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2390 No. 2390 [Edit]
Because the IRC and site itself seem to be separate entities, with their own separate user bases. Some believe the irc channel should have it's own set of rules, since many regulars of the channel never visit the site, let along read the rules.

anyway, feel free to discuss the channel, but mainly what rules it should have.
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>> No. 2444 [Edit]

>Again, why should females be banned and mentioning you're female forbidden? 'Females are retards' is not a legitimate reason.

Why should normals be banned and mentioning you were out clubbing with your buddies yesterday and fucking chicks you picked up forbidden? 'Normals are retards' is not a legitimate reason.

The reason is the same, we just don't want to fucking know.

>there is the attitude on this site that the slightest whiff of something that might offend our equilibrium must be bashed out or else 'the site will become shit

It's true, though.

>The only legitimate coutner argument I can think of for this is that personal details shouldn't be mentioned at all. In that case there should be a blanket ban/discouragement on mentioning all personal details, and not just gender.

Actually pretty much everybody said the same thing if you'd actually read the thread.


>Also, I kind of wish the site was more focused on anime and games than being sad. I'm as guilty as anyone of posting how depressed I am and about my troubles and it IS nice to have a place to vent, but it really sucks when I barely see anyone talking about anything else

That's how depression works I guess, you just stop doing things that used to be fun. Can't be helped.
>> No. 2445 [Edit]
Irc rules same than rules on the site.
>> No. 2448 [Edit]
It is a matter of courtesy. You don't say you're a girl just like you don't say you go on 4chan or that you smoke weed or whatever. It is a social faux-pas.
All of us have our `failings', but it doesn't matter; what matters is that we only know about you what you are willing to post. And we are very willing to be fooled, because I bet that if I knew what every poster on tohno-chan was really like I'd swiftly leave the place. We want to maintain the illusion that makes this place a safe haven.
All of this is implicit. It is a question of board culture, and you're going to have to agree to this unspoken contract if you want to continue posting here.
We don't want neither people who don't agree with it nor people who are too oblivious to notice it.

That's how I see things, at least.
>> No. 2449 [Edit]

>just like you don't say you go on 4chan

It's funny because everytime I tell people to take 4chan meta discussion elsewhere I'm told that the only regulars on the channel who don't browse 4chan is me and Tohno.
>> No. 2450 [Edit]
You're not the only one, but it doesn't matter. The IRC channel is shit. Most are.
>> No. 2453 [Edit]

Well, the purpose of the thread is to improve the channel, even if by a wee little bit. Not like it's gonna be as good as the site but let's face it, lots of us spend our days staring at the walls, might as well waste in some other way.
>> No. 2457 [Edit]

Browsing 4chan and liking it's meta and circlejerk discussions are two entirely different things.
>> No. 2477 [Edit]
While I don't personally have a problem with female users, I can understand why there's such a backlash against them considering the context of the board/irc. I find that the majority of them don't really seem to fit in with the userbase. In my experience female shutins always seem to be the way they are because of relationship stuff (see >>2369) and still feel the urge to pursue them/other normal stuff. Sorry, but tohno just isn't the place to discuss those kinds of things, there are plenty of other places on the net for that.
>> No. 2478 [Edit]
There's probably some that fit in, you just can't tell because they, well, fit in.
>> No. 2479 [Edit]

>female shutins always seem to be the way they are because of relationship stuff

You'd be surprised but the same is holds true for quite a few guys (both on the site and IRC), we just don't bring it up.
>> No. 2483 [Edit]
>we just don't bring it up
So how do you know?
>> No. 2485 [Edit]
From really old Tohno-chan/private messages/seeing them on other sites
>> No. 2491 [Edit]

Mostly PMing with other people. I'm one of those guys, too.
>> No. 2494 [Edit]
I'm surprised this thread is still going, and whining about females instead of the actual topic (IRC rules). I don't see the big issue with females if they don't bring it up. If you've been on /tc/ long enough you'd know there are indeed a few regular females here (lurk the MAL, Steam, IRC, or even board to see), so I don't understand why there is such strong animosity to them. I'm willing to bet no one could even mention one by name, since they don't stick out anymore than male posters do.

Anyway, for an actual (not really serious) IRC rule: Take it easy with the damn DOTA talk.
>> No. 2499 [Edit]
If there are girls there, they do a good job of hiding it.

>Anyway, for an actual (not really serious) IRC rule: Take it easy with the damn DOTA talk.

This please. It's like god damn LoL all over again.
>> No. 2500 [Edit]
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>If there are girls there, they do a good job of hiding it.
Yes and that is totally fine.

Forgive my 4chan picture but this is what I think about female posters. There is absolutely no reason to tell why you are female in internet, unless you want attention.
>> No. 2505 [Edit]
It really is, but no one ever complains about it on IRC so of course they wont ease up on it.
>> No. 2506 [Edit]
If I got mad every time people on IRC started talking about things I don't care about then I would be mad all the time. Well, I am mad all the time anyway but you get my point
>> No. 2508 [Edit]

I never really see guys discuss it though,
I assume they're uninterested in them.

But in my experience most women are still interested in them and other real life goings/complaints and feel the need to tell everyone.
>> No. 2511 [Edit]
You should delete the IRC channel so more people post on the site
>> No. 2512 [Edit]
they'd just make another
>> No. 2513 [Edit]
It should be deleted for the sole reason that it and the people who use it are pure garbage.
>> No. 2515 [Edit]
gee... thanks.
>> No. 2516 [Edit]
No need to thank me.
>> No. 2518 [Edit]

Treat the IRC as a filter, all the bad stuff goes there and stays there and thanks to that the site is much more peaceful.
>> No. 2519 [Edit]
The IRC is just for taking it easy anyway. Most things end up posted on the site if there is an appropriate board for it. The site is just slow because I guess you can only talk about anime or games so much before you start saying the same things.
>> No. 2520 [Edit]
>> No. 2521 [Edit]
well on IRC we had Matryoshka who is banned now and I know we have another but I'm not going to say names because it's unimportant and was only mentioned in passing once to me by her and has never been made an issue.
>> No. 2522 [Edit]
She sometimes joins IRC with her first name, it's not like she tries to hide that she's a woman.
>> No. 2523 [Edit]

Some people use IRC shells...and if you ping out, or there is a net split or whatever sometimes your nick lingers around, and upon auto-reconnect it picks the next one available.
>> No. 2529 [Edit]
Because this thread is still active,

Remove my modstuff tobo before I do something stupid. I'm getting way to silly and I wouldn't be surprised I ended up deleting half the fucking site somehow

So yeah, remove my shit.

And no I'm not going back on the irc stop asking and delete this after you see it
>> No. 2530 [Edit]
meebs wats wrong

-le ayu
>> No. 2531 [Edit]
But why
>> No. 2532 [Edit]
Make me, punk.
>> No. 2533 [Edit]
File 134070059773.jpg - (529.08KB , 675x975 , 0625hadashi_0056.jpg )
I think everyone needs to start taking it easy again.
>> No. 2534 [Edit]

But you already did, and I thank you for.

If possible delete the last few posts to eliminate any minor drama that some idiots will post, even though its not relevant to the main site. Stal was given owner to the other channel about a month or so ago as planned so my absent means shit all in that sense.

This cry for attention aside, it was fun for the last two years but alas I must move on in life before I end up killing myself, so long
>> No. 2536 [Edit]
Yeah tihs site isn't exactly what you'd want to be browsing if you wanted to turn your life in a positive direction. But Meeps, I hardly knew ye..
>> No. 2538 [Edit]

Good luck with life/work/school, if we never see you again.

I guess the reasons are irrelevant if you are gone. But if it's problems with the site/IRC, it's kind of helpful to say precisely the issue is, so it can possibly be rectified. If it's personal, then it need not be brought up.
>> No. 2539 [Edit]
Well. That was unexpected. Take it easy and enjoy yourself, man. Remember to drop by the go club if you're ever around this shithole where I live.
>> No. 2540 [Edit]
Come back some time and keep us up to date please.
I don't want to just have you disappear. I'm not telling you to come back, just drop in some time.
Have a fun time and shit.
>> No. 2541 [Edit]
can we delete this thread and not let the circlejerk spread ot the rest of the site?
>> No. 2542 [Edit]
Good riddance.
>> No. 2544 [Edit]
Because half the channle got operator status in the IRC channel last night.
>> No. 2545 [Edit]
how does that tokiko guy go from being auto banned for evasion to voiced? he drove out half the channel
>> No. 2546 [Edit]

A bunch of people got random OPs one boring night, so I guess some voiced themselves for some reason. He isn't banned anyway, he kept evading and got let back in.
>> No. 2547 [Edit]
>>2545 >>2546
I have been banned twice for short periods of time, but both bans were quickly reversed. I've never been autobanned and I've never evaded my bans. I just change my name often because I'm goofy.
>> No. 2562 [Edit]
Does two ops, and some random dude talking with the channle on mute for a few minutes make the channle a OP circlejerk?
>> No. 2567 [Edit]
yes, yes it does.
>> No. 2651 [Edit]
I've been coming to irc for a long time, but I don't feel like I have much in common with anyone else. Weird, because I am into a lot of the usual stuff (jrpgs and vns etc.) but not anime, which is now maybe 90% of discussion. But it's the only place I can stand anymore.
>> No. 2652 [Edit]

Most people in there like VNs and JRPGs. You can always talk about them. I think most people are talking about anime lately because the latest season started not too long ago.
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