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File 135547329352.png - (49.63KB , 452x102 , ruri.png )
3274 No. 3274 [Edit]
How do you honestly feel about Tohno-chan as a community?
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>> No. 3275 [Edit]
Replies: >>3281
/mai/ is nice.
/ot/ and /so/ are a little too edgy for me, sometimes, but generally, I agree with most of what I read. Indifferent to the rest.
The IRC and everybody in it is/are terrible, though.
>> No. 3277 [Edit]
Replies: >>3278
I like it. There's a few people I don't like and I groan when certain subjects come up because they always end up the same way (this thread for example will probably get bad), but overall I wouldn't change anything.
>> No. 3278 [Edit]
Don't worry, I'll give this thread a few good days before I post my opinion and piss people off, start a shit fit of rants, arguments, derailment, and name calling.
>> No. 3280 [Edit]
It's disgraceful. But it kept me going. And there's no other place I think I could go by now.
>> No. 3281 [Edit]
/an/ and /ot/ are quite nice. I feel like /so/ has more shitty posts nowadays.

>The IRC and everybody in it is/are terrible, though.
I agree.
>> No. 3282 [Edit]
Nothing to complain
>> No. 3283 [Edit]
I mentioned how I feel about /tc/'s community in this post:
>> No. 3284 [Edit]
Replies: >>3285
I think most of it has turned to shit, so I avoid the blogging boards (/so/, /ot/). /an/ is the only place I really frequent, but I like boards like /cr/, /mt/, and /fig/. I like the community of /an/.
>> No. 3285 [Edit]
Replies: >>3287 >>3289
i don't like /fig/ because i think it is getting too close to crossing the line into 3d
>> No. 3286 [Edit]
You're ok. The irc is not good. I can't say the site's been good for a long time.
>> No. 3287 [Edit]
You're a fucking retard.
you and everyone else who complains about 3D when people aren't involved.
>> No. 3288 [Edit]
I generally like you guys.
>> No. 3289 [Edit]
Replies: >>3297
Trying a bit too hard there, if you ask me.
>> No. 3290 [Edit]
Replies: >>3291
File 135555523179.jpg - (579.42KB , 850x1200 , 5d172768d68d416166a390608ba3aece.jpg )
I don't think that now is a good time to judge the community since nothing has really happened to show or see the entire community as it is, but I like you guys.

I hope you guys can put up with my annoying personality and overall terrible existence.♥
>> No. 3291 [Edit]
Replies: >>3292
you waiting for a terrorist attack or something?
>> No. 3292 [Edit]
Replies: >>3293 >>3294
Um, no. I just think that we'll see the community as it truly is when we'll get together to do something or other or have a discussion where it ends with all of us in agreement. I mean, yeah mostly everybody here is anonymous and stuff, but we can at least get a feel as to what the community is like in a better way rather than judging it off one or a few individuals.
>> No. 3293 [Edit]
I think I've been here more than long enough to get a decent grasp on the community, and a 'get together' is simply lol, not gonna happen bro.
>> No. 3294 [Edit]
Sure. Where would you like to meet up? I'd like to have a discussion and agree with you some more.
>> No. 3295 [Edit]
Replies: >>3296
I remember about two years ago when I would refresh all the time. I would get excited when I saw new posts, and I always looked forward to waking up the next day and catching up on the posts which happened during my sleep. People were nice and very polite to each other, generally people were sad more than angry. I think the users now are too angry and are too sensitive about what is and isn't acceptable on this site.
>> No. 3296 [Edit]
>> No. 3297 [Edit]
Replies: >>3298
figs are a gateway to cosplay.
dakimakura is where the line should be drawn.
>> No. 3298 [Edit]
Replies: >>3299
Again, You're a fucking retard.
>> No. 3299 [Edit]
Replies: >>3300
enjoy your 3d
>> No. 3300 [Edit]
>> No. 3301 [Edit]
I love the community here, even the shitty aspects of it (the preceding couple of posts are a good example) are more endearing and inadverdently comical than they are irritating. I even find myself missing some of the more annoying posters that have since left, such as giascle, from time to time. It's just so comfortable here, like the extended family that I never had.
/mai/ in particular is a special place to me, it's almost amazing how the board can remain kind and supportive without turning into a complete cirlejerk.
I've never visited the irc, though.
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