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2340 No. 2340 [Edit]
What does Kakusu mean when it is in the mail field? Pardon me, I'm new here obviously.
>> No. 2341 [Edit]
It both sages the post and makes it not appear in the new posts list on the front page.
>> No. 2342 [Edit]
It means that you are a cute little 2D girl on this website.
>> No. 2343 [Edit]

>> No. 2344 [Edit]
>> No. 2355 [Edit]
Why is there no "Kakusu" button? Perhaps it is not required since you could type it, but there is Noko and Sage.
>> No. 2370 [Edit]

I have never ever used those.
>> No. 2387 [Edit]
I guess because we don't want everyone using it. Otherwise nobody would know where posts are being made on the recent posts page. Its only used when you absolutely don't think your post is worth the attention.
>> No. 2388 [Edit]
Pretty much.
>> No. 2389 [Edit]

I.e. every single time.
>> No. 2396 [Edit]
Well try not to use it so much!
>> No. 2397 [Edit]
If someone thought their post wasn't worth attention, why should they bother posting it at all?
>> No. 2398 [Edit]
To voice their opinion on something, all be it quietly.
>> No. 2419 [Edit]

It's hard.


That's a good question actually. Maybe I should stop posting altogether.
>> No. 2427 [Edit]
So long as it isn't a contemptuous rule breaking post or something of the same ilk, I appreciate peoples' contributions to threads. So don't be afraid, after all theres not much point if nobody reads the post you've written or tc looks like its dead because everyone is using kakusu.
>> No. 2428 [Edit]

Even if I write a somewhat worthwhile post I still kakusu because if I bump an old thread I feel like I'm trying to force people to discuss the topic in question. It can't be helped.
>> No. 2451 [Edit]
I don't see why you can't just sage.
>> No. 2454 [Edit]

It'd still appear on the frontpage. Imagine someone refreshing the frontpage, thinking 'oh look, there are some new posts!' and then realizing that 'oh, it's just that guy again'.

Also, I don't even use the frontpage, with the amount of kakusus it's much more convenient to just look through the boards twice a day, really.
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