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No. 3216 [Edit]
There's too much meta discussion within threads and not enough actual discussion. Unless some kind of rule is added to discourage this kind of trolling/shitposting, I fear Tohno-Chan will remain in its current state indefinitely

Pic is SFW because it is censored
>> No. 3217 [Edit]
Wow this thread worked really well the first time you made it, thanks robby
>> No. 3219 [Edit]
What picture? I see no pictures!
>> No. 3221 [Edit]
your slimy tendrils can't corrupt this pretty preteen's heart!
>> No. 3223 [Edit]
I wish someone would delete you, from the earth
>> No. 3224 [Edit]
>There's too much meta discussion

Stopped reading right there. Just what we needed, another meta thread complaining about meta threads.
>> No. 3228 [Edit]
Stopped reading right there.
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