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File 134216270032.jpg - (134.65KB , 300x353 , sing.jpg )
2630 No. 2630 [Edit]
Does anyone else spend so much time on Tohno-chan that it feels like it's a part of who they are? I really don't know how to describe the feeling. It's not as new and exciting like it once was for me, but I feel like I must visit it, must compulsively refresh, must silently curse Haruhi that people aren't posting more and then curse myself for not doing it more myself. It's so strange to think about, but I can't be the only one like this...
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>> No. 2631 [Edit]
just a bit...
>> No. 2632 [Edit]
I wish /mai/ got more posts. Don't really care for the rest of the site.
>> No. 2633 [Edit]
File 134217693271.jpg - (84.15KB , 651x716 , de5bdf79060e5fcc4a81f3799412cdc0.jpg )
Well, I have been coming here everyday for a long while. I guess that I consider this the most important site that I go to, so much that I sort of consider it to be like a home.
>> No. 2635 [Edit]
Not really but I certainly wouldn't mind spending my whole day on it if it were more active. As it is now checking the boards is by far the most important part of my daily 'morning routine but that's about it.

I did refresh all the boards every 5 minutes back when I first found out about the site even though it was far less active than it is nowadays, though.
>> No. 2637 [Edit]
>I feel like I must visit it, must compulsively refresh, must silently curse Haruhi that people aren't posting more

That's me all right. I check this site for posts quite often throughout the day even when I know there won't be anything new. I'm quite comfortable with this "ritual".

>I certainly wouldn't mind spending my whole day on it if it were more active

I feel the same.
>> No. 2638 [Edit]
I consider it my "home" website.


I feel the opposite
>> No. 2640 [Edit]
Tohno-chan is certainly my most favourite site to visit, and the only one I take seriously. Occasionally I may screw around on 4-ch, world2ch, Uboachan or iichan but they make this place look busy (meaning they're really dead).

I do wish more people posted, though. I try to get in a few post a day but sometimes it comes to the point where you feel you're spamming the place.

Post edited on 14th Jul 2012, 5:44am
>> No. 2647 [Edit]
If you do it anonymously, it just makes it look like the site is more busy.
Which I believe would make people more inclined to post.
>> No. 2668 [Edit]

Tohno-chan has been my home site since first coming here.... Man, I don't even know. I think it was like a month after things got started?

Anyways, it has been my home for a long time now, and while I may not post much anymore, you guys are still some of the only ones I feel comfortable talking with.

Can't imagine days without this place now that I have a home again.
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