>4404
I'm sure making them into mods only accelerated the process.
>> No. 4410 [Edit]
File 13820102292.jpg - (77.00KB , 373x480 , 134995131339.jpg )
You know, I kinda miss Popo. There were a number of tripfriends who tried to stir up drama at some point in time but none of them managed to do it with grace and zeal of Popo. RIP


>Also I always thought ayu-ayu was funny

Pic very related.
>> No. 4500 [Edit]
I know he hasn't been gone for too long in comparison, but I hope the guy who had Madotsuki as his waifu and used to have a lavabit email before that got shut down is okay. He used to talk about killing himself, which was his choice, but I hope regardless of what he's doing right now he's happy.
>> No. 4686 [Edit]
apparently Popo is back...?
>> No. 4687 [Edit]
I always get confused: is the old 'lavabit' person that had Madotsuki as a waifu the same person as the girl that's been posting with Madotsuki as a waifu more recently (the one that used to have a steam profile in her e-mail)?
>> No. 4692 [Edit]
I hope Surtic is doing OK
>> No. 4694 [Edit]
i don't know if i was here for the ib4f day because i'm not a massive cunt who cares about shit like that, i'm just some anon, but i remember when ii first came here the post numbers were six digit and i was pretty impressed there was a a site like this with so much activity, but then the site disappeared for a while and when it came back the post numbers were reset
or maybe i was just high an imagined all that or maybe i'm lying
>> No. 4695 [Edit]

Back on ib4f there were no separate post counters for each board, there was only one global one. We'd be above 100k altogether if we used one for the new /tc/, too.
>> No. 4696 [Edit]
I'd have implemented that here as well if I had a clue how.
>> No. 4698 [Edit]
It's ok. You brought back the Edit function and we still live without Captcha, so even in that regard this is the fucking best chan in the world.
>> No. 4706 [Edit]
Surtic is up on /a/ replying in waifu threads (even having two waifus at once, the other might be Rika from Haganai). He's still bitter and angry at tohno-chan.

As for the others, they simply left.
>> No. 4758 [Edit]
In retrospective, it's pretty amazing how we jumped out from ib4f only a couple days before it crashed. We might have used there all of the luck of our lives together.
>> No. 4760 [Edit]
the grew up and stopped being phimotic weebs
>> No. 4775 [Edit]
>He's still bitter and angry at tohno-chan
I actually haven't mentioned or remembered this place even existed for a while now.
I also haven't gone by that name in like two years now.
>> No. 4779 [Edit]
I assure you that is not the case.
>> No. 4780 [Edit]
Sometimes I wonder how you guys connect all these things.
>> No. 4796 [Edit]
modern children have a Facebook mentality. they aren't interested in content but in who's doing what. the concepts of real internet anonymity and judging content based on its own value rather than judging it by who posted it are unimaginable to them. this being the case, they're much more focused on namefag drama than otaku topics.
>> No. 4798 [Edit]

This is a very original and interesting trolling attempt but you'd be more convincing if not for the fact that the vast majority of /tc/'s userbase was already in their (very) late teens by the time facebook actually got popular.

Good effort either way, this is literally the first time I saw this kind of mental gymnastics; trolls these days aren't really trying anymore, all they use are unfunny reposts. Keep up the good work and make sure to post more I My Me threads on /an/.
>> No. 4799 [Edit]
Something that offends you =/= trolling. I think he made a perfectly valid point, even if it was done 'offensively'. Your post sounded more like trolling than his did to me, digging that I My Me shit back up from the grave.
>> No. 4800 [Edit]

He's a well know troll, though. All he ever does is post about how /tc/ is shit, how it's all normies and how everybody but him is a noob (pretty much a quote) and how they don't care about otaku stuff.

And if you think somebody who says /tc/ is tainted by Fecesbook mentality and all we care about is what [x] is up to nowadays (on an anonymous imageboard) 'has a point' then...

We don't even have tripfags to begin with, not anymore. I mean seriously, name one active tripfag. Tohno probably the name you see the most and 90% of his posts are anonymous either way.
>> No. 4803 [Edit]
There's a few namefags that post somewhat regularly (especially on /mai/). I agree with you for the most part- I don't think TC as a whole is plagued by any Facebook mentality or has any problems with tripfags/namefags. There are, however, a few select people that seem rather obsessed with what happened to a few namefag shitposters from a few years back, as this isn't the first thread where it's come up.

Might as well bring up Shinden's "fan club" while I'm at it, because it's the best example of the few posters that still have that "look who it is" mentality. It's not everyone, but some people do have it. It's especially noticable on /fb/.
>> No. 4804 [Edit]
I wouldn't count /mai/. You really can't be anonymous when you're posting photos of your waifu. It's like having a avatar. Even without photos or names people refer to other people as 'the guy with so&so for a waifu' or 'so&so's husbando' which defeats the point of being anonymous.

ps, I haven't seen anyone toss any Shinden bitch fits in a good while now. Nor have I seen Shinden post with his trip much lately.
>> No. 4805 [Edit]

>There's a few namefags that post somewhat regularly (especially on /mai/).

/mai/ doesn't even count because they have a legit reason to use a trip there. And aside from /mai/ I don't think there any tripfags/namefags left.

>what happened to a few namefag shitposters from a few years back

The thing is most of our namefags/tripfags weren't even that bad. I don't think wondering what Natsume is up to nowadays is 'Facebook mentality', especially since most people who bring that up knew him (as in talked with him on IRC or played vidya with him) in the first place. This is the most important thing here: it's not like we're wondering about [x] - a 4chan tripfag drama shitposter from a few years back - who we know nothing about. Most of people who bring up those namefags/tripfags were friends with them.


>I haven't seen anyone toss any Shinden bitch fits in a good while now. Nor have I seen Shinden post with his trip much lately.

Well yeah, since he doesn't post with his trip on creating drama is pretty hard (unless he'd go full Prussiaboo/raging about Coreans, then it'd be obvious).
>> No. 4806 [Edit]
File 140156596663.png - (72.73KB , 600x600 , 124858216854020110725-22047-d5fclq.png )
>I don't think wondering what Natsume is up to nowadays is 'Facebook mentality'
>> No. 4807 [Edit]

Good job revealing where you're from, saves me the trouble of having to argue about this any further. Over and out.
>> No. 4809 [Edit]
Expecting people to be level headed on a website catering for the rejects of society is patently ridiculous.
>> No. 4812 [Edit]
Being a 'social reject' has nothing to do with being level headed or not. In fact, being temperamental, stubborn, or otherwise unreasonable are VERY common traits among Ford Drivers that are well-integrated with society- at least in western culture.
>> No. 4813 [Edit]
I would argue people like us encapsulate those features as well as lacking a fundamental sense of decency towards their fellow men. Virtually every time there is an argument on this site, it stretches on forever, with both sides closing their minds off to new ideas and neither side acknowledging the other.
>> No. 4815 [Edit]
No arguments there. It doesn't get as bad as it does on say, 4chan, but it is still pretty bad (then again, it tends to end quicker on sites when it's pushed off the page into the ether by the next, it can last for days). I was just pointing out that neither Ford Drivers nor social rejects are really 'level headed', typically.
>> No. 4816 [Edit]
Well truly level headed people are very rare. But I would wager a guess that educated 'normal' people who have the social skills to coexist harmoniously with other people are better at being level headed than educated tohno channers who shun society
>> No. 4818 [Edit]
I don't know about that one. "Social skills" in this case really just refer to the ability to be polite in a business sense- that is, hide what you really think and feel in order to be socially appropriate. I think even most people on TC can be polite and civil when picking something up at the convenience store or going to the doctors. Having a little more tact in these situations doesn't actually make them any less selfish, irritable, close-minded, or egotistical- especially on the internet, where virtually nobody (regardless of social standing) gives a rat's ass about social grace or being polite.
>> No. 5897 [Edit]
I know several posts in this thread are years old, but I just want to say my word.

No matter what drama we all went through that caused us all to fall apart at different times, it cannot be doubted that at some point we had something special.

Thank you, Tohno, for making this website and inviting many cool tripfags from /a/. The dedication that you have put into keeping this place alive is astounding. It's still incredibe to me that our geographic location was so close. I can honestly say that my funnest days with tchan were far superior to those of mine on 4chan.

Whatever beef we had, I miss you Hamish, aka Matsuda-chan (and sometimes manko you dirty samefag). You were a little older and more experienced than me, but you were like my best friend for a good while. We had some realtalk depressing conversations, but I'm happy I found a dude like you to talk with even if we didn't end up staying friends.

AyaAya aka TravyTripfriend on /a/. To you I say that you were objectively the best tripfriend on Tohno-chan, and probably always will be. You once labled our names on an Ichigo Mashimaro pic and you put me as the Chika to your Miu. You'll always be the Miu of Tohno-chan, you little devil, and I'd be happy to be your Chika any day. I honestly don't know how you weren't more popular on /a/ in hindsight. Tohno-chan really lost something when you left. It lost the fun and games, and was only left with the misery and sadness that I brought it.

Natsume, what can I say? You were the coolest guy around, without a doubt. There is not a person on Tohno-chan that didn't want to be your friend. You chose your name well. There's no reason why you shouldn't be that popular in real life. You have a cool personality.

Surtic, I miss you, dude. I honestly considered you like a little brother. You were a little awkward sometimes, but defintely cool enough to hangout with the best of them. I'm sorry we didn't treat you better on Aika. In hindsight, we were jerks to you sometimes, and for that, I apologize.

Rostran, you were always the queitest dude, and I know nothing about you because of it. But you were always just there, in a good way, if that makes sense. You completed the crew for me. When you're not there it just doesn't feel right.

I cannot forget NegiSpringfield, who was not part of the original crew if I rememeber correctly. Your completely newfagness, some hated, but I personally found endearing.

SSRH, you like drugs and obviously had a /b/ background. What I found so awesome about you was how you basically wedged a place for yourself in Tchan and in my heart out of sheer will, even though you were slightly different from the rest of us. I won't forget you, dude.

To the other /a/ tripfags that chose to ditch their trips when they came here, good on you guys. I wish I could have got to know some of you guys better.

There are a lot of dudes I miss from 4chan too that don't even fit the scope of this thread. Take care, guys. You were like the kids in the next to mine going down the same freeway for an hour. I grew an affinity for you just because we were alike and going down the same road. We all take an exit sometime though.

Post edited on 19th Mar 2016, 3:48pm
>> No. 5898 [Edit]
>we were alike and going down the same road. We all take an exit sometime though.

It's not often, but sometimes you'll find an oddball who never gets off the road because they have no destination.
>> No. 5991 [Edit]
I don't post under trip a lot lately (when I do sometimes it's by accident because of autofill) because I was afraid I was pushing people away from here.

I don't mod constantly because I am afraid of fuck ups since the only thing I have to access the Internet is my phone and I could accidentally do some pretty bad shit if I fat finger something.
>> No. 5992 [Edit]
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