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File 138370930085.jpg - (57.63KB , 778x1023 , 1341284387369.jpg )
4454 No. 4454 [Edit]
Do you think that if they made another season of Lotte no Omocha that you would make a new board for it?
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>> No. 4455 [Edit]
>> No. 4461 [Edit]
>> No. 4462 [Edit]
>> No. 4463 [Edit]
Can you repeat the question?
>> No. 4471 [Edit]
No, that's way too much. I'd make a thread, though.
>> No. 4476 [Edit]
long threads suck, they're long as fuck load time to open them cause the server here is either weak or on a connection with latency issues.
threads should have a 5 post maximum limit before they autolock.
>> No. 4477 [Edit]
or maybe you could just remember to take your ADD medication.
>> No. 4485 [Edit]
no, long threads blow because when you hit a post number to try and resound to one of the last few replies that are visible on the main board it takes fucking forever for TC to load all of the thumbnails and other shit before the javascript executes and you get your formatted reply to appear in the text entry window.
>> No. 4495 [Edit]
File 138419359715.jpg - (109.70KB , 1280x720 , Astarotte no Omocha! - Ep01 (BD 720p) [Kirakira] [.jpg )
you say that as if you have something better to do with your time than wait for the page to load so you can grace the thread (again) with your presence.
>> No. 4497 [Edit]

Stop using 56k modem grandpa.
>> No. 4498 [Edit]
its not him, either the sever here is very slow or cloud flare slows the connection down a lot. either was there is a not insignificant latency issue.
>> No. 4503 [Edit]
If you think this is slow you should have seen the site back on ib4f.
>> No. 4507 [Edit]
What are you guys talking about? except from threads filled with Youtube embeded vids there's nothing slow about /tc/ loading (using latest Mozilla with Adblock here). And even the longest threads in history have never, ever, reached the lengths of /a/ or /jp/.
>> No. 4510 [Edit]
yeah, thats a good comparison because this little 1 post an hour website has a hardware and connectivity budget that it comparable with 4chan's
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