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File 146597544661.jpg - (197.27KB , 500x562 , dr0uqwp2.jpg )
5995 No. 5995 [Edit]
Lets face it, TC is pretty dead lately. I haven't been able to post as much as usual because of a new job which eats up most of my time. It's getting to where we have 1-2 posts site wide over 48 hour periods that aren't my own. Part of it can also be blamed on a mod that used to contribute a lot but went nuts and parted ways with the site. All the same, it's gotten pretty bad.

A long time argument supporting the near dead state of TC has been the quality vs quantity issue. well I have to ask, where's the quality? It's one thing to have one or the other, but we don't have either at this point. So you don't want us to advertise, you don't want us to spread the word to other communities, you don't even want anyone to link to us, fine. but I can't support the site alone you know, and it seems like most of you reading this don't give enough of a shit to contribute much yourself. You're the reason this site is as dead as it is, you sitting there reading this.You sit there expecting other people do make content for you to just eat up but places like this can't survive like that. It needs a community to keep the ball rolling. You have the ability to keep this place going strong but you'd rather watch it die a slow painful death. When you're forced to put up with annoying retards on 4/8chan or crappy forums, don't complain about not having anywhere better to go. There exists a site free of spam memes and general idiocracy for true otaku hikimori and NEETs, It's right here right now and you're letting it drift into oblivion. To whoever is reading this; if this site should someday die, remember that you let it happen.

mazyes and loloimp guys are pretty cool though. Asuka dude too of course hella props there.
"midyear break now", "play the markets." are also alright. Probably missing a few and if I did I'm sorry, just wanted to say you guys are the heros TC deserves.
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>> No. 5996 [Edit]
File 146597987457.jpg - (240.03KB , 1280x960 , tanasinn.jpg )
I will help the site's userbase grow however I can. You can count on me.
>> No. 5997 [Edit]
>So you don't want us to advertise, you don't want us to spread the word to other communities, you don't even want anyone to link to us

At this point, I don't really mind if that happens.

At the same time, if tc is going to die then its going to die. We had a good run and I enjoyed myself here.
>> No. 5999 [Edit]
I really don't want this site to die and I wish it was more active with the same TC "feel" from every post. I'm sorry you feel this way Tohno and I'll try to keep the momentum going in this site.
>> No. 6000 [Edit]
Do what you have to do. Personally, I've never been against TC being advertised (at least in the past 2-3 years). I understand that many users do want to preserve the TC atmosphere of the site, but I'd argue that a good number of the founders group have already left, and the unorthodox set of rules and guidelines we have here will deter the usual "casual otaku" from staying here long anyway.

Worst case scenario, you have to pass out a lot of bans and the money spent advertising was wasted. I don't really see the quality of the site taking a hard hit from it though.
>> No. 6001 [Edit]
Do you have an idea of how to "fix" Tohno-chan? I remember this place fondly and the IRC was quite nice as well. It would be a shame to lose one of the few uncorrupted imageboards on the internet. I'd be happy to help in promoting and even running the site, provided that I can do it with what free time I have. I am busy, but not all the time. I could pitch in some time to both run the site and promote it. I'm good at promotion, so this is almost tailer made for me. Get in touch ASAP, Tohno.
>> No. 6002 [Edit]
You got what you deserved for enabling captcha.
>> No. 6003 [Edit]
Tohno-chan was getting spammed pretty badly. I don't know if you remember this, but it used to happen a lot with boards on imageboard4free, which is what this site used to be on. We're still using the old KusabaX, which is really easy to flood. That is why Captcha is needed.
>> No. 6004 [Edit]
Oh BS. TC made out for years without it. It barely does anything against spam either way.
>> No. 6005 [Edit]
As far as I'm concerned this site deserves it considering its owner allows people bringing their 3dpd into the irc channel as if it were exempt from the rules. Place away from normals my ASS.
>> No. 6006 [Edit]
Pics or it didn't happen.
>> No. 6007 [Edit]
I didn't want to enable it, I completely hate that shit. The cp spam on this site has gotten very out of hand. (if you haven't noticed it that means a mod's doing their job.) We tried fighting it in other ways but they'd always find a way around it and eventually our programmer gave up and left the site. captcha suck but an fbi raid would suck even more.

what you talkin bout willis?
If you mean people whining and complaining about being lonely or not being able to have a relationship, well people are only human and it's to be expected. You yourself expressed lament at being able to have the typical 2D relationship. If you're implying people bring their boy/girlfriend onto the channel then I have no clue where you'd get that idea. No one on there is dating anyone else on there, as far as I know anyway.
>> No. 6008 [Edit]
>You yourself expressed lament at being able to have the typical 2D relationship.

>> No. 6010 [Edit]

Although on second glance I noticed they're referring to meeting people in general, not necessarily forming relationships with them. So that was a bit of a mistake on my part.
>> No. 6012 [Edit]
Stop looking in peoples post history
>> No. 6013 [Edit]
It's only fair if we're going to call one person's previous actions into question to do the same for the other. what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
>> No. 6014 [Edit]

have fun with your dead site
>> No. 6015 [Edit]
Bitter much?
>> No. 6016 [Edit]
I think someone just has too much zeal in them for their own good. The undercurrent of similarity to what happened to Wizardchan is bothering me. I think they made a real problem when they started to get paranoid about who might be a "normie". They lost all sense that they might have anything in common and people started being paranoid. We don't need that here and we certainly don't need accusations of people having "girlfriends" or "3DPD" when that's not happening at all. I've never seen it. Don't feed paranoia that way. It just kills websites faster.
>> No. 6020 [Edit]
File 146700892169.jpg - (2.36KB , 90x30 , jufart.jpg )

the prob here is that OP admin is not enough of an otaku to get a lot of the stuff on this site, so a lot of the quality goes over his head. its here though, i totally promise. i suggest lurking more and watching anime as possible solutions. this site is what it is and that is pretty much excellent especially when you're given comical captchas like this
>> No. 6021 [Edit]
Otakus are such a dying breed sadly. We're not the internet user that most people are these days. We're a throwback. It's very sad, especially considering what cyberpunk promised us in terms of our future. That never happened. There are otakus out there though and they would gladly flock to our site, if we give them the chance.
>> No. 6022 [Edit]
Are we gonna go down?
>> No. 6023 [Edit]
The site itself will never go down. I'll keep it running as long as I live and then some if I can. It might simply turn into an abandoned ghost town someday is the issue.
>> No. 6024 [Edit]
Are we going to be become a ghost town? Have you decided on any particular course of action?
>> No. 6025 [Edit]
Well the first step is obviously to disregard people who would rather see the site die than lift a finger to support it. Second is to actually get the name out there to attract new blood to the site, but while avoiding drawing in undesirable types. we can ban shitheads and idiots if/when they show up so advertising the site a little wouldn't be the end of the world. Question is still a matter of where though, as the kind of people this site would cater to aren't exactly easy to find. Lastly, I still have control over which I feel if used correctly could help us greatly.
>> No. 6026 [Edit]
Sounds good. To anyone reading this, they should help where they can.
>> No. 6032 [Edit]
File 146831522138.jpg - (143.58KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Kamisama Minarai - Himitsu no Cocot.jpg )

I made this. So far everyone I tell about this has responded with a ton of hostility so I haven't gone trough with it yet. It should speak for itself but in case it isn't obvious enough the idea is to basically trick people into browsing and hopefully posting on the site. TC has a pretty bad rep among many out there, so this in theory could circumvent that (or make the rep worse).
I realize most people aren't stupid enough to be fooled by it for long or even at all but the hope is that it fools enough people long enough to get the ball of posts rolling just enough that maybe things can get moving around here a bit and who knows maybe people wont be turned away by TC's lack of activity as easily. The downside is of course the potential for drawing in unwanted idiots, getting lots of shitposting, or even pissing off a good chunk of 4chan which could decide to raid and spam us. Then there's the possible legal issues that could come with using the domain as is.

So what do you guys think? Is this worth a shot or is it the worst idea ever and am I complete retard and piece of shit for even suggesting this?
>> No. 6033 [Edit]
The possibility of 4chan riding us is pretty bad but doesn't sound particularly likely. I think it's worth a shot because things aren't going well but at the same time I sincerly doubt this will actually succeed into bringing any users to /tc/. To begin with I don't see people posting on 4chan having interest in /tc/ style snail pace discussions. They're looking for a quick, twitter-like fix when the threads they post in get a dozen of responses every minute and where actual dicussions could never take place due to the nature of the site.
>> No. 6034 [Edit]
My current opinion of the state of affairs on imageboards in general (and I am on ALL of them) is that there are very few people making posts of any value anywhere. If you want this site's post count to increase I can make that happen for you, but you're not going to be getting yourself anything other than more posts to delete and more of your existing user base driven of by "modern imageboard posters"
>me on the right
>i hate jews
>top kek
>niggers are subhuman
>rate my FB
>anime is gay
>me me me me look at me
>hay guise what do you think about important news events on TV that news told is important so i'm important for thinking about it?
>niggers feminists jews hillary muslims feminists obama feminists niggers jews hillary muslims obama niggers feminists jews hillary muslims feminists obama feminists niggers jews hillary muslims obama niggers feminists jews hillary muslims feminists obama feminists niggers jews hillary muslims obama niggers feminists jews hillary muslims feminists obama feminists niggers jews hillary muslims obama niggers feminists jews hillary muslims feminists obama feminists niggers jews hillary muslims obama

the scientology kiddies are a dream come true in comparison.
i'd kill for a few dozen gaiafags to show up here, but the current crops has no redeeming value at all. we're better off just being a slow site and slowly dying together.
have you even see yokohama shopping trip?
that was paradise, very relaxing.

if u bring the s4s crowd here i will come on down to the desert and put my fist so far up your ass I can untangle your small intestine & pull it back out your asshole inside out without rupturing it. i will then strangle you with your own digestive system. i could make part of your intestine into a noose, throw it over a beam and hang you that way. your ass would really hurt a lot while you suffocated.

i might have some hookers from vegas rape you too
>> No. 6035 [Edit]

True story, me on the X meme was born as a misspost on wizarchan, then the users if that site used it to inply they where girls or muscular black guys or whatever unlikely odd person on the pics on said position, then I noticed people using it in s4s and I started doing to, is like a drug, like my own pesonal brand of some unspecified drug I am addicted to.
>> No. 6037 [Edit]
It's true that in the past my attempts at trying to force people to post more only ended in them shitposting all over the site, but I refuse to give up on tc and let it die as long as there's something I can do about it. Besides I've never asked for tons of traffic anyway, slow is fine but not slowly dying.
>> No. 6039 [Edit]
File 146857917993.jpg - (826.51KB , 2404x1260 , hobby.jpg )
Not every board on every imageboard is /pol/.
Even 4chan - yes, 4chan - has some alright boards left. The secret behind those is that they'e dedicated to rather obscure interests and even then you need to know quite a bit about those to be able to join any conversations. 4chan's /tg/ is an interesting example - the quality gap between threads dedicated to some of the most entry level franchises and some more obscure ones is huge.
A certain level of elitism is simply needed to keep imageboards/fora free of some unwanted elements. It's not even about being knowledgable, or having spent x years in the community or whatever. It's important because you need to make people who don't actually have any real interest in actually discussing the sbuject matter confused and make them lose interest right away. The type of poster who you want to keep around will simply acknowledge he's a newbie and lurk a bit before trying to join the conversation.

>like my own pesonal brand of some unspecified drug I am addicted to
It's called 'shitposting' and it's actually fairly easy to get sucked into it I guess. I won't even blame you but here's a secret to how you keep it in check - don't shit where you eat. That's basically it.
>> No. 6041 [Edit]
File 146861453726.jpg - (373.39KB , 681x720 , kazari is tohno.jpg )
It doesn't matter what I even try to write to you, at this point Tohno. Every time you've ever bitched and whined about how your site is dead, I've given suggestions, but you've always kept the status quo because of whatever reasons you make up and then try to justify for yourself.

You know for a fact that "advertising" won't do anything for the site. It's existed for years now. The site old, it's a relic, and everyone who might've made a good poster here knows about it, and either ignores it, or hates it (and rightfully so).

Trying to dupe 4chan users into thinking they're on 4chan by using is not only one of the dumbest ways I've heard of trying to get more users, but will probably get you sued, seeing as 4chan states you can't use their name for any of your own projects. Couple that with the fact that you have ads on TC, and they can make a damn good court case that you're making money off the 4chan name, even if you don't have ads on the board. Or maybe you don't have ads at all anymore, I don't know. I use adblock. Regardless, I wouldn't be using the 4chan name if I were you. Legal arguments aside, it's a sad day if you're trying to dupe the dumbest 4chan users into going on the site.

Ultimately, both you and I know at this point there is no way TC will ever become anything again. It won't go back to the way it once was, it will never get active again, and it will die a pitiful, meaningless slow death because of an Admin who lost touch with his site, who looks at other successful imageboards and gets jealous, and gets angry that his site is dead when he hasn't even tried, and to a user base that is currently attending the afterparty of TC, long after the party ended. And believe me, the party ended a long, long time ago.

I don't even post here anymore, and have not for a long time now. So you probably won't care about my opinion. Either way, I'm giving you my two cents regardless.
>> No. 6042 [Edit]
Your website is good & you should be proud of it.
You have made a very good imageboard, maybe you made it so good that it can't be improved upon. Its not out of the question that because the site is small & slow TC's reputation spreads slowly. Maybe this site will be a mecca for earnest otakus in 10 years time so long as "quality" is maintained.
I only use the quotes on "quality" because most of the people who post here actually have shit taste in anime. Seriously we have love live 2 in /an/ but no mob psycho yet
wtf u ppl suck
>> No. 6044 [Edit]
"post your captcha" was me and it was/is an excellent thread made even better by the often humorous content of our captchas.
you might have some sort of super interesting life and not enough free time for fun threads, but for us average TC posters to occasional high-quality captcha is actually thoroughly amusing.

> It was a friendly atmosphere that felt like a community

it was until you started calling my threads shit. go fuck yourself.
have you ever posted anything good anywhere? i doubt it, but go ahead and prove me wrong if you can. link me to all of your wonderful posts, embarrass me with your awesomeness.

more likely you've never posted a single post that was even slightly good and if this is the case then you've not only demonstrated what you are, but also that you don't have the ability to recognize decent content, rendering all of your opinions throughly unnecessary.
>> No. 6045 [Edit]
I see your point, but is it really better to have boards go weeks without new threads rather than take occasional shots in the dark at what might not be such great ideas in hopes that it might get the ball rolling bit?

I feel like this image could indeed be very much applied to TC. Only thing is many of those original players might quit the game anyway over time for personal reasons. Then what happens? What do you do when you have a gaming club where you don't allow those latter two types of players to join, but the first ones and those brown ones keep leaving?

I can't help but detect a lot of bitterness in this post (lav is that you?), regardless you're probably right about the thing being a bad idea so I think I'm gonna avoid doing it.
by the way no there aren't any ads on TC. I tried putting an amazon affiliate link on the front page for a while admittedly but it was kinda pointless so I removed it.
>he hasn't even tried
yeah... go fuck yourself. I don't know who you are or what your problem is but you have no idea how hard I've tried to make this site work, how much time and effort I've put into this site. Like you said you don't post here anymore but I do and I do as much as I can to keep things going. might be a stupid idea but at least -am- I'm trying, which is more than I can say for someone like you who abandoned the site yet still acts like an entitled prick about it.
>> No. 6048 [Edit]
I love how all these years have passed and even now that they're no longer listed in recent posts on front page /fb/ threads are still pretty much the most active threads on /tc/.
>> No. 6049 [Edit]
Clearly it is the case that we long term TC users like the site, but don't like making posts. The boss is constantly threatening us with an influx of weeb2.0 shit, but we prefer static content and as a result this is the board we're required to post on to maintain site quality.
>> No. 6050 [Edit]
>> No. 6053 [Edit]
and? TC has never had a no women allowed rule, /mai/ has had women with husbandos on it since day one, and it used to be called /mai/ waifu & husband but got shorted for convenience. The IRC and site have both had women come and go over the years. We only have the drawing attention to one's gender rule which you're guilty of breaking right now. That drawing attention to a gender rule exists to prevent people from making a fuss over the presence of women, and that's exactly what you're trying to do, not them.

The problem with women on websites like these is they make lonely nerds loose their minds and fight for the woman's attention which causes unnecessary drama and conflict. In this case however they're not drawing attention to their gender and guys aren't fighting over them, it's business as usual. It's easy when the guys don't give two shits about that sort of thing. You however very clearly give a shit and it makes me wonder why. What, are you scared they might tempt you?
>> No. 6054 [Edit]
File 146878962723.jpg - (144.44KB , 640x640 , contemporary-prints-and-posters.jpg )
Sucks that your secret no girls allowed club got ruined, huh? Nevermind the fact that that never existed to begin with.
>> No. 6056 [Edit]
You know the old rule which states that people professing to be female are required to disrobe publicly before they can be believed? It served a purpose and the purpose wasn't the acquisition of lurid or illicit imagery (or at least not only). That old rule also somewhat eliminated the issue at hand.
On a site which doesn't allow images of 3DPD it would eliminate it entirely, too bad that rule became old and unfashionable.
>> No. 6057 [Edit]
I have absolutely no idea how this is related to what I wrote.
This isn't a 'there are people around who claim to be female and cause drama' issue. That used to be a problem, it got regulated by the rules and now it's explicitly forbidden. It's a 'I used my godly deduction skills and my super secret investigation revealed that one of the users might be female and while it's hard to tell, as they pretty much behave the same as all other users, something has to be done about it because /tc/ is very much a boys only club' thing.
Like, really, who the fuck gives a shit.
Personally I think we should get rid of all the lefties while we're at it - how dare they not write with their right hand, it's so unnatural and it creeps me out!
>> No. 6058 [Edit]
You know, the owner of this site has gotten into arguments with people on other boards when they hinted at their gender. Happened plenty of times.

Also, what deduction skills? One person referred to themselves as a she multiple times. I was only lurking out of boredom either way.
>> No. 6059 [Edit]
The owner? you mean the TRUE owner! Ashraf Fakhr al' Dim, Millionaire Sheikh & Extreme atlethe?
>> No. 6061 [Edit]
>One person referred to themselves as a she multiple times.
And, did somebody even bother to react to it?
Again, the problem isn't having women around period. It's only a problem when it results in drama. If nobody cares then that's that. But when people do and they cause drama we have to implement rules like 'disclosing your gender is forbidden'.
>> No. 6062 [Edit]
I still do check her daily various times to see if a few of my posts have been replied even though they are rarely replied to. I guess I do like this feeling of posting on an imageboard and coming back to it days later and seeing only one or two new posts, even though I don't care at all about them. It's like watching a scenery slowly changing as time passes by.
>> No. 6063 [Edit]
You're misinterpreting that a bit. The actual reason for that rule's being is because a lot of people care(d), so it was a way of taking care of the problem of females announcing their gender. You're making it sound like the people who make a stink about this sort of thing are in the few, which historically isn't the case, on the site at least.
>> No. 6064 [Edit]
Loud minority that's all. As I said we've had (what might be)women around before in the past. most people don't care, but a few get extremely anal about having them around and would harass/bully them until they leave.

Who me? what? What other boards? other boards on this site? what 4chan? what arguments? what baccon? what are you talking about? I really have no clue.
I used to be a lot more open and aggressive in my detestment of women if that's what you mean, but as with just about everything else in my life I stopped caring as much and lost that passion. I could still rant on and on about how disgusting I find the average 3D women if I wanted to, but... meh. world's fucked up and filled with fucked up people, what else is new?
>> No. 6065 [Edit]
Not entirely related to the thread, but do you read all the posts (the very few that are posted) that are posted in TC, Tohno?
>> No. 6066 [Edit]
A good chunk of em, would almost say most. I was able to say I've read every post on tc for the first few months to a year after the place was created but them text walls man...
>> No. 6078 [Edit]
I still check in every once in a while and I share a lot of your feelings Tohno. It's painful to see this place die like it has been for several years.

A larger part of it is that we're people stuck in the past. The culture we knew is going away and as we age our circumstances change. People drop out of it and join the new internet culture or settle into normie life. I can blend and be fine in either at this point but there's a part of me that always longs for what was back in /tc/'s hayday. There were always really shitty parts but we made due.

I feel like a big reason for the decline in any sort of posting is how resistant we've been to any change at all. Circumstances in our lives changed and it ended up showing in our posts. So some people took a purist approach and beat down on them. It lead to a lot of useless arguments and trolling. So people just got fed up and stopped posting.

You want to have a fair amount of elitism but when it's too much you just drive people away. New and old alike. So we sort of ran into the problem you described here >>6045

It sucks but we can either allow a bit of change in... or die. Not in any grand stand against the normies but just fading to black. Either way the good old days will live on in people's minds and this way we might make a comeback.

Clearly a lot of people have fond memories of this place or we wouldn't keep showing up after all these years. It's a painful sort of nostalgia I get the feeling we both know, Tohno. I'm not sure if they'll come back if things get fixed up but they might.

Where things can be fixed god knows. So many things have been tried and most of them haven't helped.
>> No. 6079 [Edit]
File 146947910183.jpg - (23.28KB , 774x286 , Untitledsdfa.jpg )
6079 might be pretty popular if you run it as a separate imageboard and do admin posts as moot#faggot. I'm not saying it will be good, but it would probably end up being somewhat popular. If it ends up being popular, but filled with people you hate then you can use the list of IPs posting over there as a ban list for TC.
>> No. 6087 [Edit]
It gives a feeling of "I talked to someone today!" doesn't it? I know how that feels, from back when I started posting on internet forums. Getting replies is why we post. To not get replies is like, being ignored. I want to see this place become an imageboard where people can come and get replies to their posts. Good ones, which is hard to find in most of the sites with high noise/signal ratio. In all regards, I think we have the best quality. People aren't shitposting. They actually like the site and respect the other users. We only have problems on occasion, which is usually spammers and the one off bad seed invader. For a site that's been around for as long as we have, that is rather impressive.
>> No. 6088 [Edit]
Before we worry about the site not having a huge community, the shitty CP spam needs to get solved in some way. Unfortunately I don't have a solution at all, but I'm pretty sure that it would deter a huge amount of people away from the site and keep the community from growing or whatever it is that Tohno wants.

Also, I don't want to see that shit. I'm sick and tired of feeling that I could be vanned because some retard spams this site with that trash even if I don't like 3D shit at all. I'm sure that I'm not the only one that shares that sentiment.
>> No. 6089 [Edit]
I promise to do my best to remove as much as I can. That means when I'm around, it won't be a problem. I'll also try to be on IRC as much as my work schedule will allow. If you see something, report it as soon as you can.
>> No. 6090 [Edit]
>I don't want to see that shit.
No one does. We're not the only imageboard they're doing this on. I think this spam is actually what killed /bun/. In fact the spam had made me much more open to who I'd let moderate the site, which you could say lead to the problems we've had recently...

Spam on TC is mainly what made me decide to buy a second monitor for my pc. Everyday when I wake up and turn my pc on I start a dedicated browser on said monitor, set it to TC's recent posts (which includes the kakusus) and leave it on auto reload. It's part of my daily routine. I delete the stuff the second I see it, but because I unfortunately have to sleep/work I can't always get to it and for that I'm sorry. If you're worried about getting vanned imagine how I feel about it.

We had a guy named Asayake doing most of the programming and coding work around here after Hamish left, which included finding ways to fight the CP. We came up with plenty of ideas, and he implemented some rather clever ones in his time here, but the spammers would eventually find work around to everything he put in place. Asayake has since left us unfortunately, but he gave up the fight before leaving anyways... But just so you know our fight with the spam is the reason why you need x amount of characters to make a thread. It's also why we have a lengthy black list of terms and phrases (if you get caught and banned for using one, please contact me on irc) So it's not like we haven't done anything about it. Recently I even tried requiring captcha across the site, but that didn't stop the spam for very long. I still have an idea of how to beat the spam, but because Asayake left and I can't contact them, I have no clue how to implement it since it involves some of the stuff he put into place already.
>> No. 6093 [Edit]
I have faith in you, Mahou Sensei!

I see that it's much more complicated than I thought. I know that I've heard of it being spread around and killing other small sites, but I've forgotten about it just like I have so many things.

If I knew how to code, Tohno, I'd help you out as much as I could. Unfortunately I'm far too useless for that.

I'll try to report any of it that I see!
>> No. 6099 [Edit]
File 14713277413.jpg - (84.32KB , 1280x720 , maxresdefault.jpg )
Small suggestion, get rid of or merge most boards, with the almost zero post rate it should be fine with 3 or 4 boards at most. Yes, I know it's not an easy to do thing technically wise but it'll help im sure.
>> No. 6109 [Edit]
Tried it, didn't work and people hated it. Also /Bun/ did the single board thing. They were a site much like ours and made around the same time but we usually had a bit more traffic.
>> No. 6111 [Edit]
If you make Tohno-chan into a useful site for people in some way, they will stay and lurk the entire site.

I have had one idea for a while, and other webaites have already done it, but that doesn't mean we can't make it work. My idea is to take the concept of making static season charts for anime, and just make a webpage that we can update by uploading the images and filling in the information. If you use your css skills, it can be pretty and the webpage can have a lot of useful information all in one place. Then, we can link the page for every new season wherever we know people watch anime, and they will automatically discover Tohno-chan.

Another idea within the realm of possibility is to translate and scanlate some manga that people aren't doing, and release them with the tohno-chan name.

Basically, if we provide a service, people will come.
>> No. 6125 [Edit]
It may not be the fastest chan but it's still the best one.

Name one chan that keeps out normalfags as well as this one and with an owner who is a true /a/ oldfag like TC. You can't.

Behead all those who insult anime.
>> No. 6126 [Edit]
Have faith, Tohno.

This is the most glorious of all secret clubs.

And I don't know how posting is so difficult for you if you have a smartphone. Just check up on us and optimise TC on your phone. Naturally we're all going to have busy lives these days as it's unavoidable to be a hikkimori neet isn't possible these days, at least not forever.

>It's one thing to have one or the other, but we don't have either at this point. So you don't want us to advertise,


>you don't want us to spread the word to other communities,

This is great, we should do this, SO LONG AS YOU KEEP OUT THE NORMALFAGS

>you don't even want anyone to link to us, fine.


>but I can't support the site alone you know, and it seems like most of you reading this don't give enough of a shit to contribute much yourself.

Now now, Tohno. We have much the same issues as yourself but it's not as if we do not try. Maybe not as much as we used to be still, you are facing these issues as well.

Again, I'm more than ok with you doing whatever you think is necessary to make this community grow and even allow advertisement and donations, SO LONG AS YOU KEEP OUT THE NORMALFAGS
>> No. 6127 [Edit]
>an owner who is a true /a/ oldfag like TC.
Now I don't intend to badmouth Tohno here but this is not true from what I know. Tohno started using a trip on /a/ in 2009, maybe 2008, and it didn't feel like he posted Anonymously much before then.
On top of that he actually had a pretty bad rep there, mostly due to a certain Saber (it was Saber, right?) image dump. Tohno himself has been often quoted as a reason not to use the site around the time it was made.

You know, for a person willing to launch a crusade against normalfags you don't exactly come off as a polar opposite of people you hate, with statements like
>Naturally we're all going to have busy lives these days as it's unavoidable to be a hikkimori neet isn't possible these days, at least not forever.
>> No. 6129 [Edit]
late 2009 was actually around when I left 4chan, I recall this as I took part in a cirno image dump on 9/9/09 with a few other TC members at the time, but left the site soon after. I can't remember exactly when it was I started browsing/posting, but I remember browsing while TTGL was airing.
Yes it was Saber, and yes many there blamed me for increased post timer limits, but this actually had a lot to do with spam I wasn't involved with. I kept posting on 4chan regularly after than, even after creating TC while having a link to TC in my email field. What made me leave was the captcha, I can't stand those things and I wasn't about to solve 100+ of those things a day (yes I posted that much). They latter fixed the capcha to be much more simple and user friendly, but I didn't want to go back because I didn't want to deal with all of the madoka shit that would have probably been raging at the time (don't ask). Then stayed away because well.. I guess I'm just too used to TC and it's slower speeds, and figure 4chan is probably overrun with moronic shitposting at this point anyway.
>> No. 6130 [Edit]
Maybe because we're bad at socialising? being on the internet doesn't really change that you still have to be good at having conversation to have a conversation.

The problem with 4chan is bans are easily evadable, letting shitposters do whatever they want. If you solve that problem, I wouldn't mind a influx of people.

Also, with 4chan is there is a lot of 'normal' boards. Shockingly too many times I was told not to post anime girls because the board wasn't anime related. I tried arguing 4chan is inherently a otaku forum but they didn't care, saying that's not true anymore and there are more normal boards than Japanese boards.
I think this website has a strong enough inherent Japanese:not inherent Japanese boards that normals will never be the majority. So if (if you even manage to) bring in one-thousand more posters it will do good.
Those obvious shitposters looking for more attention on a slower site will definitely be a problem in the beginning, you'll have to control that then it will die down.

Being laxer with the rules would probably help cultivate more posts along with remaining strict on shitposting would keep it clean. Easier said than done, I supposed, the line between stupid and intentional aggravation. Instead of 'post uploaded (or whatever it says)' have a quote about smart shit like 'The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.'

I don't know if Futaba-chan is actually full of shitposting, but another thing of 4chan is it is way too streamlined, a drawback is that shitposters also benifit from ease of access. Last I checked Futaba still doesn't even have quote linking, so you still use greentext for its purpose: quoting.

If you are really concerned then bring in as much people as you can and sort the shit out later. I think this website is Japanese enough that normals won't stick. The emphasis on Japanese otaku culture must stay strong.

The only major downfall to this is you somehow bring in a lot of normalfag anime fans. I don't think this would happen if you promote only through 4chan and similar places.

I actually came here through the advertisement on /jp/. I was feeling really discontent with the way 4chan was and this site was a new hope. I'm sure there are some that feel the same and don't know where to go still there.
I don't know if you want more of me though, ahah.

Post edited on 8th Oct 2016, 10:47pm
>> No. 6131 [Edit]
>I tried arguing 4chan is inherently a otaku forum but they didn't care, saying that's not true anymore and there are more normal boards than Japanese boards.
They're right, though. 4chan has grown apart from it's otaku media root. Most people who browse it nowadays either don't care of otaku stuff or actively hate it.
>> No. 6142 [Edit]
By inherently I mean in its roots.
Like Germany would still be beer state even if 90% of the population became religious Muslims.
>> No. 6151 [Edit]
That tends to happen if there isn't the occasional new blood, unfortunately. It is kind of sad seeing this place so dead, even if it was never super bustling even way back before I stopped posting.
Forcing older people to post won't help, it will only give the illusion of activity. I can understand not wanting a packed site with shitty posters and such, but you've gotta have some sort of traffic for things to not be stale.

>cirno image dump on 9/9/09 with a few other TC members at the time
Good times.
>> No. 6152 [Edit]
in the years since you became too good to post here, "tohno-chan" actually closed down for a while. later on different new people opened up a similar looking, but entirely unrelated website of the same name.
shit happens when you go away for a while, sorry but your experiences at the previous site and your thoughts about the current one aren't relevant.

4chan probably has it's own board dedicated to 4chan metadiscussion
>> No. 6154 [Edit]
>Like Germany would still be beer state even if 90% of the population became religious Muslims.
I don't see the logic behind that.

>That tends to happen if there isn't the occasional new blood, unfortunately.
It's not like we're opposed to it, though. There's relatively little stigma against being the new kid on the block on /tc/, because we don't really have any sort of secret culture meme lingo that you need to know to fit in. Ford Driver is just about the only thing outsiders might consider puzzling.
The problem is people find out about /tc/ through 4chan, which is only to be expected considering that's kinda where /tc/'s origins lie, and they expect /tc/ to be 4chan as well. They bring their shitpo... pardon, 'funposting', greentext, smug anime girls, shitty forced memes and expect to be in good company.
/tc/ isn't elitist against newcomers. /tc/ is elitist against shitposters.

And it's not like we can't just expect traffic considering the site's relatively serious, 'we expect fun, on topic conversations about otaku media' profile. In 2010, 2011 we were getting good traffic and good content. It's not some pipe dream, some utopia; we've had it and we've lost it. And you're right, the exact issue with these kind of communities is stagnation - old memeber leave, they're not replaced by new ones, there's no fresh blood and the community turns stale. But I don't think we've committed suicide willingly and knowingly, it's just that we never found a way to invite new quality contributors. Considering there was a time in site's history where everything was going really well I don't think it's outright impossible to just return to that state once again. But I've got to admit I don't really know how to achieve it.
>> No. 6155 [Edit]
>I don't see the logic behind that.
It's very simple. So much so that explaining it would only cause further confusion to you I fear.

Germany is Germany; beer, pikehelmets and sauerkraut are Germany even if 90% of Germans are Turks. Intangible cultural heritage, as the United Nation refers to it. The genes of a culture.

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