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File 135153745498.png - (80.40KB , 419x248 , 1331735849100.png )
2984 No. 2984 [Edit]
I think that kakusu discourages discussion a lot.

Arguably, the only real purpose for it is to make comments that you don't want people to respond to. It could be argued that you just don't want uninitiated people (people not previously active in the thread) to respond to your posts, so using kakusu should be useful for that, right? Sure, except it's discouraging discussion by excluding people who aren't scouring every page of every board for stuff to talk about.

The more people there are who will see your posts, the more people there are who will have something to add to the conversation. This is something that's a problem on tohno-chan, because we have active users a lot of the time, but still don't get many posts.

Another argument that might be made is that you don't want to clog up the front page with certain posts in already-active threads--but we're a slow enough site for this to not matter at all, at the moment. In the future, if high traffic "clogging up" the front page becomes a problem, it could just be reformed to allow for "Recent Posts" board-specific filtering and/or active thread notifications, or something along those lines.

It's a practically useless function and appears to adds no value to the site or quality of the site; it only subtracts.
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>> No. 2985 [Edit]
It's a great feature.

I use it when I don't consider my post to have enough content to warrant its place on the front page, or if it's slightly deviating from the topic itself.

If people are too lazy to browse through the actual boards for recent posts, and just rely on the recent post box, that's their problem.
>> No. 2987 [Edit]
>If people are too lazy to browse through the actual boards for recent posts, and just rely on the recent post box, that's their problem.
That's what the front page is for, it has nothing to do with being lazy.
>> No. 2993 [Edit]
The main question, though, is: Would you still make those posts if kakusu didn't exist, or would you just use sage? If you wouldn't even bother making the post without kakusu, that post might as well not even exist.

>If people are too lazy to browse through the actual boards for recent posts, and just rely on the recent post box, that's their problem.
No, it's everyone's problem, because the users you might call "lazy" can still contribute healthy discussion to the boards, and that should be made as easy as possible in order facilitate as much active discussion as can be had.
>> No. 2994 [Edit]
I agree. Also basically sage doesn't have any meaning because of kakusu. Because tohno-chan is so slow board, it doesn't matter do you bump thread or not.

I think most technical problems on are related that tohno-chan has too many boards. Most people don't even check most inactive boards unless there is no post on front page. In my opinion Tohno-chan has few technical problems which can't be really fixed without big changes.

Anyway kakusu because I don't really care.
>> No. 2997 [Edit]
I agree with OP. Sure, it's easier to fill in the front page posts list (from which many of us browse the site), but people overuse it.

I've seen threads I was not aware of before long after discussions took place before people felt like using kakusu, for reasons I could not really understand. It's a public board and even if you don't feel that you're contributing that much (which is what we have sage for), your post might still interest someone. After all we're not here only to post.
>> No. 2999 [Edit]
I think one should also note that some rather shy people might not make some posts if they couldn't do so with kakusu.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2012, 1:45pm
>> No. 3004 [Edit]
They should be able to just use sage. I don't believe that there is anyone here who is too shy to post at all without using kakusu. If there are, I still believe that the amount of discussion lost because of kakusu is likely still greater than the discussion lost because one or two people are too shy to post on a slow, anonymous imageboard
>> No. 3005 [Edit]
It's not like the place is fast flowing (like a 4chan board) or anything. Most of the 'active' threads cover only half of the front page.
>> No. 3013 [Edit]
Here's an idea:
Double the front page recent post count and give the text of kakusu posts a lighter tint.
>> No. 3016 [Edit]
I could get behind that. The light tint (or whatever it is) indicates that the person who made that post thinks it's a useless and shitty post that should be ignored, but here it is anyway.
>> No. 3019 [Edit]
if you dont want anybody knowing you posted, why bother posting at all?
>> No. 3020 [Edit]
Because we can.
>> No. 3026 [Edit]
Its not that they don't want their post to be seen at all, its that they want to put the post out there but don't think its worthy enough of appearing on the front page and bumping the thread. e.g saying 'its shit' in a shitty thread. Preferably people wouldn't make shitty threads or respond to them at all, but as history demonstrates again and again, behaviour control is almost impossible.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2012, 4:47pm
>> No. 3030 [Edit]
>behaviour control is almost impossible.
tell that to the media.
>> No. 3031 [Edit]
File 135155486319.png - (116.17KB , 698x374 , not awesome.png )
The potential for such a function to be overused is too great (it's happening now). If you want to make a shitty comment in a shitty thread so badly that you'd agree with a feature that decreases the activity of actually healthy discussions, you... You're not awesome.

People should ignore bad threads that they can't contribute anything to. The argument you're making is paper thin.
>> No. 3033 [Edit]
But my point is, people use kakusu because they don't want it to be 'seen', probably because they think the post is bad. In my opinion when people actually have something useful or interesting to say, they don't use kakusu. It only affects healthy discussion to a trivial extent.

Its true that people shouldn't respond to shitty threads, but we've been telling people to do that for ages, and look how far it has gotten. If there is post/thread people don't like on this site, you're guaranteed to have several snarky comments right after it.
>> No. 3034 [Edit]
>In my opinion when people actually have something useful or interesting to say, they don't use kakusu
It's not a matter of opinion. People are using kakusu when they're saying interesting things. It's a fact.

People will still make shitty comments in shitty threads no matter what; I know that. But sage is good enough and kakusu is hurting the site. It serves NO useful purpose.
>> No. 3035 [Edit]
I use kakusu because I feel nervous when I see a post of mine on the frontpage
>> No. 3036 [Edit]
It's not just kakusu - tohno-chan in general seems to have a bunch of extravagant features of questionable usefulness and merit.

Embedded streaming videos, MP3 and PSD and text file uploads, post editing, enormous or nonexistent bump limits for threads — what purpose do these features serve? Do they make the site better?

Sage and kakusu share a similar purpose — to mark a post of little significance in an act of self-deprecation. I don't see a reason for having both. Either kakusu could be removed, or the functionality of kakusu could be incorporated into sage.
>> No. 3037 [Edit]
Another solution, then, could be a watered-down kakusu, where the front page still shows and links to kakusu posts but doesn't show the content of the post.

I still think that just removing it would be far better, but if it's decided that it should stay for the posting-handicapped, this is a potential solution.
>> No. 3038 [Edit]
I agree completely, though I do like mp3 embedding the way it's used on /cr/.

I think kakusu is really being used in self-deprecating fashion more than anything, but that speculation isn't what's important. The main point is that it's not only useless, but is discouraging discussion.
>> No. 3039 [Edit]
I only kakusu when I know I'm derailing or answering to a derail. I think it's fair for the thread.
>> No. 3040 [Edit]
this makes little sense. anyone reading the thread will still see the post.

you guys problem is that your self esteem is so low you cant even make an anonymous post on an empty image board without apologizing for it.
>> No. 3042 [Edit]
I shall try to be brief in this, OP, I hope you read and listen to me.
>Arguably, the only real purpose for it is to make comments that you don't want people to respond to. It could be argued that you just don't want uninitiated people (people not previously active in the thread) to respond to your posts, so using kakusu should be useful for that, right? Sure, except it's discouraging discussion by excluding people who aren't scouring every page of every board for stuff to talk about.

This, OP, is a very clear logical fallacy, it is so obvious even you are able notice how retarded it sounds when being read. Actually, your entire post is filled with logical fallacies. None, not a single one of your attempts at argumentation were successful and I shall discourse through why you are so stupid.

The reason why kakusu is a useful function is that it allows to give a low profile to stupid threads such as this one. While a user can, for example, post without using kakusu, giving the thread an obvious highlight on the recent posts through the first page, which is in no way the true face of all boards and threads on Tohno-chan, and showing that there is a discussion to be had or an interesting enough topic on a certain thread or board, he is capable, as well, to reply to a topic that he does not think deserves encouragement nor attention of others and yet still publish his own opinion about it.

You said in your post that posting with kakusu means the poster does not endorse of new, not previously active posters to join the thread, and that kakusu is used to not clog up the front page. Both of these statements are true, you, however, you came to the wrong conclusion, because we do not exclude anyone by doing so. If we had the intent of excluding people from discussions, we would be deleting this shit thread. What we actually achieve by using kakusu is, simply, not highlighting the activity of a board or thread because we think it doesn’t deserve attention. The only people who would be excluded from this is people who do not browse Tohno-chan. You do not browse an image board by looking at the front page, you browse it by going after the threads and boards that interest you. Anyone who wants to post on a thread is welcome to do so, they are not being excluded whatsoever.

What I believe you are on to is that you think that an image board should be self-sufficient simply by its front page, especially a slow one such as Tohno-chan, and that is wrong. Simply in the time I’ve been typing this, /ot/ has made five posts, while others boards made the rest, combining an amount of posts that took all the recent activity of /fb/ out of the front page view. If you actually browsed and was interested in the topics that are discussed in /fb/, you would, sooner or later, find out about this thread, simply by visiting this board. I cannot stress this enough: all you have to do is browse.

I believe that most of us do use kakusu with the intent of organization and keeping threads and posts that do not deserve direct attention of other users out of the front page so that we can have a better idea of how the board progressed as we were away.

Just as a final note, I wanted to tell you that a somewhat large number of active users does not necessarily result in a equally large number of posts, and this is in no way related to the topic at hand both because it does not make sense as well as those users are simply browsing their boards of interest but do not have anything to comment or say. For a concrete example of how a large number of lurkers does not add to a large number of posts, go to the KS IRC, and behold an overpopulated barren wasteland.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2012, 9:04pm
>> No. 3044 [Edit]
you know what I think would be fun? if each thread or post had thumb up/thumb down buttons like youtube. and the front page feature recent threads with a positive number of votes.
>> No. 3045 [Edit]
no thanks
>> No. 3046 [Edit]
No, dude.
>> No. 3047 [Edit]
that's a pretty cool idea.
I think we should also have a post to twitter or face book feature. oh and user accounts with profiles. we should also be able to post in the forums with avatars and signatures aside from just uploaded images. oh and a message system for getting PMS
>> No. 3048 [Edit]
That would probably make those who don't post much post even less and will turn into one long and boring popularity contest.

Most of the users on this site are not here to discuss anything, but to comment on things that they care to share an opinion on.

It's also better to just avoid routes that can lead to the site becoming a circlejerk between a few posters.
>> No. 3049 [Edit]

tohno-chan, reddit edition?
>> No. 3050 [Edit]
Just saying, there is an actual /r/Tohnochan.

It's completely abandoned, though.
>> No. 3051 [Edit]
Uh... no, not at all. Competence for attention have perverted the chans enough.

Well, that was just to be expected.
>> No. 3052 [Edit]
yeah.... and a twitter thing. can't.... you know... stop people.... from doing........ stuff.... ... ... ...outside the site.
>> No. 3062 [Edit]
As someone who kakusu's 98,34% of his posts (I'm the OP of >>2090) I sort of agree with OP.


>Also basically sage doesn't have any meaning because of kakusu.

Not necessarily true, sometimes when there's something new to add to something we discussed before instead of bumping a thread from half a year ago I reply with sage. If someone will be interested in discussing the matter further he can bump the thread. No point in playing a necromancer if I'm the only person that cares about [x].


>I don't believe that there is anyone here who is too shy to post at all without using kakusu.

I bet half of our userbase is composed of eternal lurkers in the first place, imagining someone who would never say anything if kakusu was gone is not too hard for me.


>enormous or nonexistent bump limits for threads

Unlike other stuff you mentioned (which I can sort of agree with) this is a complete non-issue, if a thread got large enough to take a while to load a mod can lock it and someone can start a 'pt II'. It's not like it never happened before. A bump limit would be somewhat annoying in my opinion, it would only mean the threads need to get recreated sooner.


>Another solution, then, could be a watered-down kakusu, where the front page still shows and links to kakusu posts but doesn't show the content of the post.

From a perspective of someone using kakusu that would make the issue non-existent because I'd NEVER ever use kakusu again. The thought of someone cheking out a thread I kakusu'd just to see I wrote something like 'great ep this week' is too much to bear.


Our twitter account was made by one of the 'insiders', though. And it was meant as a joke in the first place.
>> No. 3065 [Edit]
that punk ass bitch wasnt no insiders, I'da hada be on cocainesomething stronger, to make that ho a mod.

Post edited on 30th Oct 2012, 3:28am
>> No. 3076 [Edit]
I love you.
>> No. 3079 [Edit]
Here's another idea: limit kakusu to use with posts containing something like 60 characters or less

I'd still rather see it gone completely, though.
>> No. 3103 [Edit]

Upvote me plz.
>> No. 3105 [Edit]
+1 rep
>> No. 3126 [Edit]
whelp, I can assure you if I had the first clue about how kakusu works, I'd change how it works.
>> No. 3252 [Edit]
I think everyone should have to register before posting on the site, taking no Kakusu a step further. Just what are they trying to hide anyways?
>> No. 3253 [Edit]
>what are they trying to hide anyways

I will never reveal the wu-tang secret
>> No. 3254 [Edit]

expert admin programmer hardly at working.
>> No. 3255 [Edit]
You know it bro!
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