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File 131395751344.gif - (177.37KB , 245x222 , dance of joy.gif )
1450 No. 1450 [Edit]
It's back!
>> No. 1451 [Edit]
It's back!
>> No. 1455 [Edit]
Yeah but it's acting a bit weird, now...

Am I the only one who keeps getting errors on his posts? my recent posts did apear in the main page, but not in the respective thread and/or thread preview (on the respective board) until about a minute later.
>> No. 1456 [Edit]
...OK, maybe more than just 1 minute (worried, now).
>> No. 1457 [Edit]
Someone else was telling me about some posting errors, but I dunno.
haven't noticed anything much, aside from the down time, yesterday I think it was.
>> No. 1458 [Edit]
i get the same error but i have no idea what the problem is. the posts show up eventually
>> No. 1459 [Edit]

The threads cache for me, is that what you are talking about? Try pressing F5 in the thread immediately after posting.
>> No. 1460 [Edit]
wats bak
>> No. 1461 [Edit]
Site was down for a few a day.
>> No. 1466 [Edit]
Oh, you're right: simply refreshing solves it. Thanks.
>> No. 1518 [Edit]
SQL database connection error: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111
>> No. 1519 [Edit]
This thread apears as empty:
>> No. 1520 [Edit]
Just noticed that a minute ago.
still trying to figure it out.
>> No. 1522 [Edit]
fixed it, but had to delete your post
no idea what the problem was, but here is the text so you can repost it:
>> No. 1525 [Edit]
Oh thanks! how kind (I was wondering, indeed). Will proceed now.
>> No. 1535 [Edit]
does anyone still experience the caching problem? i cant check any new posts at all and have to do a hard refresh on every page. it only happens on tohno-chan
>> No. 1536 [Edit]
>have to do a hard refresh on every page. it only happens on tohno-chan

Yes: it has become like a second nature to me, by now.

And I don't remember wich one it was, but yet another thread was displayed as empty, when trying to expand/reply it.
>> No. 1537 [Edit]
theres been wierd problems all over the site ever since it broke a couple of weeks ago
I'm trying to fix the caching problem but have no leads on it yet
what browser are you using?
>> No. 1538 [Edit]
Firefox 4.0.1 and 3.6.22 on 64bit-Win7 and 32bit-XP, respectivelly (haven't upgraded to the last one because it apparently doesn't support 4chan add-ons, althought I hardly use them now)...

The first time it happened I thought it could be the browser, indeed, but I stopped caring before doing any tests on Explorer or some other shitty browser. Might as well post this from there...
>> No. 1539 [Edit]
Explorer was even worst: refereshing does't solve anything. Pposting this from Mozilla again.
>> No. 1559 [Edit]
I think i've fixed this problem, tell me if it's working out

edit - make sure to clear your web cache first

Post edited on 24th Sep 2011, 9:43pm
>> No. 1606 [Edit]
It seems fixed, indeed.
Am I curious: what did you do?

EDIT: and now we can also edit posts here on /fb/. Good.

Post edited on 3rd Oct 2011, 9:08pm
>> No. 2297 [Edit]
>> No. 2298 [Edit]
Oh Haruhi, I'm so happy that it's back. ;_;
>> No. 2305 [Edit]
The front page scares me a bit, but it's still a hell of an April fools joke.
>> No. 2320 [Edit]
Ehh, I dunno where else to post this, and don't really want to make a thread(or big deal) out of it...

This is something I gotta get off my chest already.
If I wanted my word to be law, I wouldn't be posting Anonymously
I know some people can tell it's me, but when I post Anonymously, I do so becuase I want to post as a regular average user of the site, not as the admin.
Anything I say when posting Anonymously, is just my opinion or personal view on the matter at hand.
I have no intention of ruling this site with an iron first, and forcing my opinions as iron clad rules, the rules in place are there for the benefit of the people not for the person.
So please, if I'm posting Anonymously, don't just assume everything I say has something to do with how the site will be run.
This is why I don't post more often with my tripcode thing on, last thing i want is for people to take out of context lines from my posts and use them against other people on the site.
Like how people posting on 4chan would use screen caps of what moot has said in the past as weapons in meta arguments, like passages from a bible that they warp and twist the interpretations of to suit the situation at hand.
I'm not moot, please don't act like I am.
I'm here every singe day, if there's something you want to discuss related to the site, that's what we have /fb/ for.
Sorry if I don't reply to everything on /fb/, I do read it all(I mean it), I just don't know how to respond most of the time, or the question/problem has already been addressed by other people here.
>> No. 2321 [Edit]
I'm just guessing: does this also has to do with you not wanting others to try to expose you every time you post anonymously? if that's the case, I support you entirely. once or twice could be funny, but all the time... even I think it's quite agressive.
>> No. 2323 [Edit]
I'm still not 100% sure what it is about my typing style that sets me apart to be honest.
I mean, it's not like I'm doing it on purpose.
>> No. 2324 [Edit]
One tip is to stop pressing enter after you end a sentence. Not because it's technically bad grammar (who cares anyway), but it's easy to pick out. I could add more but at a certain point it gets silly.

Personally, I know that people would be able to pick me out of the crowd, mainly because of the way I post in batches a few times a day/week/month. I am graced by the fact that I'm a nobody in this site, so it remains a non-issue. I wish for you the same posting comfort; for what it's worth I forward your sentiments on this matter. It shouldn't be too much to ask to be able enjoy your own products in peace, even if it's viral.
>> No. 2325 [Edit]
>One tip is to stop pressing enter after you end a sentence. Not because it's technically bad grammar (who cares anyway), but it's easy to pick out. I could add more but at a certain point it gets silly.

He also gets really aggressive when anime he doesn't like gets mentioned, namely Madoka. Basically tohno if you want to go unnoticed do what this guy said and also don't get into arguments as much
>> No. 2337 [Edit]
The problem with your anonymous posting is that 95% (that's generous) of your anonymous posts are very rude. It makes you look like an ass who wants to tell everybody how much of a disgusting, sick in the head faggot emo hipster with no shame at all they are (because they like a show you don't) but at the same time you don't have the courage to say it properly and instead you just restore to random anonymous insults.

It's not just Madoka of course, even though some people try to brush it off as 'well mahou shoujo without mountains of candy and rainbows is Tohno's pet peeve'. People who are not misogynist ('white knights' as you like to call them) or people who happen to prefer gaming devices from companies other than Sony are other examples.
These are the three biggest ones but if we were to get more specific there'd be much more.

Look, I don't care whether you think of Madoka's fanbase as sick paedophiles, whether you think women are source of all evil in the world and whether you think people should throw their wallets at Sony because they are the world's greatest company. I think I'd prefer you didn't but it's okay, really. People are different and as such different opinions on the same matter are inevitable.

However, there's one thing I really can't stand and refuse to accept - a person who has an official trip-on 'well I see your point and I respect your opinion but I happen to disagree' mode and a trip-off 'fuck you you fucking trash emo faggot hipest paedophiles' mode.

Don't brush it off as 'when I post Anonymously, I do so becuase I want to post as a regular average user of the site, not as the admin' because that's bullshit and you know it. Whether you use your trip or not depends on something completely different than your unwillingness to represent an official stance on the matter as an admin.
>> No. 2351 [Edit]
Site's been up and down a lot today
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