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File 135754438898.png - (583.38KB , 800x900 , 1348275516238.png )
3365 No. 3365 [Edit]
Can we formally ask that people not abuse spoilers? Misused spoilers degrade the quality of your post and, in turn, degrade the quality of the site. If there's something that you want to say that you think is off-topic to discussion and you don't want to derail the thread, you should consider not saying it at all, or being more thoughtful about the words you use. Hiding the words you're so embarrassed to be saying behind an ugly black bar is hardly going to prevent anybody from reading it, (and responding, if they have something to say to it,) anyway.

If you think that abusing spoilers adds flare and personality to your otherwise bland post, it almost never does. Put more thought into your post or just realize that you're not on /a/ anymore and don't need to do silly shit like that here.

And above all of that, it adds confusion. Sometimes I don't know if it's actually a spoiler about something or just the continuation of somebody's thought that they figured would be made more interesting if I'm SURPRISED!!! when I read it.

This place is partially /a/'s dirty laundry, but I also like to think that it's the evolution of /a/. Let's grow past these /a/-level shenanigans and promote positive and meaningful discussion here.

So, my suggestion is that it becomes formally discouraged in the rules, mods be encouraged to edit spoilers out of uselessly spoilered posts, it becomes encouraged to report senseless spoilering and if anybody's feeling ambitious, when a spoiler tag is written in the comment field, a little note be added to the right of the comment box that says something like "Please do not abuse spoilers," or "Use, don't abuse".
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>> No. 3366 [Edit]
It's never really bothered me, I don't care either way
>> No. 3367 [Edit]
Yeah sure, no prob.
>> No. 3368 [Edit]
Stop being responsive and good and stuff and let me be a jerk to him first!

>> No. 3369 [Edit]
File 135754933668.jpg - (62.45KB , 558x600 , 1265144312576.jpg )
You want some of this, punk?
>> No. 3370 [Edit]
I appreciate it.
>> No. 3371 [Edit]
In retrospect I realized I have no clue how to program in something that would detect when a spoiler is used, but I added it to the discouraged area of the rules.
>> No. 3372 [Edit]
I'm not a programmer either, but I think it's a painfully simple thing to write. There isn't anyone in IRC who could do it?
>> No. 3373 [Edit]
inb4 some regex monstruosity <tag>(.*?)<\/tag>
>> No. 3375 [Edit]
Misusing spoilers already falls under "/b/-Level Shit". It doesn't need specific rule. But people should also understand that putting climax of joke in spoilers isn't misuse spoiler function.
>> No. 3376 [Edit]
/b/ doesn't even have spoiler tags, dude.

>putting climax of joke in spoilers isn't misuse spoiler function
Maybe if we're telling knock-knock jokes.

It is blatant misuse. Just because you've seen it done on /a/ a million times, that doesn't mean it's proper.
>> No. 3378 [Edit]
>/b/ doesn't even have spoiler tags, dude.
4chan isn't only place that has /b/.

>It is blatant misuse.
No. If person accidentally reads what is the funny part of the joke, before he has finished reading the whole joke, it spoils it. Spoiler is anything which reveals something and ruins the experience.

>Just because you've seen it done on /a/ a million times, that doesn't mean it's proper.
I don't use /a/ but maybe you should go back there, if you want complain how /a/ doesn't use spoiler function right.
>> No. 3379 [Edit]
>If person accidentally reads what is the funny part of the joke, before he has finished reading the whole joke, it spoils it. Spoiler is anything which reveals something and ruins the experience.
You're really stretching here. Spoiler tags do not make jokes funnier and a lack of spoiler tags will hardly ever "ruin" a joke. "Joke" spoiler tags just cause senseless confusion and their presence increases the likelihood that you'll accidentally read a real spoiler because you're so used to everybody just using them for aid in their poor comic delivery.

>if you want complain how /a/ doesn't use spoiler function right.
Imagine if we had a ton of people here who still thought sage was used as an insult to OP. By your logic, if I came to /fb/ to talk about how stupid that is and fixing the problem, I should just go back to 4chan to complain about it there, since they also misunderstand the proper handling of a useful board function.
>> No. 3380 [Edit]
Waaaah waaaah people are doing something I don't like on Tohno-chan please ban it!
>> No. 3381 [Edit]
>Spoiler tags do not make jokes funnier
I never said they do.

>a lack of spoiler tags will hardly ever "ruin" a joke
In my opinion lack of spoiler tags hardly "ruins" anime experience but I still don't demand people to stop using them or I don't stop using them.

>"Joke" spoiler tags just cause senseless confusion
I don't think I've ever said anything about "joke spoiler tags". "Joke spoiler tags" are different thing than using spoiler tags to hide climax of the joke.

>their presence increases the likelihood that you'll accidentally read a real spoiler
Then please define "real spoiler".

>Imagine if we had a ton of people here who still thought sage was used as an insult to OP. By your logic, if I came to /fb/ to talk about how stupid that is and fixing the problem, I should just go back to 4chan to complain about it there, since they also misunderstand the proper handling of a useful board function.
Then you have understood my logic wrong because your scenario is different. Hint; imagine how I would have answered if none would have mentioned /a/ here.

I don't know how people on /a/ use spoilers and I don't care. If you know and you don't like it, go complain in there. /fb/ is board for discussion of this site.
>> No. 3382 [Edit]
Nobody suggested it be ban worthy.
>> No. 3383 [Edit]
It would be more on the level of discouraged as making vague threads in /an/ without titles and stuff right?
>> No. 3384 [Edit]
I imagine. I'd rather the place not be turned into "who are you spoilering?" and "fuck off with your spoilers" everywhere, though, so I think mods editing out useless spoiler tags from posts and issuing warnings to repeat offenders should suffice. I still think that the text that appears next to the comment box when spoiler tags are entered is a cool idea, but if there's nobody who will write the code for that, I don't see it being implemented any time soon.

And I suppose users can just politely discourage senseless spoilering.
>> No. 3385 [Edit]
File 135761019683.jpg - (32.46KB , 640x480 , snapshot20090628004212.jpg )

If you can't tell what the anime is from the picture alone you don't deserve to watch it.
>> No. 3387 [Edit]

Sure, because people search for threads in /arc/ based on pictures.

No, fuck off. If you are too dense to create a thread properly wait until someone else will do it for you.
>> No. 3388 [Edit]
I agree with >>3387

That's a retarded position you've taken. I think either you're trying too hard to be elitist, or you really do take pride in something as trivial as watching seasonal anime.
>> No. 3389 [Edit]
I think he was joking, guys.
>> No. 3391 [Edit]

One can only hope.
>> No. 3393 [Edit]

Ah, must be nice to be such an optimist. Sure doesn't sound like a joke to me, though.
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