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File 133379188017.png - (17.65KB , 290x82 , hurr.png )
2312 No. 2312 [Edit]
how about making an /int/ board?
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>> No. 2313 [Edit]
on tohno-chan the only country that matters is the internet
>> No. 2314 [Edit]
>> No. 2315 [Edit]
File 133379495656.png - (195.35KB , 855x855 , parsee guckt.png )
with giving out the location of posters brings just a wee bit less anonymity, which it can turn lots of topics in completely different directions.
it's fun, you know.

maybe not for this board, but hey, it never hurts to ask.
>> No. 2316 [Edit]
I don't agree with an /int/ board, but I do agree with creating more boards which cater to a niche interest. /mai/ and /so/ gives tohno-chan the culture that it has and sets it apart from the billion other crappy *chans.
>> No. 2317 [Edit]
No, not really. I like /int/ boards, but it just doesn't fit TC at all.

Is there anything more niche-appealing than having boards for Shinden-cultists and lighthouse enthusiasts to gather?
>> No. 2318 [Edit]
Silly anon, we already have one! It's called /irc/.
>> No. 2322 [Edit]
I can't help but wonder what the point would be.
I'm guessing it would be mostly regional based discussion? lots of threads in languages other than English just for the heck of it?
Would people use it for anything other than just posting a bunch of stuff like "hej som si post niečo slovenské! ...Mám ešte vychladnúť?" or "ええ、私はGoogleがそう私を訴える、翻訳使用しています。" ?
>> No. 2326 [Edit]
Blocking or tricking flagcounter isn't a hard. But this discussion isn't about flagcounter so whatever.

What's the difference betwheen the 3rd and last balls, and the 1st and 15th, aside from the flags? I could buy that the Marisa balls are from different games/eras, added with a desire to personify at least 2 different countries as her, but the Cirno balls I definitely don't get. And what's with the 13th one? I can neither see the character nor the flag it's supposed to resemble/personify. This obviously is the most important part of this discussion, OT or not.
>> No. 2327 [Edit]
I've never ever seen a good /int/ board and I don't see the point of it. Please don't make one.
>> No. 2328 [Edit]
File 133399663314.png - (23.84KB , 333x169 , Untitled-5.png )
Marisa with Russian flag and Cirno Norway were a request.
That red one is Unzan as Turkey.

Balls were made at a time when krautchan animu audience was trying to assign countries to touhou characters based on really random and board related stuff, so it naturally doesn't make much sense.

Well, thanks for feedback you all.
>> No. 2329 [Edit]
File 133399895379.jpg - (21.39KB , 202x204 , för helvete.jpg )
As a concept it sounds fun and educational. Discussion about different parts of the world and their history and culture. Unfortunately nationalist dickwaving and racism seems to take over every /int/ pretty quickly.
>> No. 2330 [Edit]
We don't need such. TC doesn't care about real world.
>> No. 2331 [Edit]

My thoughts exactly.
>> No. 2461 [Edit]
Yes. Threads in other languages, discussion about countries and news.
It could be added as a trial board. If it works, keep it.
>> No. 2463 [Edit]
couldn't that be covered in /ot/ and /mt/, with sensitive moderation?
>> No. 2464 [Edit]
who cares about other countries? maybe a japanese thread in /mt/ but anything else seems weird
>> No. 2465 [Edit]
I sure as hell don't.
>> No. 2466 [Edit]

>Threads in other languages


>discussion about countries

What the hell is there to discuss?

Discuss the 3D matters on a site that cares about 3D.
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