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File 133795620334.png - (1.72KB , 124x108 , recent.png )
2375 No. 2375 [Edit]
Is it just me or is the recent images box not working?
Expand all images
>> No. 2376 [Edit]
Works for me, that's all I can say.
>> No. 2377 [Edit]
File 133796110227.jpg - (26.01KB , 147x692 , recursion.jpg )
I couldn't resist.
>> No. 2378 [Edit]
The HTML looks fucked.
I suppose it depends on how the browser chooses to render '<img src="" width=" " height=" " border="0" / div class="picitself"></a></td></div><tr>'
>> No. 2379 [Edit]
Maybe it's adblock?
>> No. 2380 [Edit]
My adblock doesn't work at all so it can't be that. Just to be sure I added tohno-chan to the list of sites not to work on and it still doesnt work.
>> No. 2381 [Edit]
I've noticed from time to time that one or two of them would be blank, but not the entire thing.
>> No. 2382 [Edit]
You're not alone, it doesn't work in Internet Explorer.
>> No. 2383 [Edit]
I found out what's wrong. Right now, the reference to a picture in the "Recent Images" looks like this:

<img src="" width=" " height=" " border="0" / div class="picitself">

I found deleting the 'width=" " height=" "' part fixes the problem. Please modify the script accordingly.
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