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File 135774362565.gif - (1.96MB , 300x215 , 1348966751826.gif )
3394 No. 3394 [Edit]
There should be some kind of way to inform people of the standards of the site so that people don't post '/a/ SHIT' again. But how? The rules do give people the general tone of things (even though they're mainly just a list of specific 'do not do' things), and after lurking a while soeone would get the hang of it.
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>> No. 3395 [Edit]
are you joking?
/an/ only seems to care about bland crap kyoani is pushing this season which is nearly identical to the bland crap they did last season.
/an/ has the same shit taste as /a/.
>> No. 3396 [Edit]
>/an/ has the same shit taste as /a/.

In that case, can you go post about anime there instead so we don't have to listen to your crying? Thanks in advance
>> No. 3397 [Edit]
what makes your taste in anime so much better?
>> No. 3398 [Edit]
File 135777316928.jpg - (370.68KB , 1200x1633 , 1337656985806.jpg )
If people still have a shitty /a/ personality and posting style, they can just have a ban and maybe come back later once they've stopped being so sheepish and annoying.

I don't really see the sense in trying hard to teach kids from /a/ how you post on tohno-chan without being banned. If they fit in here, they'll fit in naturally; we don't need artificial personalities stinking up the place, just like we don't need /a/ personalities stinking up the place.

We're already stinky enough as it is.
>> No. 3399 [Edit]
Am I the only one here who thinks banning people based on their personality is insanity?
>> No. 3400 [Edit]
I kinda agree, but on the other hand there's some people here who are so obnoxious I know who they are based solely on post previews from the front page, and if they got banned forever I would cry tears of happiness.
>> No. 3401 [Edit]
File 135777508226.jpg - (202.56KB , 500x376 , 1349771423706.jpg )
yeah lets all be elitist and spiteful to other people then ban them for having a shitty personality
>> No. 3402 [Edit]
There's a good chance your image alone is pissing some people off (western cartoons and all), just saying.
>> No. 3403 [Edit]
tohno-chan exists as an alternative to 4chan, not as a clone. I think that a lot of us at least partly came here to get away from all of the memes and greentext and reaction images and shit, which destroyed a lot of 4chan from the inside-out. I see absolutely no problem banning /b/-type personalities or the more obnoxious /a/-type personalities.

It's not like the goal is to merge tohno-chan into an entire community of people with the same personalities, anyway, if that's how you've interpreted this. We've got all kinds of eccentric and different personalities here and I like to think that we welcome a lot of people that a lot of other places might often shun.
>> No. 3404 [Edit]
I liked his image
>> No. 3405 [Edit]
Homer is cool as hell, almost as cool as me
>> No. 3406 [Edit]
>tohno-chan exists as an alternative to 4chan, not as a clone.
Thats a good point, it is after all why our anime board is called /an/ and not /a/ or /vg/ and not /v/, as a means to differentiate ourselves.

Post edited on 9th Jan 2013, 4:32pm
>> No. 3407 [Edit]
Adding these concepts to the description of the site on the FAQ would help. There's no real solution. In the meantime, one to two day bans should do enough to get people to get the point.
>> No. 3408 [Edit]

Warnings (really short, less-than-a-day bans) would be better. I got one of those once
( ´Д`)

>> No. 3409 [Edit]
File 135778609121.png - (23.47KB , 820x350 , ban.png )
>I think that a lot of us at least partly came here to get away from all of the memes and greentext and reaction images and shit, which destroyed a lot of 4chan from the inside-out. I see absolutely no problem banning /b/-type personalities or the more obnoxious /a/-type personalities.

So it's fine if the moderator is being cleverly ironic with his memes but it's wrong for anybody else it's a major taboo that deserves to be banned? Anybody that posts a specific meme that the moderator doesn't like deserves a ban? Hell, even my post wasn't one single sentence consisting of only memes, yet my ban message certainly was.

Also, it took the mod over a day to realize the post was "inappropriate" and throw out bans, the thread was nearly on page 1 by the time it happened, and would be by now if the moderator hadn't; with the sentiment afterwards of not giving a shit about other "rule breaking" behavior on previous pages (which is still there), it really feels like the mod simply had his hemorrhoids inflamed that day and wanted to relieve some pent up frustration rather than actually moderating an online community. That's not how one takes things easy, and such behavior followed by the swept-under-the-rug deletion really shouldn't be encouraged or allowed, ESPECIALLY by a moderator. The moderation staff should have higher posting and etiquette standards than those expected of the regular posters.

Also, the thread had the shortened title as the picture name; the dumbasses who couldn't figure that out are the ones who should be punished more than the OP who didn't completely spoonfeed them before they asked; though one liner posts (especially as a new thread) should be heavily discouraged anyway.
>> No. 3410 [Edit]
Now you know why so many of our mods quit, not just being mods but quit the site all together.
>> No. 3411 [Edit]
Suck it up.
>> No. 3412 [Edit]
Stop bitching about arbitrary things and shut the hell up.

I agree with this. We should have less shitty people mod the site unless we want to turn into 7chan.

Stop being a jackass.
>> No. 3413 [Edit]
What exactly does "nothing is based" mean? does it have to do with being wizards? Pretty sure most of us aren't over 30 here.
>> No. 3414 [Edit]

I don't like KyoAni either. Know what I did? I've hidden the Tamako Market thread and posted in the threads about anime I'm interested in. Not rocket surgery.


In this case it's more about banning people for their behavior.


Get lost. No point to /tc/ without a healthy dose of 'elitism'. If you enjoy memes, greentext and ironic shitposting that much then maybe you should stick to 4chan.


>Anybody that posts a specific meme that the moderator doesn't like deserves a ban?

No no no, that would be wrong wouldn't it? Anybody that post ANY meme deserves a ban.

Just for the record, I sided with you on that one. Especially if you did it without realizing it yourself (using 'based' I mean). But it's not like you were banned for all eternity, you got banned for a day just to make sure you understand /tc/ doesn't like this kind of behavior. Now it's gone and as long as you won't begin/end your posts with #BASED you're safe.

As for the fact that the mod is kinda unfair (which I said myself, you might've missed that since you were banned) it's true. I kinda understand your frustration in this case. But ever since hamish quit the quality of moderation took a nosedive. Can't be helped.


Fuck. I should drop my habit of responding while I'm still reading the post.

So yeah, fuck off back to /a/.
>> No. 3415 [Edit]
>Anybody that post ANY meme deserves a ban.

what about the meme of misusing spoiler tags, for example?
>> No. 3418 [Edit]

I'm not sure if that counts as a meme but I support the OP >>3365. This has gotten a tad too far and every now and then I actually do get spoiled because I forget people use spoiler tags to avoid spoiling stuff for others. Hell, I remember writing something like no really, this is a spoiler related to the plot, don't read ahead if you haven't seen it yetspoiler[/spoiler] somewhere on /an/ some time ago.

As for 'everyone who posts memes deserves a ban' I exaggerated a little, it should only apply to people who were warned about this before. You can ban the >tfw 'Gamestop spaghetti stories' crowd on spot, though (not like I've ever seen it on /tc/ either way).
>> No. 3419 [Edit]

Huh, weird, I'm sure I have used spoiler tags in that way (opening it once but closing it twice) before and it worked. Well, nevermind that, you get the point.
>> No. 3420 [Edit]
It's not a meme. It's just something we do, and as of the time you became annoying, something we do to piss you off.
>> No. 3421 [Edit]
"Based" was an adjective from some nigger noise piece. It means something like "swimming in pussies because you are a sex god" or the like.

It's used on /a/ a lot, it's really annoying to see people use it here.

You know there are quite a few Akiba-kei and hikikomori memes that we use here, as well as TC-specific memes (Ford Driver for example)? What about those? Mods need to use discretion when filtering out malignant content.
>> No. 3422 [Edit]
Sorry for being succinct with this post, I just get lazy when responding to meta threads because it usually fails to change anything.

I think the mod shouldn't have done that. He made a mistake using that meme ironically.

>Anybody that post ANY meme deserves a ban.

Thats just ridiculous. People should use their common sense as to whether using a certain meme is in good taste.

>Get lost. No point to /tc/ without a healthy dose of 'elitism'.

In the past many tohno-channers took a 'take it easy' view, and they would reply 'take it easy' to anyone who got too angry. But now it seems that the view that we must be elitist to defend the quality of the place is more common. Personally I find it unpleasant. I didn't come here to get shouted at, I want to enjoy myself and relax. Perhaps this is too much to ask of a community where the main emotion has changed from loneliness and depression to anger and exclusion (which ironically is what we ran away from and why we sook refuge here the first place)

Alternately, fuck off. I hate it when people turn civil debates into altercations. Its enough to just disagree, you don't have to be an asshole too. (If you don't get what I'm trying to illustrate here, don't reply.)
>> No. 3423 [Edit]
The ban was for using the word "based." I wasn't even mad, I wanted to show I was humorous about it, that I wasn't really annoyed.

Come on, it's one day out of your life you couldn't post. It's not like you're being persecuted. In fact, making a big deal out of it is making matters worse.

If you knew what based means, you would know it isn't a good thin for TC.
>> No. 3424 [Edit]

Like I said I exaggerated there on purpose. And obviously memes refers to 4chan ones we ran away from (well, at least some of us). Greentext, image macros, dubz, shit like that.

Not to mention when I said banned I meant one day bans like the one >>3409 got, not perma IP range bans.

>I didn't come here to get shouted at, I want to enjoy myself and relax.

Sometimes 'enjoying yourself' and 'relaxing' can also mean you are ruining stuff for others, as showcased in this thread. 'I just want to enjoy myself and post some funny meemz, what the hell is your problem'. Of course I'm not saying that you think that way (I seriously doubt that), just an example.

For the better or for the worse 'take-it-easy-ism' is pretty much gone now. And if that's the case I'd rather make the best of it and hope the mods will purge /a/ shit with iron fist and banhammer than let everybody do as they please.
>> No. 3425 [Edit]
I agree about the anger thing. I like to think that I respond with a very constructive attitude when it comes to things like this, and I think that's the best way to be. With way more traffic than we had back in the really early tc days, though, I think that the quality of posting is important to focus some attention toward; we shouldn't just turn a blind eye to shitposting when it becomes more and more prevalent. I think I'm actually far less elitist than many people here, with regards to 3d and normalcy and such, since I don't really care if people talk about how they might have real life friends or have had a girlfriend in a past life on /so/ or /ot/ and stuff, but I also don't really care that the community has shunned that, either. I do feel that 'elitism' based on shitposting is quite appropriate, though. There's a way to keep the quality of posting a priority, AND take it easy. I really don't want to see this place become a 4chan clone, which I'm glad to say I don't see happening.

So, while I do share your sentiment on a lot of matters here, I think I side with >>3414 >>3418 more. It would be nice if all we had to do was take it easy and bad posters would stay away, but wanting active mods to regulate annoying behaviour is also what brought us here from 4chan in the beginning.

Boy, what an epik troll you are!
>> No. 3436 [Edit]
Can't you understand when someone's intention is just gentle ribbing? Well, this is tc after all l.
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