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File 134049061592.png - (54.77KB , 486x682 , 1340410908712.png )
2524 No. 2524 [Edit]
Why has there been a spate of /jp/-level shitty threads? Seriously cut it out.
>> No. 2525 [Edit]
I've been wondering this myself.

Summer time, maybe?
>> No. 2527 [Edit]
This has also been bothering me a lot.
>> No. 2551 [Edit]
I don't think that this is worth making a thread over, but I'd like to propose that "GF" be filtered into spittoon or bitch pig or just something as stupid.
>> No. 2552 [Edit]

In fact, any form of GF: gf, girlfriend, crush, and the male equivalent.
>> No. 2553 [Edit]

Why do you want to take preventive measures against a problem that is very unlikely to... uh, become a problem.
>> No. 2557 [Edit]
I want /jp/ to leave.
>> No. 2558 [Edit]
Well I reported the 'bad' threads twice and nothings happened so it looks like they (probably tokiko) are here to stay.
>> No. 2559 [Edit]

It's not polite to point fingers but yeah...stop with this crap. If you want to ``shitpost'' do it elsewhere.
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