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File 138164747930.jpg - (26.60KB , 195x333 , f00822ab760f62775a850e2737bea9392307672b.jpg )
4385 No. 4385 [Edit]
So does anyone actually give a shit about all the shitposting lately? I'm not seeing anyone complain about it over even bothering to report any of it anymore. instead when I try deleting it people bitch about it on this board. ( >>4369 ) It makes me wonder if there's really any point to deleting memes and such shit if that's what people here actually want.

All I'm asking is for -some- indication there are still people here who prefer quality over quantity and don't like seeing some boards turn into a slower version of 4chan's respective boards.
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>> No. 4388 [Edit]
>> No. 4395 [Edit]
For what it's worth, I appreciate the tight moderation and you trying to keep that sort of shit away from here.
>> No. 4396 [Edit]
I care. I report it when I see it, but sometimes I see it there for a while and I stop coming to the boards for a few days. Looks like things have been getting a little better lately.

This too.
>> No. 4397 [Edit]
of the posts that i see, which is only a very small fraction of the site, i report all the ones i don't like and just make up a reason.
>> No. 4398 [Edit]
I've kept reporting when rules are clearly broken (mods or you have taken like 3 days to answer, though); for random shitposting, I sometimes prefer to ignore the post/thread and expect others to do the same (too much to hope for, I know). Also, considering the user count, I assume we old regulars tend now to skip a couple days once in a while...

But I do care about shit/"fun" posting poluting the boards. If that's a fair reason by now, I shall report even more on that basis.
>> No. 4400 [Edit]
>> No. 4403 [Edit]
>> No. 4414 [Edit]
This. Sometimes I won't check TC for a couple of days, but I do report shitposting whenever I come across it. I'm in agreement with >>4395 too.
>> No. 4416 [Edit]
I'll report posts which I don't like seeing from now on.
>> No. 4418 [Edit]
I used to report everything that broke the rules in one way or another but a large chunk of those posts didn't get deleted either way so I gave up a while ago. Reporting stuff felt pointless since the criteria for what got deleted and what didn't seemed to be really abritrary and I couldn't figure them out so I just decided I'll leave those decision to mods.
>> No. 4419 [Edit]
Sorry about that, there's just really no practical way of explaining to someone why the post they reported wasn't deleted.
>> No. 4423 [Edit]
File 138296738070.jpg - (1.15MB , 981x1200 , 1372063727062.jpg )
take it easy.
>> No. 4428 [Edit]
No it's true, unless I leave a message publicly like this there's no way to communicate with a reporter. it can also be hard to even let the reporter know I'm responding to them without posting their ip or something like that, and that seems like it'd be a real privacy issue.
>> No. 4429 [Edit]
File 138301784934.jpg - (12.04KB , 275x213 , 1218055618660.jpg )
do a 1 second ban on the IP that reported the rule-breaking content with a ban message "thank you for reporting the rule-breaking behavior" such that they get the message and, once viewed, will let them continue posting.

I can understand one/two word responses or replies that consist of an image macro containing little more than an ad hominem would be deleted for actively dissuading any sort of discussion, yes, but deleting a post sololy because of a meme is bullshit.

Even from the /tc/ rulepage, memes themselves are NOT against the rules. Memes are part of internet culture, yes, and this includes everything from /mai/ to /b/. The meme itself, regardless of where it originates, does not break any rules. If it's used a shitty one-liner type of reply, or as a trolling/flaming statement, or more commonly as a /b/-level spam reply, that's against the rules, but not because it's a meme.

His meta-thread where he passive-aggressively complains about the site being shit, now that's worth deleting, publicly shaming him, editing his post to read "I suck cocks and should go back to /b/", or whatever tar and feathers you feel he deserves. His original post? case by case judgement, but since he isn't asking WHY his post was deleted, just complaining, it's a fairly probable assumption that it was worth deleting as well.
And even if not, it's Tohno's god damned board and he can delete whatever the fuck he wants, regardless of what the rules state, but that doesn't hold true for the other moderators, and some more oversight for that would actually be much appreciated.
>> No. 4430 [Edit]
Some would consider memes as a form of shit posting, but you're right, we do have some of our own memes. Some just come off as being in really bad taste sometimes, depending on when/where they're used. same holes true for reaction images I think.
>> No. 4514 [Edit]
File 138430520489.jpg - (56.32KB , 720x388 , josh nightcall.jpg )
I like the ford Driver meme. I myself drive a bronco and it has served me well.
>> No. 4530 [Edit]
who are you quoting?
>> No. 4540 [Edit]
why the fuck do people keep reporting my post?
What's wrong with asking who/what someone is responding to?
I'm just trying to find out who >>4529's statements are directed at.

>you dont have a waifu so I'm going to delete your posts
No one here said this, did this, or implied anything like this.

>So everyone who watches less than two anime series a season is all of a sudden a moe-shit lover, nice logic.
No one here said anything like this either.

I'll ask again, who are you responding to? who said anything like this? what the fuck are you talking about?
>> No. 4554 [Edit]
File 138483908060.png - (95.07KB , 350x265 , 631.png )
you suck get banned '
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