No. 3042
I shall try to be brief in this, OP, I hope you read and listen to me.
>Arguably, the only real purpose for it is to make comments that you don't want people to respond to. It could be argued that you just don't want uninitiated people (people not previously active in the thread) to respond to your posts, so using kakusu should be useful for that, right? Sure, except it's discouraging discussion by excluding people who aren't scouring every page of every board for stuff to talk about.
This, OP, is a very clear logical fallacy, it is so obvious even you are able notice how retarded it sounds when being read. Actually, your entire post is filled with logical fallacies. None, not a single one of your attempts at argumentation were successful and I shall discourse through why you are so stupid.
The reason why kakusu is a useful function is that it allows to give a low profile to stupid threads such as this one. While a user can, for example, post without using kakusu, giving the thread an obvious highlight on the recent posts through the first page, which is in no way the true face of all boards and threads on Tohno-chan, and showing that there is a discussion to be had or an interesting enough topic on a certain thread or board, he is capable, as well, to reply to a topic that he does not think deserves encouragement nor attention of others and yet still publish his own opinion about it.
You said in your post that posting with kakusu means the poster does not endorse of new, not previously active posters to join the thread, and that kakusu is used to not clog up the front page. Both of these statements are true, you, however, you came to the wrong conclusion, because we do not exclude anyone by doing so. If we had the intent of excluding people from discussions, we would be deleting this shit thread. What we actually achieve by using kakusu is, simply, not highlighting the activity of a board or thread because we think it doesn’t deserve attention. The only people who would be excluded from this is people who do not browse Tohno-chan. You do not browse an image board by looking at the front page, you browse it by going after the threads and boards that interest you. Anyone who wants to post on a thread is welcome to do so, they are not being excluded whatsoever.
What I believe you are on to is that you think that an image board should be self-sufficient simply by its front page, especially a slow one such as Tohno-chan, and that is wrong. Simply in the time I’ve been typing this, /ot/ has made five posts, while others boards made the rest, combining an amount of posts that took all the recent activity of /fb/ out of the front page view. If you actually browsed and was interested in the topics that are discussed in /fb/, you would, sooner or later, find out about this thread, simply by visiting this board. I cannot stress this enough: all you have to do is browse.
I believe that most of us do use kakusu with the intent of organization and keeping threads and posts that do not deserve direct attention of other users out of the front page so that we can have a better idea of how the board progressed as we were away.
Just as a final note, I wanted to tell you that a somewhat large number of active users does not necessarily result in a equally large number of posts, and this is in no way related to the topic at hand both because it does not make sense as well as those users are simply browsing their boards of interest but do not have anything to comment or say. For a concrete example of how a large number of lurkers does not add to a large number of posts, go to the KS IRC, and behold an overpopulated barren wasteland.
Post edited on 29th Oct 2012, 9:04pm