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File 135158986183.gif - (1.54MB , 390x219 , Saten eating ice cream.gif )
3054 No. 3054 [Edit]
/fb/ - Tohno-chan's flagship board.
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>> No. 3057 [Edit]
Green Saten was kind of annoying.
>> No. 3059 [Edit]
Fuck yeah it is!
>> No. 3063 [Edit]
I always thought of /mai/ as being the flagship board, (and maybe /so/), but whatever.
>> No. 3072 [Edit]
I personally see /so/ and /mai/ as the flagships, /fb/ has just recently gained some popupalirity, sadly.
>> No. 3073 [Edit]
There has been more posts in /fb/ in the last 72 hours or so than posts on the entire site done in the last month. All this talk about dead boards and bad posts...well...go make some actual posts on the boards.
>> No. 3074 [Edit]
Yeah if people posted as much as they have here recently on the rest of the site, it would solve half our problems.
>> No. 3080 [Edit]
Yeah I wish people would argue as pasisonately about otaku things as they would about the destiny of this site.
>> No. 3084 [Edit]
I was hoping for someone to tell me that I was wrong and that green Saten wasn't all that bad of a character.

Even if the show itself wasn't that good.
>> No. 3090 [Edit]
File 135165488267.jpg - (104.45KB , 1280x720 , greensaten.jpg )

I thought she was alright.
>> No. 3102 [Edit]
She was a little annoying, not too bad, but that body swap thing was a real bitch thing to do.
>> No. 3106 [Edit]
Rather than make a new thread I guess I'll just post this here. Ive been thinking about this for a while now. Tohno-chan benefits greatly from its unique boards. I think /mai/ draws a lot of people to this site, in fact, Tohno-chan is probably THE best place on the internet if you want to talk about your waifu. And also /so/, although controversial, also fulfills a lucrative niche as a place for otaku to whine about their lives.

So maybe we should brainstorm some more interesting board ideas, or even think outside the box and create, I dunno, a flash archive or booru or something. Don't worry if they're already being done elsewhere. For instance maybe we could make a Vocaloid board, or Japanese music board. Or maybe some 3D related stuff like idols, gravure idols, kigurumi, cosplay[spoiler] Hey i'm just putting the idea out there.[/spoiler]
>> No. 3108 [Edit]

>Or maybe some 3D related stuff

No. I'm fine with lots of silly boards but leave 3D out of /tc/. This is coming from someone who would LOVE to have a place to talk where I could talk about seiyuu (someday I'll just ask Tohno to create a hidden board for me and I'll talk with myself there, it'll be like /tc/ used to be back in the day again - one guy replying to himself).

We have plenty of unique boards as it is anyway. What other imageboards have boards dedicated to lighthouses, breakdancing, Shinden, wanting to be a little lesbian girl or Mach Go Go Go? We could use a mahjong board, though.
>> No. 3109 [Edit]
I think we have too many boards already. Vocaloid and Japanese music just belong in /mp3/.

And, although I wouldn't mind an idol board, I don't see it flying with tohno and there doesn't seem to be much of a demand for it.
>> No. 3110 [Edit]
>We could use a mahjong board, though.
We already have one.

Post edited on 31st Oct 2012, 3:17pm
>> No. 3111 [Edit]
yeah you're right, I wouldn't like to see a 3D idol board or anything like that. But if that's what people here decide they want, then it can't be helped.
>> No. 3114 [Edit]

A hidden board would be acceptable but I'd rather not see any 3D stuff on /tc/ period, hidden or not.
>> No. 3116 [Edit]

I agree. I'm not really as against 3D pics as some other people are, but I still don't wanna see them here. It would just feel wrong
>> No. 3117 [Edit]
I'm against it!

This place is 2D only, damn it!
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