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1915 No. 1915 [Edit]
Is it just me, or is Tohno-chan really slow these past few months? Slower than it even was when it was new. Usually I come on here after half a day and its something like: /ot/ has two new posts, /so/ has one new post, everything else no new posts. Usually a big posting spike happens when someone makes a new thread though.
>> No. 1916 [Edit]
maybe you should make some new threads.
>> No. 1917 [Edit]
i like it this way
>> No. 1920 [Edit]
I noticed it the past few weeks. At first I blamed Christmas but it's no longer a valid excuse.

Well, it's not like I hate it this way.
>> No. 1921 [Edit]
Just a thought, but it might have something to do with kakusu.
>> No. 1922 [Edit]
Kakusu has been around for a lot longer than just a few months..
>> No. 1997 [Edit]
most of the current users have learned by now that if you post a new thread there is a greater than 50% chance it will be deleted, so why make the effort…
>> No. 1998 [Edit]
Don't make shit threads then?
>> No. 1999 [Edit]
yeah, well i think we all realize that kuso is in the eye of the beholder and i suspect that a large fraction of the TC demographic will naturally seek to avoid situations where judgement is passed on them.
>> No. 2001 [Edit]
threads that get deleted, are usually just threads that deal with Ford Drivergoty in some way.
>> No. 2003 [Edit]
so ford drivergoty is something that should never be dealt with? I think you guys might be happier if you learned to live in harmony with ford drivers.
>> No. 2004 [Edit]
if we wanted that we would be on 4chan
>> No. 2005 [Edit]
>> No. 2006 [Edit]
>live in harmony with ford drivers.

Oy vey, to the stocks with him!
>> No. 2010 [Edit]
I've nver had my threads deleted. Just stop making shit threads.
>> No. 2014 [Edit]

This. Problem solved.
>> No. 2018 [Edit]
I think it's been a little slow. It just means I should stop refreshing the front page though.
>> No. 2095 [Edit]
You chased away all the people that used keep the place flowing. At least people tried to make new threads in the beginning, even if there were only a few of us.

I know the idea was to have quality over quantity, but has the quality really improved with the reduction in quantity?
>> No. 2096 [Edit]
why does this come up every few months? the site is about as fast as it normally is
>> No. 2108 [Edit]

I don't think this is true. We hads a spike in activity somewhere around summer last year (but the spike itself surely wasn't realted to LOLSUMMER despite what DESU kept saying - you could see the amount of posts slowly rising for quite some time, the trend was clearly visible) and now we're back to a much slower period. Heck, I feel that even on ib4f we were 'faster' most of the time.


>I know the idea was to have quality over quantity, but has the quality really improved with the reduction in quantity?

See, I feel that this is mostly related to /so/. Other boards sort of carry on as they used to, /an/ gets thread for this season's anime, recent games are being discussed in /vg/, whenever there's a big release someone makes a thread in /vn/.

But back in the day /so/ was the board where I went to if I was looking for an interesting topic (by back in the day I mostly mean the post ib4f /tc/ as the old /so/ was very specific, with at least 1/3 threads related to suicide). I feel that some 80% of quality conversations/discussion took place on /so/.

As for why we stopped it's hard to say. I think we kinda ran out of interesting topics. You'd find a direct proportionality between the quality of discussion and the dropping length of an average post (I can in no way confirm this but I trust my meory enough to say that the biggest Great Wall of Text conversations took place on ib4f).

Basically now /so/ feels kinda true to it's name, although /blo/ would be still more accurate. Back in the day it felt more like /phi/.
>> No. 2109 [Edit]

>You chased away all the people that used keep the place flowing.

I don't recall anyone being 'chased away'. You left for whatever reason you had (i.e. being dissatisfie with 'nepotism' and how Tohno runs things in general), A_Brohno left for whatever reason he had (because he was upset hamish asked him to stop sitting up the /irc/), DESU left for whatever reason he had ('it's all Ford Driver territory now'), other people who followed DESU (Necrosage for example) kinda left for whatever reason they had. I don't think I even remember what was Surtic's problem (other than then the gay RP thing which he was always participating in only to complain about it later).

I mean sure, IIRC DESU WAS banned but there was a valid reason for it and he never said 'I left because I got banned', not even once. I'm not sure whether you got banned in the end but no matter how one looks at it you were acting like a dick so I can't say it was fully undeserved.

Some people left on their own for reason other than dissatisfaction with how the site operates (I wonder if Natsume counts towards them, seeing as how he clearly was unhappy with the userbase) and I obviously can't say they got 'chased away' either. The only people that come to mind in terms of 'chased away' are Ui (obvious) and all the people that got banned by freed because he's a humongous faggot (fumi for example). That's it.

I've got to say I'm getting tired of all the 'lol tc ded' threads.
>> No. 2111 [Edit]
i dont think the board gets slower because of self-absorbed drama queens leaving
it gets slower because you run out of things to talk about. for places like /mai/ or /so/ there's only so many times you can talk about the same thing before you start running into repeats. if a community doesnt grow in a specific direction it just slowly dwindles and people move on to other places.
>> No. 2112 [Edit]
>> No. 2116 [Edit]
>(other than then the gay RP thing which he was always participating in only to complain about it later).
My main issue was the lack of people taking it easy and overreacting.
Not that I'm gone, of course, real life issues are a bitch.
>> No. 2259 [Edit]

pretty much this. i can't think of anything worthy to post, and rarely find any pre-existing threads of interest so i have not posted anything in a long time. /tc/ is after all a fairly generic community which is why so many of the boards - excluding things like /so/ and /mai/ which are fairly unique here - feel dead.
>> No. 2261 [Edit]
Maybe five of the threads on /ot/ being 'daily report general' threads has something to do with it. Many of those single posts could've become threads in their own right, spurning new discussion (new threads usually set off a mini-boom of posts)
>> No. 2262 [Edit]
nah, then people would just get shit for making 'blog style' threads.
>> No. 2263 [Edit]
Well if its good enough to be its own thread, then make it as a new thread. Never mind if its bloggish. Its hard to divorce our daily experience as inspiration for our posts because invariably thats what we all base them off.
>> No. 2273 [Edit]

Agreed. All '[x] general' threads and the likes kill the activity on the site.

Ironically everybody complains about us having too many boards but if we were like /bun/ we'd be getting about as many posts as they do. The joke is /bun/'s IRC channel is more active than /tc/'s (because they don't have any place they could post).
>> No. 2332 [Edit]
How many posts a day does /tc/ on a whole get, nowadays? Just curious.
>> No. 2333 [Edit]
I think less than 30 most days
>> No. 2334 [Edit]
Hard to say, our recent post system doesn't show time or dates and wont show mare than 50 posts at a time.

but the time of the 50th post from this moment was

so I guess you can compare it to the current time of my post to get some idea.
>> No. 2348 [Edit]
>away' are Ui (obvious)

I got banned for starting shit to a argument (which I clearly can't even remember clearly).
>> No. 2349 [Edit]
When connected to rizon, PM Tohno_ to ask for a unban.
and in doing so, it would be helpful if you provide your host-mask thingamajig.
>> No. 2350 [Edit]
Being you know who I am, I don't think that's a wise idea. I won't go into fussy drama (because it's not needed) but I think we all know what happened that warrented my ban right?

Hell I probably don't know why I came here again. the url was still easy to remember and I wanted to see how you guys were getting along.
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