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File 148722558543.png - (1.20MB , 1366x768 , Screen Shot 2016-12-04 at 11_18_23 PM.png )
6229 No. 6229 [Edit]
I want to dispute my ban.

The post you reference >>27948 by that criteria does deserve a ban. However this is not the post that got me banned. The post that got me banned was >>27942

A ban for that post does not violate this rule

>Reason: ex 8 ) Meta, and Complaining about the community's views/opinions. - If you've got a problem with TC or it's userbase, take it to /fb/ ("2d or 3d, moe is moe, my friend")

And yes, I did evade the ban.
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>> No. 6230 [Edit]
File 148722734786.jpg - (90.87KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
The "2d or 3d, moe is fucking moe my friend. You shouldn't deny yourself jollies from any source." comment was from, which is the one that gives the impression you're arguing the site's stance on 3dpd. Like I said however, that did seem a little long for a warning ban which is why I'll let the evading slide.

I was just responding to because that's the one you complained about the ban in.

I should also probably admit that I was not only the OP of that thread, but the one who made the American women joke. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal and didn't really mean anything by it, but I guess I forgot how people here can get sometimes.
>> No. 6232 [Edit]
>I should also probably admit that I was not only the OP of that thread, but the one who made the American women joke. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal and didn't really mean anything by it, but I guess I forgot how people here can get sometimes.

I was not offended by your comment, I was offended by my ban.


The sites written stance, in the rules, regarding 3d. Though this isn't a rule, but "highly discouraged".

ex 2 ) Posting any photos of 3D(real)people, especially women.

This is the only rule that refers to 3d women in any context. I did not post 3d pics, merely mentioned a positive view of 3d women, which is not against the rules.
>> No. 6233 [Edit]
File 148723667934.jpg - (100.85KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
Sorry for the delay but I haven't heard back from that mod as of yet.

Anyways yeah I get that. You weren't posting 3dpd and I'm not saying you were. The issue falls in line with the other previously stayed issue.
>ex 8 ) Meta, and Complaining about the community's views/opinions
It's one thing to debate/argue with someone about your and their conflicting opinions, but it's a different matter when you complain about the site's general stance on certain topics. In this case how our userbase feels about the 3D issue. Freedom of speech and anti hugbox/sjw sentiments are all well and good, but what you were doing was knocking around the bees nest and causing issues. I don't want TC to sound like a hive mind, but people come here for a reason, typically to get away from normies. Many if not most of which really don't like 3D one tiny bit. To put it simply, coming to TC and trying to talk positively about 3D people (especially women) is like going to a gay bar and trying to convince the people there how much more appealing the opposite sex is, or trying to spread satanic propaganda at your local Sunday morning mass.
>> No. 6234 [Edit]
File 148723932789.jpg - (253.67KB , 700x713 , 1315640167736.jpg )
Hi. I'm the mod who banned you.

Consider some other possible rules your post could fall under:

>2) Advertising and/or spamming.
>- Spamming refers to repeatedly and continuously posting large amounts of [unwelcome] content.

You should lurk more if you think anyone wants to be convinced that 3d whores are cute.

>) Posting or linking to 3D(real) pornography, or Guro.
>- By 3D(real) pornography, we refer to pornographic videos and/or images depicting any and all real world humans regardless of age. This may also include life like computer renderings of humans as well. Crazy as it might sound, we here do not much care for the sight of other human beings, especially in pornographic depictions.

Your post read like pornography to me. I did not appreciate reading your depiction of sexual encounters with 3d whores. I'm sure there are plenty of other users who are in agreement.

>7) /b/ Shit.
>- This refers to the moronic meme spouting shitposting type of behavior you would find on the infamous /b/ boards of other imageboards. Examples of shitposting includes "GET" threads, which are threads/posts created sololy to point out having multiple instances of the same number in your post (such as having post no.5555). greentexting, which is the style of posting which uses a > at the start of every sentence, rather than using them for quotes as they're intended, as well as making said sentences in malformed bullet point styles. Example: >MFW OP is a fag >thinks I'm not fappin to his waifu >saged, reported, and called the cops
>- There is also reaction images, which can help set the mood/emotion the poster is trying to convey, but in excess can be obnoxious, especially when used without any accompanying text.
>Over all, Shitposting here will be defined as posts failing to be constructive, informative, or entertaining in any form. These posts are typically pointless and/or offensive. To elaborate, a joke might not be considered a shitpost, but a rude and/or out of context comment might be. Posts with only 1-2 words without media attachment may also be considered shit posts, unless necessary for the thread/post.

key words pointless and offensive. again nobody wants to hear you describe your sexual encounters with 3d whores. though you did post some actually relevant content alongside it so i'm less inclined to cite this ruling.

>(9) Being a baka.
>_ C Cirno 2 no more

lurk more

>11) Excessive flaming, trolling, or harassing other users.
>- This refers to behavior that involves deliberately attacking other users. While TC is not an SJW hug box (outside of /mai/), going out of your way to upset/bother people is not cool and will not be tolerated. Note that if someone disagrees with you or finds your posts offensive without you purposefully trying to upset or offend them, that is entirely their problem and is not in violation of this rule. In other words, Don't be a dick.

being offended or upset by some normal showing up and giving a detailed account of banging whores is perfectly understandable.

>ex 8 ) Meta, and Complaining about the community's views/opinions.
>- If you've got a problem with TC or it's userbase, take it to /fb/

not sure what it takes to convince you that people don't like 3d here. try lurking more. i thought 1 day was very short ban and you would read other posts, but instead you came back and took a steamy dump on the board

>ex 9 ) Mentioning your family and or loved ones.
>- Many if not most of us here are bitter losers who have no one. We don't want to hear about your wife/girlfriend/friends/kids. so don't post about it. Brothers, sisters, parents and other such relatives are fine however.

dont want to hear you recount that time you fucked your gf thanks

ex 10 ) Moronic behavior in general.
>- Typos and misspellings are one thing, but try to avoid memes, what you'd like to do with your genitals, and senseless vulgarity.

you're basically saying in your post what you'd like to do with your genitals, and that's use them on some 3d whore. gross

overall you just need to lurk more, im not sure why youre having trouble lurking and adapting. please increase the quality of your posts. thank you

p.s. please post here if you have more to say. not on /an/ or elsewhere.
>> No. 6235 [Edit]
That's a fair point and well meant. Considering the context and joviality of my post, I didn't think it would offend so easily. Clearly that was naive and a mistake on my part; I underestimated the users here. I expected a dedicated anime board to have this flavor of world views, but I did not understand that these were so close to wizardchans; I didn't know opinions were so extreme here. That being said, I still didn't violate the rules, even by your count.

>Reason: ex 8 ) Meta, and Complaining about the community's views/opinions. - If you've got a problem with TC or it's userbase, take it to /fb/ ("2d or 3d, moe is moe, my friend")

I didn't complain about your views, or intentionally antagonist anyone. I understand what I voiced was unpopular, but saying something unpopular isn't against the rules.

You have been very polite and considering the ethos of the site (which does not bother me) you have been surprisingly unbiased in your treatment of me. Thank you.

The reason I am bothering to show you that my ban was unfair is because I thought it stemmed from inappropriate behavior from your moderator. His post >>6234 pretty much proves my point.

I understand why my post might have been seen as incendiary, and to that extend, if the mod had stepped in and let me know that voicing that kind of opinion might lead to anger and arguments from other users I would have been perfectly fine to defer to his guidance, and drop it on the spot. I come here do have fun and discuss anime, I don't want to start arguments or alienate the people I talk to. But he didn't give me a warning or help me navigate my way around the site without upsetting people. He got emotional and banned me, and that was highly unprofessional. It made me mad, it was unfair, I complained, and the thread got derailed. I recognize my part in this, I could have handled things better, but I was angry. Breaking the rules deserves a ban. I voiced an unpopular opinion, which was a mistake, but saying I broke the rules isn't fair.

Your mod is trying now to justify his ban, but since you read my posts, you can see for yourself that literally all of his new accusations are pure extrapolation.

>2) Advertising and/or spamming.
>- Spamming refers to repeatedly and continuously posting large amounts of [unwelcome] content.

How could I be a spammer if that was my first post in the thread? You can check the IP of posters so you can see for yourself that as my first post. My first post got me banned, not my subsequent posts, which were bannable.

>) Posting or linking to 3D(real) pornography, or Guro.

There is no porn in my post.

>7) /b/ Shit.

>key words pointless and offensive. again nobody wants to hear you describe your sexual encounters with 3d whores.

I didn't describe my experiences with 3d whores or bring up my sexual history. I merely stated I thought there were contexts in which living women could be moe. An unpopular opinion, but /b/ bullshit? Have you ever even been to 4chan?

>(9) Being a baka.

Lol figured you'd throw this in. Enough said.

>11) Excessive flaming, trolling, or harassing other users.

>being offended or upset by some normal showing up and giving a detailed account of banging whores is perfectly understandable.

I never said I've had sex or mentioned banging women. Additionally, my post may voice something unpopular, but it was polite.

>ex 8 ) Meta, and Complaining about the community's views/opinions.

Covered this in above posts.

>ex 9 ) Mentioning your family and or loved ones.

>dont want to hear you recount that time you fucked your gf thanks

I didn't mention anyone I have any relationship with in the real world in any context. If it makes you feel better, know I don't have a gf.

ex 10 ) Moronic behavior in general.

>you're basically saying in your post what you'd like to do with your genitals, and that's use them on some 3d whore. gross

And you know, that would have been against the rules. But again, didn't do it. I said living women could be moe, never mentioned wanting to bang them, not once did I mention my genitals or even imply wanting to use them.

The reason I'm here posting is because I don't like your mod's behavior. He didn't like what I said so he banned me even though I didn't break any rules in the post that got me banned. If he had just pointed out my error of ethos (simply letting me know what I said might hurt feelings or cause arguments), the whole thing would have been put to bed in a second, and this would have never become this messy problem. Further, his post in this thread is just as rude as his ban. It is incendiary and a knee jerk reaction.
>> No. 6236 [Edit]
>all of his new accusations are pure extrapolation

meant to say supposition
>> No. 6237 [Edit]
File 148728082078.jpg - (252.18KB , 1687x950 , 1325301620877.jpg )
>I didn't complain about your views, or intentionally antagonist anyone.

You did. Re-read this part of your post. It's obvious from the first sentence.

>Hahahaha I fucking love the amount of animosity so many anime fans harbor for human women. You shouldn't deny yourself jollies from any source.

>There is no porn in my post.

It reads like erotic literature. I know the porn rule only refers to images specifically, but I think it's in the spirit of the rule.

>I didn't describe my experiences with 3d whores

then you were just writing on the way in which you'd like to have sex with them. either way nobody wants to hear about it here.

>Lol figured you'd throw this in. Enough said.

That's a fair point and well meant. Considering the context and joviality of my post, I didn't think it would offend so easily. Clearly that was naive and a mistake on my part/

>I never said I've had sex or mentioned banging women. Additionally, my post may voice something unpopular, but it was polite.

This is an excerpt from your post:
>some sweet little teen thing adored you, threw herself into your arms, and, while rubbing her face against your chest told you she would do anything for you
This is practically having sex.

>I didn't mention anyone I have any relationship with in the real world in any context. If it makes you feel better, know I don't have a gf.

again it doesn't matter if you've actually done this or not. it comes off the same way when read

As I said I wanted you to stop posting and lurk that's why I gave you a one-day ban. You ban evading and immediately continuing to post in the same thread makes me doubt whether you're intentionally trolling or not. Especially given the nature of your post (gender discussion)

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