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File 138114125525.jpg - (213.87KB , 600x580 , 1380847699744.jpg )
4375 No. 4375 [Edit]
I noticed post rate on tc has been declining for the past few months with no corresponding increasing in quality, although posts on the media related boards seem to comprise a larger proportion of the posts these days over /ot/ and /so/. Here are reasons why I think this might be the case, from what I think is most significant to least:

- People too scared to post lest everyone tear them a new asshole because they think they are Ford Drivers: I noticed this because people sometimes add disclaimers to their posts like 'I'm not a Ford Driver, but.."

- Running out of topics: especially on /mai/, the survey threads are starting to become more and more obscure and ridiculous

- Shitposting: people see posts they don't like not being deleted, so they become disillusioned with the site and leave.

- Snowball effect: less posts mean people visit less, which leads to less posts

- People growing used to tc and finding it boring

- People going to other chan sites
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>> No. 4376 [Edit]

>People too scared to post lest everyone tear them a new asshole because they think they are Ford Drivers: I noticed this because people sometimes add disclaimers to their posts like 'I'm not a Ford Driver, but.."

How it should be, t-c prides itself in keeping Ford Drivers out.

>Shitposting: people see posts they don't like not being deleted, so they become disillusioned with the site and leave.

There have been problems with lacks of mods lately, which will change. You kind of have to admit though, one group of people bitches about shitposting, the other bitches about too much moderation and their posts being deleted, maybe people will learn the hard way now.

>People growing used to tc and finding it boring

Sucks for them.

I never really quit understand why T-C is treated like some sort of entertainment that needs to always be interesting and full of quality, it is a discussion site for a certain group of people. The way people bitch at a post because it is about something personal (even when on the correct board i.e personal waifu related post on /mai/ blog post on the /ot/ thread or ranting on /so/) or because it doesn't necessarily make for the most interesting and exciting read on the internet, is something I never really understood.

Of course, I agree that shitposting needs to fuck off, and people need to be more mindful of what they type since it stays in the thread until deleted and if the post is shit it is like a giant shitstain on the site. And I also agree that blog type stuff needs to stay where it belongs. But I do think people go a bit overboard (no pun intended) with the elitism and that this site attracts those people since everyone is sick of 4chan and its faggotry.

You have that end of the spectrum, then the other end which insists on doing the exact opposite, constantly "funposting" and doing reaction images in a very 4chan meme like way, things like this. People do need to learn to take it easy, but also not forget where the site came from and that we all have a common interest in keeping a certain group of people out. It seems lately the two extremes are the most vocal though.

Regardless of those thoughts and opinions of mine the site seems to be going at the pace it usually goes as far as I know, and I am reminded of a certain post saying not to bitch about the site being slow and just contribute yourself. If you want a faster board that means more people which means the site going further away from what it was originally intended to be.

Post edited on 7th Oct 2013, 1:26pm
>> No. 4377 [Edit]
nazo no gf x, fuck yeah
>> No. 4378 [Edit]
If someone is starting a post by saying "I'm not a Ford Driver, but.." then they're probably a Ford Driver. It's like when people in anime say they're not someone strange/suspicious.

/mai/ ran out of topics years ago. it's been recycling old threads since but it seems like no one notices since the user base also gets recycled. Old users leave and make room for new users who wouldn't recognize repeats of old threads. The few new threads that pop up truly are ridiculous, like that shopping thread. I appreciate that the OP was trying to make an original thread, but I'm not sure what kind of responses he was expecting.

Can't say I disagree with the other stuff. But people should speak up about Shitposting.
take for example. no one (other than myself) was disagreeing with the guy about making shitposting threads on /an/ so what do you expect?
>> No. 4379 [Edit]
>But people should speak up about Shitposting.

I think one of the biggest problems is the kind of people T-C was made for, are (no offense) extremely lazy and don't have much motivation for anything, and are therefore not too vocal, except for the select few. Whereas the people like shitposters retards and people who have little knowledge of the site are extremely vocal. I think also when arguments arise, the people who would normally side with us see that there is already someone defending their opinion and feel no need to join in, feeling simply writing "I agree" would be kind of pointless. I can't read everyones mind though.

As for /mai/ I don't really know what to say, contrary to popular opinion I think it would be a good thing if /mai/ became more bloggish and people started sharing daily experiences about their waifus, maybe daydreams they had, things that made them think of her, etc, all of this in one gigantic thread instead of always making new threads to ask retarded questions (no offense but stuff like "how do u guyz handle her not being realz" is getting old) that music thread is a good example of this, people posting a new song that reminds them of her. Or for example with that shopping thread, the dude could have posted in the one gigantic thread that he was thinking of taking her shopping, maybe elaborate on this a bit more. Most threads though seem to be overly deep questions that have probably been asked before. The harsh truth is with a topic like that you aren't going to get very much new content, especially when like you said people come and go. All in all though I think the biggest problem is people making new threads too often, maybe there should be one big thread, that should state clearly a list of things already discussed, and encourage newcomers to avoid these topics? Just an idea.
>> No. 4380 [Edit]
When it comes to stuff like this prevention is the only effective method of improving things (or at very least maintaining status quo). When the userbase is as small as /tc/'s you need to be extremely paranoid about stuff like that and monitor post rates etc. all the time. Patching things up long after the post rate starts to drop rarely has any effect.


>the other bitches about too much moderation and their posts being deleted

Rules are rules, if your posts break them they get deleted. It's only natural but people got used to no moderation standards of other chans.

>I never really quit understand why T-C is treated like some sort of entertainment that needs to always be interesting and full of quality, it is a discussion site for a certain group of people.

... Because that's why peope come here? To read something interesting and insightful about otaku media. Or at least that's how it used to be. If I wanted to read some boring blogging I'd go and read a boring blog.

>The way people bitch at a post (...) because it doesn't necessarily make for the most interesting and exciting read on the internet, is something I never really understood.

Lower quality standards on boards like /ot/ or /so/ lead to drop in quality on boards like /an/ or /vg/. It sends to wrong message to people ('posts like yours are perfectly acceptable') and it starts snowballing from there. It allows might disencourage people who put some effort into their posts (they get completely ignored and yet a 'how's your day' thread gets 18200 replies).

>Regardless of those thoughts and opinions of mine the site seems to be going at the pace it usually goes as far as I know,

Actually it's epretty easy to show that the post rate is declining, unlike most fora you actually see the post numbers on chans. Just do the maths yourself, it only takes a couple of minutes.


>But people should speak up about Shitposting.

I agree, the new wave of shitty anime OPs on /an/ needs to stop. OPs should never think 'MY thread will be on page 1' and include whatever they think about the anime in OP. Get over yourself. OPs should be blank.
>> No. 4381 [Edit]
so are you saying that people who are extremely lazy and don't have much motivation are likely to put in the effort to make "quality posts", but shitposters who are endlessly energetic are not?
>> No. 4382 [Edit]
I don't think NEETs and shit are too lazy to post, they're just too lazy to do what society expects them to do.

It makes as much sense as saying NEETs are too lazy to browse the internet, masturbate all day or play video games.

Post edited on 8th Oct 2013, 7:42pm
>> No. 4383 [Edit]
I was just saying in my other post (>>4376)
that peoples obsession with elitism and "quality" is retarded, and people need to learn to take it easy and just enjoy things and discuss with each other, BUT, that people also need to not take it TOO easy and still keep things like shitposting and Ford Drivergotry out. People need to learn that certain posts belong in certain threads and on certain boards, and keep in mind that their post is for everyone to see and will stay on the site until the thread goes away. But also not to treat the website like some sort of super duper quality place for anime pros, it's a fucking discussion niche image-board for losers.

I agree things like "fun-posting" and acting like retards, and posting things that don't belong in a specific thread etc etc, are unwanted. And like a lot of people here I like this place to stay as Ford Driver free as possible, and stay with its 2D-loving routes. But outside of things like this, people need to also learn to not be pretentious fucks who want to turn this site into something that would get a 5 star rating for quality at ratemyimage-boardforlosers.fag, what matters the most is that the site can house the kind of people it was made for and they enjoy themselves in peace away from the faggotry of the rest of the world. If that means people complain about their life on /so/, so be it, /so/ is more or less a rant board at this point. So long that it stays NEET and hikki ranting and doesn't turn into normie shit and the like I don't see the problem. /ot/ is an off topic board, which includes the blog thread. /mai/ of course will at times include personal posts, since waifus are such a personal thing. I'm pretty sure anyway that T-C was originally made for people on /a/ to discuss their waifus in peace away from Ford Drivergotry and the likes so I can imagine there was a ton of blog-type stuff and "non-quality" posts as people would put it, I won't try to claim I was there at the beginning though either, but I've heard enough stories and looked through enough archives to have a decent image.

With that in mind, I don't really think you should expect so much from the userbase outside that people can have a serious discussion and use the site the way it was meant to be, to write neatly enough, follow the rules, keep Ford Drivergotry out, get along, etc. I'd say most shitposters are simply people who are incredibly bored or can't find anything better to do and therefore have a lot of time to do these things. It may have been a mistake to state that all of our kind of people are extremely lazy and unmotivated but I also think a lot of people simply don't care enough to voice their opinions or be vocal about things. Once again though I can't read peoples minds.

Post edited on 8th Oct 2013, 10:03pm
>> No. 4384 [Edit]
File 138135475473.gif - (24.12KB , 100x100 , bye bee.gif )
I read most of that post an I can tell you that looks like a lot of rules to follow to be allowed fit in here.
I've proven pretty consistently that I'm not good at following the rule of society and fitting in.
Sorry, I guess I should go, but first a plea for you to post more nazo no gf x
>> No. 4417 [Edit]
There certainly is a learning curve, which is weird, as most people don't expect to need certain skills to post on a website. The rules only say so much, you have to lurk for a while before you get the feel for the culture and standards of this site. Its part of the reason why we seem so hostile and new users who post without lurking get their ass kicked.
>> No. 4433 [Edit]
>new users who post without lurking get their ass kicked

please never post here again, itg-san
>> No. 4450 [Edit]
I post all the time but it gets deleted. mod is jelly or somethin, always removing my good posts and comments.
>> No. 4546 [Edit]
File 138474215698.jpg - (66.73KB , 600x600 , memo20110501.jpg )
I'd feel weird making a new thread to ask this, so I'm just going to ask here: would any of you mind if I bumped a bunch of really old threads on /mai/ with my posts? If you do mind I'll just use kakusu. I absolutely would not be offended if people don't want to see a lot of my posts on the front page, because I know I'm the only semi-active guy with a male partner, so you can be honest with me. I can also stagger the posts over a few days if you'd prefer that. There's a good ten or so old threads I could respond to and it's sad how /mai/ has been lately so I want to do what I can to maybe light some old sparks of discussion, or bump threads so newer people see them. That said, I can understand if people don't want to see my posts, and can respect that.
>> No. 4547 [Edit]
not at all.
>> No. 4548 [Edit]
On the contrary: please do so.

It might encourage newer guys to keep exploring the catalog, catch up with the mood and contribute better.
>> No. 4550 [Edit]
I would be against this in the past, but given the current rates of activity it would be a breath of fresh air.
>> No. 4553 [Edit]
This. I'm all for it.
>> No. 4558 [Edit]
I normally wouldn't do it either, but I figure anything would help at this point.

Thanks, I'll get on this sometime in the next few days. Sorry for taking so long, I figure if I'm going to bump a lot of stuff, my posts should actually have substance to them.
>> No. 4658 [Edit]
I noticed post rate has been picking up recently. Keep up the good work
>> No. 4672 [Edit]

Yup, the post rate on /an/ seems to be on the rise lately, that's great news. We're now one step closer to becoming /ota/, ganbatte /tc/!
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