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2893 No. 2893 [Edit]
I tried ask in /ot/ but I didn't ger clear answer and I didn't want to cause anymore off-topic discussion, so I try to get answer from here.

Why is /tc/ so strict about political discussion?

I will delete thread when I get satisfying answer.
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>> No. 2895 [Edit]
Because it leads to shitty discussions about 3D shit with people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about and I don't care to see that here on an anime imageboard. Go somewhere else. Wherever you go they probably won't know what the fuck they are talking about either, but at least we won't have to read it
>> No. 2896 [Edit]
File 135001614729.png - (67.22KB , 190x169 , 1224927083852.png )
Fuck if I know.
>> No. 2897 [Edit]
>I don't care to see that here on an anime imageboard.
lol, you know there's actual a lot of neets/hikkis here (especially on /so/) who don't really care about anime, and people talk about stuff all the time that's not related to anime on /ot/, it's what it's there for.

Post edited on 11th Oct 2012, 9:32pm
>> No. 2898 [Edit]
also I said this in /ot/: Why are you so eager to engage in political discourse with self-proclaimed shutins who don't care about the outside world and prefer fictional people over real ones. There are a million other places you could go for that sort of thing, why do you need it here so badly
>> No. 2899 [Edit]
There are a million other places you could go for anime, manga, videogame, waifu, touhou music, figs, blog posting, image dumps, porn, VNs, creative stuff, (and whatever the hell /mt/ is) discussion, why do you need it here so badly?
>> No. 2900 [Edit]
File 13500169019.jpg - (564.66KB , 708x1000 , 99e53ef6d402593171c6eaba76ff4f3e.jpg )
Politics is a subject in which a person makes an "important" "decision", this decision gets more effort put into it because it can effect their life, therefore they are biased at the start. When biased people talk about things in which they do not agree, it very rarely turns out well or just makes things awkward and uncomfortable for both sides. When people do not agree upon things we get disagreements to which I'm sure that you understand that disagreements can lead to things we don't care or want to see here, so that is why we try to avoid them, and in turn we avoid talking about politics because it is the metaphorical wasp's nest of fuck.

Then there's also the fact that some of us here would rather not be reminded of life and the outside world here.
>> No. 2901 [Edit]

because this is a website made for those things. Deal with it or don't, whatever. maybe you could go ask a political forum why they don't talk about lucky star or something
>> No. 2902 [Edit]
I'd say it's fine as long as it's kept to a single thread on /ot/ like drug discussion. Preferably with posting with kakusu as a rule.
>> No. 2903 [Edit]
We have many other off-topic discussions too.

I don't see why you think it should be forbidden just because "they probably won't know what the fuck they are talking". I am pretty sure not many here are experts in subjects we are talking about. Every kind of discussions should be allowed, as long it is done in civilized way.

Sorry but I don't see how these arguments hold any ground. Actually same arguments were used by people who didn't want to see drug discussion but it's still allowed.
>> No. 2904 [Edit]

if it could have forced kakusu so I never have to read it that would be nice, but if you have to quarantine something from the rest of the site then it's probably better off not being there in the first place
>> No. 2905 [Edit]
It has no relevance to true otaku NEET hiki culture.

Truthfully I have no idea, but is annoying and I don't think many give a fuck.
>> No. 2906 [Edit]
Basically political discussions on the internet tend to be hotbeds of hostility, and I don't see why TC would be any different. Some people here freak out when an anime they don't care for is mentioned, encouraging discussions about something as personal as political beliefs would be an utter mess
>> No. 2907 [Edit]
>It has no relevance to true otaku NEET hiki culture.

I got that mixed up. How pitiful.
>> No. 2909 [Edit]
So you we should ban everything which isn't otaku, neet or hiki related then? If so, yes please. People like different things but forbidding one type of discussions without any reasons is really hypocrite. I would rather not see gardening, drug, drinking or Curiosity landing discussions but I just have ignore them. Just because you don't like something, it isn't reason to forbid it, that's why we have hide button.
>> No. 2910 [Edit]
Because they make us frustrated.
>> No. 2911 [Edit]

>So you we should ban everything which isn't otaku, neet or hiki related then?

Not him, but yeah.
I would do that.
>> No. 2918 [Edit]
Why should we go out of our ways to hate each other?

Basically political threads are just a list of trips with itemized lists of reasons you should hate them.
>> No. 2919 [Edit]
File 135019373278.jpg - (88.70KB , 350x294 , yukkuri.jpg )
I think politics threads invite hostility, when the true goal is to be at ease
>> No. 2921 [Edit]
No it isn't. Do you hate someone if he says he doesn't like your favorite anime show? Different opinions are part of discussions.
>> No. 2922 [Edit]
>Do you hate someone if he says he doesn't like your favorite anime show?

>> No. 2923 [Edit]
A little.
>> No. 2924 [Edit]
No, but I do if they like something I don't.
>> No. 2925 [Edit]
Because tohno-channers are too retarded to argue with each other in a civil manner. Also most of us aren't qualified to talk about politics.
>> No. 2927 [Edit]
Then we probably should ban anime discussion..

>Because tohno-channers are too retarded to argue with each other in a civil manner
I've noticed that too.
>> No. 2928 [Edit]
Hey now this it isn't a surprise to anyone, but you are hurting my feelings
>> No. 2929 [Edit]

Anime discussion is what we are here for though, politics is not.
>> No. 2930 [Edit]
I think people are more apt to hate each other over political topics than anime discussion. I mean, you can hate on my waifu all you want, but if I were getting SSI and you said I shouldn't because fuckidy fuck spending blah blah, I may get a little mad.

Plus not everyone here is mrkkn, hell, not everyone here is in the anglosphere. It would seem sort of stupid to have a bunch of people from one country fucking up the site with bullshit and making it difficult for the brohnos from the UK and Canada and Brazil and Germany and such to enjoy their self pity sans "Rurmknee berses Obarmer" stuff.

I think the only time politics are good for discussion here is when it relates to our personal freedoms in this sub-counter-whatever-culture. Things like internet restrictions or censorship and stuff. Or shit like Ishihara.
>> No. 2931 [Edit]
I think political discussions on internet boards are almost always pseudo-intellectual shitflinging, and I suspect it would be even worse here since many of us barely exist in the real world.

I don't really care about the subject. I don't care about the politics of my country, and even less about american/international politics. I'm just concerned that it would create a "micro /pol/" here, which would be fucking shitty.
>> No. 2932 [Edit]
I am one of guys who were really against drug discussion and reading this thread makes me vomit. Totally same arguments were used against drugs and it is still allowed. Difference is politics isn't only for normals. Even if you are living in your mom's basement and never go out, politics still will affect your life. Like one said in /ot/ thread "Everything is politics.". Even tc took part of this against Sopa blackout thing and I think everyone should have at least some opinion of this kind of things. I understand why some might want to see political discussion, I don't like it either, but I rather read thousand politic posts than one post where person tells high or drunk he was, because political discussion is actually discussion.

I think we all need to learn to understand different views, accept that people like different things or at least ignore things we don't care about if we want to make tc better place. If people want discuss about something and it is still done in civilized manners, why not? Or just forbid everything which isn't otaku related.
>> No. 2935 [Edit]
Understand that it's just going to devolve into pseudo-intellectuals ranting and name-calling.

We'll end up seeing really hateful sides of some users on the site and they'll easily discourage any amount of reasonable discussion by being so relentlessly negative and self-righteous.

Nothing will be gained. Those of us who care about politics and current events already read news sites. I think there's an argument to be made for interesting current events threads, probably, but that still walks a fine line with becoming potential /pol/ shit.

See >>2919
>> No. 2936 [Edit]
Politics will inevitably lead to confrontation and I don't want that.

Post edited on 14th Oct 2012, 3:23pm
>> No. 2940 [Edit]
Most other things on tohno-chan are different because we understand what we're talking about. For instance, people are entitled to have an opinion about an anime and we all have the skills to be able to analyse and think about it. The same thing for games, or waifus, or depression. But I'm pretty sure nobody here is a political analyst or spends all their time reading the news and recovering political documents through freedom of information claims, or otherwise is knowledgeable enough to talk about politics without talking out of their ass.
>> No. 2941 [Edit]
You don't need to be expert to discuss something on internet...
>> No. 2942 [Edit]
Thats true, but nobody wants to read a discussion where both parties are just talking out of their ass.
>> No. 3134 [Edit]
Maybe it's just no one cares (I don't).
>> No. 3141 [Edit]
Boo hoo
>> No. 3143 [Edit]
Do you even read what you're posting?
>> No. 3144 [Edit]
Dang I guess that means you will be leaving, because only a big dummy would stay on a website he constantly cries about and YOU are clearly the smartest person ever. I'll miss you!
>> No. 3145 [Edit]
And nobody agreed either. Nobody cares if one just makes stupid circular reasoning "x is shit because it is shit", obviously people will get mad. If there are actually critiques and arguments why something is bad, then nobody will have problem with it. If you can't make any arguments why anime you dislike is bad, then keep your mouth shut.
>> No. 3147 [Edit]
Get out, tokiko.
>> No. 3148 [Edit]
/fb/ more like faggots bitching.
>> No. 3149 [Edit]
So what, you're not allowed to have an opinion on something unless you can justify it by writing out a well worded essay that those with the opposing opinion can acknowledge and accept?

Maybe we should add to the site rules:
- No opposing a popular opinion without first acquiring express written permission from those with the popular opinion in question.
>> No. 3150 [Edit]
You are allowed to have your opinion obviously. It is just pointless to express opinion, if it is shit opinion. And yes, your opinion is shit, if you can't justify it.

e: And I think this is one of the basic rules of every conversation.

Post edited on 4th Nov 2012, 1:25pm
>> No. 3151 [Edit]
I think your opinion is shit, so shut up and keep it to yourself!

Am I getting it now?
>> No. 3154 [Edit]
I didn't get your point.

If opinion is being criticized and it doesn't have any arguments to back it up, obviously it is shit opinion.
>> No. 3155 [Edit]
There is no such thing as a shitty opinion, just shitty arguments and you clearly only seem to respect a person's right to have an opinion if you approve of it, you don't see the problem with that?

By the way, here's a fun game you should try
>> No. 3156 [Edit]

If you can't understand what he means - even if his choice of words was bad - you have some serious reading comprehension problems. If you butt in with an opinion without backing it up by any arguments that opinion holds no weight.

Compare 'it's shit because I don't like it' with 'it's shit because the animation sucks, it has tons of plot holes and the characters are 1-dimensional'. If you see no difference between those two there's absolutely no point in discussing this topic further.
>> No. 3157 [Edit]

I was just thinking about this site, too! Not because of this thread or because of anybody on this site, though.
>> No. 3158 [Edit]
people can like or not like whatever they want for whatever reason they want, and you have no right to make them like or not like something.
I don't give one flying fuck if you don't accept 'why' I like or don't like something, I'm not going to start liking or disliking something just because you tell me too.

Besides, you're just going to ignore any reasons people present that you don't like. No one ever says something is shit becuase it's shit, you simply don't like their reasons so you wright off their reasons and opinion as shit, and by that logic I could say anything you like is shit and any reason you have for liking it makes your opinion shit.
If I said a pair of pants was ugly becuase they're green, but someone else who liked green would think my opinion was shit, they can think so all they like but that doesn't make it fact.
Or what if a anime has a cast of primarily tsundere characters and two people have opposing opinions. one likes the anime becuase he likes tsundere, the other doesn't like the anime becuase he doesn't like tsundere. who here would have the shit opinion?
>> No. 3159 [Edit]
>people can like or not like whatever they want for whatever reason they want, and you have no right to make them like or not like something.
>I don't give one flying fuck if you don't accept 'why' I like or don't like something, I'm not going to start liking or disliking something just because you tell me too.
And again nobody is saying you aren't allowed to have opinion in something. You opinion is just as worthless (let's use nicer word) as arguments behind it. Stop trying to be martyr. Nobody here minds if you CRITICIZE anime.

>Besides, you're just going to ignore any reasons people present that you don't like.
How do you know that?

>No one ever says something is shit becuase it's shit, you simply don't like their reasons so you wright off their reasons and opinion as shit, and by that logic I could say anything you like is shit and any reason you have for liking it makes your opinion shit.
How many times I need to repeat; Opinion is worthless, if there isn't arguments behind it. No matter if I agree or disagree with it.

>If I said a pair of pants was ugly becuase they're green, but someone else who liked green would think my opinion was shit, they can think so all they like but that doesn't make it fact.
Matter of taste != opinion. You can't objectively view color of pants, but you can view anime objectively.

>Or what if a anime has a cast of primarily tsundere characters and two people have opposing opinions. one likes the anime becuase he likes tsundere, the other doesn't like the anime becuase he doesn't like tsundere. who here would have the shit opinion?
And this isn't about dualism. There can be two opinions that opposite each others but they can both be good opinions (or bad), if there are valid arguments behind them.

But whole point was, starting discussion saying "I don't like x" or "x is shit" is just pointless because it will just provoke people to criticize your opinion. If you can't make any arguments why x is bad, your opinion is worthless and you started a worthless discussion. And again nobody minds if if you CRITICIZE anime.

Post edited on 5th Nov 2012, 10:10am
>> No. 3171 [Edit]
>You can't objectively view color of pants, but you can view anime objectively.
I think you got that backward.
>> No. 3172 [Edit]
He has his pants backward? What the fuck is wrong with this country
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