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File 138652493273.png - (484.95KB , 640x480 , Love_Hina_Again_Intro_6.png )
4595 No. 4595 [Edit]
Why is there always some guy who is like "Oh look, its Shinden again' every time Shinden makes a thread? I see nothing wrong with his threads. Such a random pointless jab at another user like that is a lot more annoying than the threads he makes.
>> No. 4596 [Edit]
thats shinden making those posts
hes a mod, when someone posts something that he actually doesn't like he deletes it and bans the poster
drama centered around himself is something he likes
like this thread for instance
>> No. 4598 [Edit]
Put simply OP, it's cool to hate shinden.

>thats shinden making those posts

>hes a mod,

>when someone posts something that he actually doesn't like he deletes it and bans the poster
unfounded speculation. I've only seen him delete shitposting and other generally unwanted posts and only on rare occasions ban shitposters.

>drama centered around himself is something he likes like this thread for instance
unable to confirm or deny that.
>> No. 4599 [Edit]
I appreciate the concern but I honestly have gotten used to it. People can hate on me if they wish. If it interrupts the site or is against the rules it will be deleted but there's not much of a reason to delete those comments. I keep them up mainly so people don't say I'm a shitty mod for deleting dissenting opinions.

TBF I used to make a ton of really shitty threads and posts so it's not entirely unfounded. However it should be noted that there has been efforts on my part to make better content.

If it annoys other members then those posts will be deleted, but it doesn't matter too much to me.

yep that's shinden all right. totally.
>> No. 4607 [Edit]
To put it simply he's the worst poster on the site. Worse than our all-lower-case /an/ troll who can't shut up about how everybody is a poser with shit taste and how I My Me is the best thing ever.
I rarely (if ever) see Shinden post anything on-topic. He usually either tries to derail the thread altogether or makes new threads about 'Shinden stuff' (like he's newest /ot/ thread). And those tend to be absolutely terrible.
If you'll also consider the fact that I see him post on /an/-/vg/-/ma/ ~twice a year and that 97% os his posts are from /so/-/ot/ it's really hard not to ask yourself 'what the hell is this guy doing here?'. And since pointing out all that went wrong with his threads/posts gets tiresome people simply use 'oh look, Shinden' to sum it up nowadays. hamish (IIRC) even created /9/ for the sole purpose of containing Shinden threads but it didn't work.

Perhaps the biggest problem is that he willingly draws attention to himself by being a tripfaggot. Otherwise people would treat him like a normal shitposter instead of giving him the 'oh look, it's Shinden again' treatment.
>> No. 4608 [Edit]
Okay first off, that thread is very much /ot/ worthy. I don't think that needs to be explained.

/9/ wasn't any sort of "containment" board, it's literally a joke board based on a minority of the content of threads I had started.

The issue is the Shinden9 in the name field. Tell me you wouldn't think any differently if that thread were posted anon.

And come on, it's like you've never even heard of Negi or Tokiko.
>> No. 4609 [Edit]

It's just a shit thread that shouldn't have ever happened, I don't think this needs to be explained.

'Minority', ha! The subtitle of /9/ was 'a place to talk about WWII and how awesome Prussia was' IIRC and that's all you ever talked about, some minor /so/ drama aside.

The thread would've been just as shit but yes, the name is the issue, otherwise we wouldn't have had this thread in the first place.

Negi only dropped by every 3 months, made two or three posts about the same topics (at least they were related to manga and not Prussia) and disappeared afterwards. It was bona fide shitposting but he didn't show up much. On top of that he had that Ui aura which made you feel a mix of sympathy and pity towards him so I can't find it in myself to genuinely dislike him.
Tokiko is more of a troll than anything and I haven't seen him in a long while. Same goes for Negi obviously.
>> No. 4610 [Edit]
If it makes you feel any better Shinden I like you.

I still tell you to fuck off because it's hilarious, but I genuinely like you and don't think you are a shitposter.
>> No. 4619 [Edit]
no really, /9/ was added as like a joke board.
>> No. 4624 [Edit]
/tc/, like a lot of sites, is just full of some of the biggest trolls ever who get kicks out of watching other people suffer because their own lives suck so bad as seen by this post >>4610 It's why everyone thinks "le epik irc durumu xD" is so funny, it's why everyone purposefully brings up 3D to annoy people, types in all lowercase, or purposefully starts up drama. It's the same on /a/ or anywhere else, it's people trying to get reactions out of other people because they find that amusing, and t-c, being full of people in love with fictional characters, suicidal people, losers, it's a very easy target.

The other half of the people who do it do it because they see other people doing it and want to fit in. Yet a smaller percent does it because they find Shinden's post to not be super quality enough for them, the kind of people who think an obscure otaku image-board is something that needs to be interesting new entertaining content 24/7 and simple discussion and chats with one another is forbidden, and no one dare say anything about their personal lives on the off-topic board, even if it is nothing Ford Driver related.

I find it funny that when tohno writes 5 paragraphs about his house rent adventures with his dad everyone praises him but when Shinden writes one post about his flags or views on politics everyone immediately jumps all over his case for being bloggish or something. It is pretty much is cool to hate him at this point too, kind of like tokiko except tokiko actually deserves it, since he is what I stated at the beginning of this point: a troll trying to stir up drama everywhere and get reactions. This site really attracts that crowd too, bored /jp/ shitposters looking for new kool otaku places to funpost in.
>> No. 4630 [Edit]
Posts like this is what makes tohno-chan shit these days. At least the contrversial discussions were self contained and easily ignorable.
>> No. 4632 [Edit]

>I find it funny that when tohno writes 5 paragraphs about his house rent adventures with his dad everyone praises him but when Shinden writes one post about his flags or views on politics everyone immediately jumps all over his case for being bloggish or something. It is pretty much is cool to hate him at this point too


1. Unlike Shinden Tohno actually posts on /an/, /vg/ and the like. If I were to make a blind guess I'd say the majority of his posts are to be found on boards related to so called 'otaku interests'. On top of simply having a fairly respectable powerlevel.
2. He posts without his trip a lot, something that probably never even crossed Shinden's mind - otherwise people wouldn't notice him and that'd be unforgiveable.
3. When Tohno feels blogish he usually keeps it to IRC and IRC circlejerk is perfectly fine with that. They are also perfectly fine with Shinden. You're trying to group people of two entirely different mindsets here. Despite what Tohno would like you to believe the site is not just him replying to himself.
>> No. 4637 [Edit]
>Despite what Tohno would like you to believe the site is not just him replying to himself.
That's always been just a joke
>> No. 4639 [Edit]
I literally can't remember the last time I posted about flags. Like I did a couple Koreaboo troll posts involving flags but that's literally it. I packed all those away and gave away most of them.

My issue is that everyone who hates me is basing it off things I did in my first year here/ complete lies like how I "don't go anon" or "don't post anywhere but /ot/ and /so/"

Like I literally don't post here anymore because even quality contributions are shit on. I try to start stuff in /pic/ and then get silence or shit.
>> No. 4640 [Edit]
>Like I literally don't post here anymore because even quality contributions are shit

If they were of such supposed quality, they wouldn't be shit now would they?

Also, any stigmas you've earned, you full well deserve. It's not like we regularly see you doing anything aside from living up to them, after all.

>I try to start stuff in /pic/ and then get silence
You start a thread on a dead section of the board and then are honestly surprised that it's still dead after you bothered to grace it with your presence for a few seconds? Really?
>> No. 4641 [Edit]
I find it funny that you go out of your way this much to defend tohno, when the tohno-shinden comparison was a very small portion of the post I made.
>> No. 4644 [Edit]
I think tohno is a bigger problem. The majority of low quality posts come from him. We could have had serious discussions about topics of interest.

Go ahead and ban me though, I know you're itching for it just for writing what everyone else is thinking.
>> No. 4646 [Edit]
It would upset me how little you think of me, if I cared about that sort of thing anymore. I am however curious where this is coming from.
>> No. 4648 [Edit]
>My issue is that everyone who hates me is basing it off things I did in my first year here

This is only half true. Yes, most people do judge you based on that but I can't even blame them for that. You purposefully drew attention to yourself by using a trip and yet you expect them to be so forgetful? The irony of tripcodes is that they should only be used by people who want to be recognized for the quality content they contribute and yet tripfriends are almost always among the very worst posters on any given site, be it /tc/ or 4chan.
The problem however is that you seem to suggest that your posts have improved. This is a lie. I don't judge you based on stuff that happened years ago. For me any poster is as good as their last contribution. Which is precisely while I'll keep using 'oh look, it's Shinden again' - I literally cannot recall a single post of yours which I didn't feel like reporting.

>Like I literally don't post here anymore because even quality contributions

Except those never happened, nice attempt, though.


I don't even care about Tohno but comparing him to Shinden is a grave insult (just like comparing anybody else to Shinden for that matter). Tohno should learn how to use a spell checker, capital letters and interpunction for a good start.
>> No. 4651 [Edit]

>complete lies like how I "don't go anon"

And since you seem to suggest that you do post anonymously (which I find hard to believe) why do I see yur trip on /ot/ regularlry? The problem would probably vanish altogether if you would simply drop it or at very least adapt a more Tohno approach, who uses his trip on /fb/ mostly, when he actually feels like officially voicing his opinion on something (which is usually 'sure, whatever'; nevermind that when he feels strongly about something he actually posts anonymously on /fb/ and gets passive aggresive later on).

Then again I don't think most people would take your 'official statement as a mod' posts seriosuly, either. I used to think Popo is completely nuts when he kept raving about 'nepotism' but nowadays I can actually kinda see his point. Questionable staff decisions - like making you or ticks a mod - make me really wonder why Tohno picks his staff based on their infamy rather than adoptic a meritocratic method. Despite what a sizebale chunk of the userbase claims it's not even a 'le IRC circlejerk ;)' thing. I'm really confident that there are some people on IRC who would purge the shitposting from /tc/ if they were given the chance to do so. Can't get my head around this, honest.
>> No. 4652 [Edit]
>Can't get my head around this, honest.

It's a problem that 4chan has had to wrestle with for years.
The people who most want to be mods are generally the people who you very much most want not to be mods, i.e: powertripping attention whores with a pro-attention whore agenda to push.
>> No. 4653 [Edit]
I don't much like the idea of adding on mods who would nuke half the site.
Shinden does a fine job and is the only mod who hasn't ran off yet. We've had more than a dozen mods in the site's history and they've all abandoned us one by one. It's not that I only acquire infamous mods, it's that they're the ones who stand out. No one here ever complained much about the likes of nerubian or un_freed or %60. Ticks wasn't even a problem at the time of adding them on as far as I can remeber.

Pretty much. It wasn't until running this place that I came to really understand that.
>> No. 4654 [Edit]
Am I autistic or is it just one guy complaining about Shinden? There is literally, literally nothing annoying I find about him.
>> No. 4655 [Edit]
Could be. I disagree with his opinions from time to time, but that applies to pretty much everybody. Contrary to what that other guy was saying, I find many of his posts to be worthwhile contributions too.

I never really understood where the 'king shitposter' label was coming from.
>> No. 4656 [Edit]

>I don't much like the idea of adding on mods who would nuke half the site.

Well, if you like this kind of traffic then that's your call to make. Your site, your rules. I really shouldn't outright state it but I don't give a fuck any more - as for me, I just hope this slippery slope will never end.

As for un_freed I'm absolutely, unquestionably, wthout a doubt, 100% positive that he was by far the worst operator in the history of the channel. He was 4chan mods personified - 'lol, enjoy your ban xD'. He didn't give a fuck about any rules or laws because he believed himself to be the law.
I don't know how it affected what happened on the site but I can imagine his influence was barely noticeable. 3/4ths of people on IRC openly admit they don't even browse the site.


If you would read just this thread alone you'd have no problem figuring out that it's not just me, although I might be too vocal about this.
>> No. 4657 [Edit]
I got the feeling there were just two people complaining about shinden, although its hard to tell when everyone is on anonymous.

Honestly just calm down, if the majority ofpeople on this site find him okay then he cannot be as bad as you make it out to be.
>> No. 4661 [Edit]
I suppose you're right about un_freed. I forgot he had something of a bully complex and overreacted about a lot of things.
>> No. 4685 [Edit]
I should have never let un_freed get under my skin. I became a bit crazed and ruined a lot of my close relationships.
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