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File 135154121280.jpg - (294.41KB , 700x990 , 1330617900820.jpg )
2988 No. 2988 [Edit]
I think that merging /cr/, /fig/, and /mp3/, into a Misc. Hobbies/Interests-type board is something to seriously consider. Having this many super-specific boards has always seemed silly to me and hasn't really proven to be particularly effective, as far as keeping persistent, interesting discussion alive goes.

The board is supposed to be a broad theme, then threads are more specific subsets of the board. It's not just a matter of organization, either. More people are likely to see threads that they wouldn't have otherwise seen when it's all collected into one general place, and, of course, that means they're more likely to respond to the threads.

I'd also bring back the doujinsoft board (since there's nowhere to discuss doujin games, really), and merge /foe/ and even /vn/ with it like the early days, to make it like /jp/. I'd leave /vg/ as it is. It would probably remain a slower board, but it would at least be a more interesting than it is now.

What do you guys think?
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>> No. 2989 [Edit]
I don't want /mp3/ to be merged into anything because going there slows my browser down to a crawl because of all the youtubes
>> No. 2990 [Edit]
I really try to avoid the board.
>> No. 2991 [Edit]
I agree. Someone should fix up /mp3/. I think removing the ability to embed videos/audio would actually generate more discussion.
>> No. 2992 [Edit]
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Is there a reason why doujinsoft can't be in /vg/?

I believe /cr/ and /fig/ are separate due to /fig/ being supposedly more popular than all of /cr/. /cr/ is too slow though, which means that there's room for a merge there.

In my opinion /mp3/ should remain separate though. It's meant to be music-sharing, and not music-making only.

/foe/ is a more of a specific /pic/. Maybe it should be split between /vg/ and /pic/, but the point of it is to encourage posting touhous and everyone likes touhous.

This has been discussed before. Why not get rid of the embed magic?

Post edited on 29th Oct 2012, 1:21pm
>> No. 2995 [Edit]
As far as embeds go, we discussed it here: >>2913 . I thought that it might get sorted out before long, but I guess not? It is kind of a black sheep in the merge idea, though. I get that.

I mean, doujinsoft could go to /vg/, but imagine if moot had just banned touhou (doujinsoft) from /a/ and said to post it on /v/.

If Touhou doujinsoft discussion is allowed on /foe/, I don't see why we should have doujinsoft discussion split between the boards at all.

And /foe/ is used as an imagedump board right now, but official touhou game discussion, as well as touhou doujin game discussion is welcome there (right?)

We should have a catch-all board for these types of fringe interests like VNs, doujinsoft, and touhou/general.
>> No. 2996 [Edit]
Well tc has too many boards to be efficient so I will say yes to all board merging.
>> No. 2998 [Edit]
>the point of it is to encourage posting touhous and everyone likes touhous.
Also becuase some people don't like touhou and want to keep it away from their vns and doujin games.
>> No. 3000 [Edit]
Maybe if it's only about game software, there could be a board. But touhou has spawned material that fits in many other boards. I think it's just a preference choice Tohno made.
>> No. 3001 [Edit]
I guess I could do that for now.
>> No. 3002 [Edit]
>some people don't like touhou
Now that's just wrong.
>> No. 3006 [Edit]
Those people should die!
>> No. 3007 [Edit]
No, the point is not to make another new board for a specific thing. It's to broaden the scope of existing boards, merging currently related boards into a... motherboard~
>> No. 3008 [Edit]
so, I guess, umm, how about combining /vn/ /vg/ and /foe/? or rather, not mix foe into one other board but let it be spread out to the rest of the site? like if people want to touhou image dump they can do /pic/ touhou remixes /mp3/ touhou games /vg(or whatever we call the new board)/ touhou figs in /fig/ and stuff
>> No. 3010 [Edit]
I think /vn/ is different enough to not be grouped with /vg/. Odd idea here, but maybe /vn/ belongs with /ma/ and adding light novel discussion to be covered.
>> No. 3012 [Edit]
I do like the idea of Touhou image dumps belonging on /pic/ and allowing Touhou to just go on the other boards accordingly, though.
>> No. 3015 [Edit]
I would actually get into VNs and light novels if that happened. It's not a bad idea if you think about it.

Also this.
>> No. 3021 [Edit]
Here's a more modest change idea. Tell me what you guys think.

[ an / ma / vg / ] [ cr / fig / mt ] [ mai / ot / so ] [ fb / ns / pic ] [arc / ddl / irc ] [ home ]

Anime - /an/
Manga/VNs/Light Novels - /ma/+/vn/
Games - /vg/

Misc. Hobbies/Interests:
Creative - /cr/
Collectibles - /fig/
Academia - /mt/

Waifu - /mai/
Off-Topic - /ot/
Ronery - /so/

Feedback - /fb/
NSFW - /ns/
Image Dumps - /pic/

Removed /mp3/ - one of the slowest boards, music threads can go in /ot/
Removed /foe/ - relocate touhou games to /vg/, image dumps to /pic/
Merged /ma/ and /vn/ - would suggest renaming /ma/ to something else
>> No. 3023 [Edit]
Not bad
>> No. 3041 [Edit]
I like /tc/ the way it is, with lots of boards for specific cathegories. But do as you guys please.
>> No. 3043 [Edit]
>> No. 3058 [Edit]

This sounds okay, aside from removing /mp3/. But


What he said. I think hacing multiple boards encourages the discussion rather than the opposite. If we had like 3 boards - anime & manga, hobby/general (with /vg/ and the like squeezed in there) and /bl/ (/ot/, /so/ etc.) people would be less willing to post a new thread. Well, at least I would, maybe others would disagree.

But again, I can get behind a merger of /ma/ and /vn/ and removal of /foe/ if you have to change something.
>> No. 3060 [Edit]
yeah we'd be like /bun/ and have one 700 post video game thread compared to one 7,000 post videogame board.
>> No. 3069 [Edit]

I know some of the boards are pretty dead, but I'm not so sure merging things would help it either, and would make it harder to find specific things, no? The catalog helps with that, but even I didn't know we had that until last week, and I'm here pretty much every day.

Still, I'm not for or against this idea. I'm ok with whatever so long as the core of the site remains the same and I have a place I feel like I can talk.
>> No. 3075 [Edit]
>I'm not so sure merging things would help it either, and would make it harder to find specific things, no?
But it would make it easier to find general things. Users shouldn't have to dig through two or three boards to see what people are talking about when those boards can be just tied together by their loose relations. Active discussion should be as easy to find as possible.

You'll usually be able to find a specific thread you're looking for on faster boards than ours like on /jp/ by just digging through a few pages, let-alone use the catalog.
>> No. 3077 [Edit]
>Users shouldn't have to dig through two or three boards to see what people are talking about
>Active discussion should be as easy to find as possible.
It's called the front page.
If you want to camp out on individual boards, that's your problem, not the site's.
>> No. 3078 [Edit]
It's the userbase's problem if making things harder than they need to be impacts discussion or post counts. And the front page isn't as effective as it should be because of kakusu.

I don't think that the site is ruined because it has too many boards, anyway. I just think it would make it better to limit these really specific and less popular boards and encourage more people to visit them by broadening their scope (merging them).
>> No. 3112 [Edit]
Okay, so it's not your problem, but it's not the site either. it seems to be a problem with the users.
either way, it leads us to this:
>> No. 3190 [Edit]
Some people really feel strongly about ditching some of the boards, is it really okay to leave it as is?
>> No. 4478 [Edit]
so yeah, finally got around to merging /foe/ /vn/ and /vg/. Sorry it took so long.

Thinking I might merge /an/ and /ma/ next.
>> No. 4479 [Edit]
Enough with the jokes, please.
>> No. 4480 [Edit]
who's joking?
Do you think it was a bad move?
>> No. 4481 [Edit]
File 138408858212.jpg - (346.20KB , 907x1138 , 1325318118491.jpg )
Granted, I had to come here to realize which boards were missing but FUCKING DOUSHITE
>> No. 4482 [Edit]

Leave /ma/ as it is.
>> No. 4483 [Edit]
Well, I like categorization and balance. It makes way easier to find what one wants and feel more soothing, like in a collection (you don't just randomly pile your figs together, do you? me neither). I don't think it will encourage more posting either, so I don't really understand that insistence on cutting on boards...

Anyway: though the combo of VN and Touhou together gives me a bad /jp/ feel, I can live with it. But I think /an/ and /ma/ stand on their own by fair right. However, do as you consider best.
>> No. 4484 [Edit]
I guess it was a bad move after all.
They've just seemed really stagnate, and people would always complain about us having to many boards and stuff...
Maybe I'll try putting them all back I guess.

Some people in the irc had convinced me that changing things around on the site might draw some attention and possibly give us a boost in traffic, but nothing as changed as of yet and in retrospect those people don't even browse the board...
I'm not sure what came over me.
>> No. 4486 [Edit]
>They've just seemed really stagnate, and people would always complain about us having to many boards and stuff...
A lot of the site is stagnant for periods of time, I think only /an/ has really consistent movement due to the seasons and stuff. And cmon, you always answered those folks saying they don't understand how our community works and it worked for us and shit, why change now?

>Some people in the irc had convinced me that changing things around on the site might draw some attention and possibly give us a boost in traffic, but nothing as changed as of yet and in retrospect those people don't even browse the board...
Wouldn't making us be indexed by google again and stuff help better with bringing new people over then? Do we even have the mods to deal with new people anyway?
Also, completely anedoctal but what caught my eye here when I first arrived was /foe/ and /mai/, even if the boards are stagnant just having then around shows the community has particular interest in it and thus it would be possible to start new discussions there. I believe merging stuff together like that actually subtracts from our value for new people with quite specific interests.
>> No. 4487 [Edit]
>why change now?

like I said I'm not sure what came over me and I regret it. anyways you're right and I'll try moving the stuff back to how it was, it'll just take some time to do is all.
>> No. 4488 [Edit]
File 138413669813.png - (183.54KB , 400x420 , 130453656924.png )
Thank you Tohno~
>> No. 4489 [Edit]
>Some people in the irc

Found yer problem right there bud.
>> No. 4490 [Edit]

>possibly give us a boost in traffic

Yeah, people who don't even know about the site would surely migrate to /tc/ en masse because of a relatively minor change related to what goes where.
Don't want to sound like an ass but I honestly don't know how they came up with that and how they managed to convince you it's a good idea.

If you have to change something I think this guy had the right idea: >>3021

Also I just realized the post count on /vg/ doesn't add up and almost wanted to ask if there was some massive raid or something but then I realized it's just due to the /vn/ merger. Yay for artificial traffic.

But it's kind of depressing that /vn/, /ma/ and /foe/ combined have less posts than /fb/...
>> No. 4491 [Edit]
>But it's kind of depressing that /vn/, /ma/ and /foe/ combined have less posts than /fb/...
We have /fb/ dude and his incredible ideas here. Can't compete with that.
>> No. 4492 [Edit]
I think that the merge is fine.
In fact you should merge /an/ with /ma/ as well.
>> No. 4493 [Edit]
I didn't actually mind the merge. However I think /an/ and /ma/ should remain distinct.

This site is in decline, yes. It feels like post rates are actually decreasing. I don't know how to fix this though. Its like we've exhausted all the topics in /mai/ and /so/ already.
>> No. 4494 [Edit]
I think they should be merged because it makes it easier to get the ball rolling. I don't read manga often enough to visit /ma/, but I would be interested to see what people are reading so that something would pique my interest.
Why do you think they should remain separate?
>> No. 4496 [Edit]

Not that guy but manga material would get drown out by anime threads. 4chan's /a/ is technically for anime and manga and you never really see manga threads. It wouldn't be as bad on /tc/ but personally I'd rather keep things as they are. Merging /vn/ with /ma/ sounds reasonable because they are both about as slow so the topics would be split up somewhat evenly.
>> No. 4499 [Edit]
the site here is getting slower and slower because the mods are deleting ever more threads and posts from the site. people don't want to waste their time posting in a thread if they think it will be deleted and based on what i've seen deleted and the ridiculous excuses made for deletion i could see the moderation staff deleting just about any thread on the whole site. if you look in the archive you can see that it wasn't always like that and the site was a lot more amusing in the past.
>> No. 4501 [Edit]
Well theres been a lot of shitposting lately and I think its reasonable to delete that. Thats the whole point of tohno chan, we delete shitty posts, thats what makes tohno chan good.

But at the same time I think we've become too anal with who we want on the site and what kind of post is acceptable, which causes stagnation and lack of growth. Its hard to have your cake and eat it too.
>> No. 4502 [Edit]
so... we should ignore the memes and stuff now?

Last post I deleted was a thread on /an/, something along the lines of >that feeling when steins gate movie is soon
should I have left that alone? I found it a bit odd it got no reports...

were reported but I dunno what to do with them. They don't seem that bad really, but I can't help but feel that if I ignore them people will complain about me ignoring shit posting and stop reporting posts and so on.
someone also reported this one, which seems a lot more safe for deletion. but what do you think?
>> No. 4504 [Edit]
I consider it a shitpost if someone is typing in '4chan language'. If they wrote normally it would be more acceptable (although not preferable).
>> No. 4505 [Edit]
If we pretend that we're having fun then it might actually become fun.
>> No. 4508 [Edit]

Oh look, it's that guy again. I wish you would finally fuck off. Go shitpost elsewhere.
Nobody who posts quality content is ever scared of having his posts deleted. It's like complaining about security cameras when you don't plan to steal anything. Unless, you know, you do plan to steal something.

>if you look in the archive you can see that it wasn't always like that and the site was a lot more amusing in the past.

On ib4f maybe. The site had much, [b]MUCH[/] tighter moderation a year or two ago and the post rates were much higher. I bet there are tons of people who lost interest in the site precisely because moderation is way too lax nowadays.


/ot/ thread is blogshit. Axe at sight.
That /pic/ post is a shitty 4chan meme. Axe at sight.
The second /ot/ thread is pretty stupid in it's own right, can axe the whole thread as well.
>> No. 4509 [Edit]
>Nobody who posts quality content is ever scared of having his posts deleted.

Oh, thats so god damn true.
>> No. 4511 [Edit]

i would like to see her tits also
>> No. 4512 [Edit]
I agreed with everything you were saying but I see nothing wrong with that /ot/ thread. Why are people so anal about "blogging", is it really that bad if in a confined thread people talk a bit about their lives? I hope you realize how lonely a lot of people here probably are, and this site has become like a home to them. Of course they'd want somewhere to discuss things that are going on in their lives. If it stays in one thread I really see no problem. Same with /so/ if it stays on /so/ and doesn't turn to things like socializing and 3DPDs or whatever. That's the important thing, these threads need to completely avoid things like social activities and other Ford Drivergotry. Otherwise it should be fine.
>> No. 4513 [Edit]
I think its real nice how you actually decide to ask the users about this. My advice is simply to keep things consistent with moderation. Posting on the other site is incredibly frustrating due to the inconsistency of moderation and them deleting things based on personal feelings, not rules.

Why not just delete IRC and merge all the boards for a week just to see what would happen?
>> No. 4515 [Edit]
what would deleting irc accomplish?
>> No. 4516 [Edit]
>Why not just delete IRC and merge all the boards for a week just to see what would happen?

/bun/ but even worst.
>> No. 4517 [Edit]
>Last post I deleted was a thread on /an/, something along the lines of >that feeling when steins gate movie is soon
>should I have left that alone? I found it a bit odd it got no reports...
Definitely not, I think that's exactly the kind of shit that needs to stay out of TC. I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't report it because I just assumed other people probably already reported the hell out of it, so it wasn't necessary. Lesson learned.

I don't see much of a problem with the /ot/ thread, even if it seems a bit "bloggish" and a better fit for /so/. The ISHYGDDT meme on /pic/ I'd personally axe. The last one I don't feel too strongly about either way.

Post edited on 12th Nov 2013, 9:52pm
>> No. 4518 [Edit]
you should make a board for people who don't know if their post meet tohno chan's standard for intellectual content and people could post there posts there and other people could replay and tell them if the post is good enough for the site &/or how the post could be improved.
>> No. 4519 [Edit]
try /lol/
>> No. 4520 [Edit]
Turns out the best way to boost traffic, is to bump old threads. who'd have guessed?
>> No. 4521 [Edit]
Or maybe just transfer the crappy threads to /lol/ rather than delete them, if theres a function in the board software for that.
>> No. 4522 [Edit]
I'm with this guy for the most part. Keep blog-ish posts and threads because so is partially about that and get rid of annoying memes etc on sight.
I'm not a huge fan of meta-threads though. Once they reach a certain length you get the feeling that your post will simply drown in the long stream of words that they become.
>> No. 4523 [Edit]

>Why are people so anal about "blogging", is it really that bad if in a confined thread people talk a bit about their lives?

We have a whole board dedicatd to it. Anime threads belong on /an/ in the same way blog posts on /blog/ /so/.
>> No. 4524 [Edit]
/so/ is more ranting and depressing though, it's very negative and I'm sure many people avoid it since going there just makes one feel really down and sometimes sick, at least for me since I have to be reminded how fucking shitty this reality is. That /ot/ thread is laid back taking it easy blogging about stuff going on in fellow otakus lives that may be interesting or whatever, and it is confined to one singular thread. The last time somebody posted about 3D and socializing he got bitched at immediately and the post was deleted, so it becoming some overly Ford Drivergish social thing doesn't seem something we need to worry about. I see no problem with this.

I also think, more users can at a point become a bad thing, where if too many people come the site will slowly lose people like 2D-lovers with waifus, hikis, NEETs, etc, and more unwanted people will replace them. It's a fact that more of the other kind exist than the kind of people this site seems to house. Then eventually the site will just turn into another 4chan copy focused on otaku things, not housing a niche group of people, with a /mai/ board where the same threads get repeated over and over because newcomers don't realize they have been made before. This is a negative outlook but is something to consider. I can already tell /jp/ style "fun-posting" is becoming a huge thing here because of the influx of /jp/ers and /ota/ after 1. The Janitor went anal on /jp/ and 2. /ota/ was taken down and they went on /lol/ until a new site was taken up. This place is also a huge target for trolling, and people who troll seem to love what I call "rule-following trolling".
>> No. 4525 [Edit]

>That /ot/ thread is laid back taking it easy blogging about stuff going on in fellow otakus lives that may be interesting or whatever, and it is confined to one singular thread.

You don't even know what you're talking about. The second /ot/ thread I was refering to was a guy starting his own blog thread instead of posting it on /so/ or in the daily report thread.

>more users can at a point become a bad thing

Surely this has to be the last of /tc/ concerns right now.

>I can already tell /jp/ style "fun-posting" is becoming a huge thing here because of the influx of /jp/ers

Dumping this on /jp is kinda an unfair thing to do. Late 2010 /jp/ migration and the elitism they brought along made /tc/ a wonderful site to browse for two years to come. If not for them I imagine we'd never rise above the ib4f level (and as sad as the current state of /tc/ is we're still better than that).
>> No. 4526 [Edit]
>The second /ot/ thread I was refering to was a guy starting his own blog thread instead of posting it on /so/ or in the daily report thread.
Well when I think /ot/ blog thread I automaticly think this: sorry for the misunderstanding, I guess. These threads get confusing too when everyone is anonymous and two people argue for the same cause and the other person assumes that these people are the same person and therefore accuses that person of saying things only the other person said, and stuff like this, I can't tell you how many times I've done this.

>Surely this has to be the last of /tc/ concerns right now.
Maybe, but it was being said in this thread that people are wanting to increase traffic and I think this kind of site works best at relatively small levels. I highly doubt the traffic will ever become SO bad that like, it becomes too much for the servers to handle or something, but I think it could still become bad enough that the kind of userbase and mentality this place has changes a bit. Either way usually when a small userbase becomes really popular it goes to shit in my experience.

>Late 2010 /jp/ migration
I wouldn't know about that and I'm actually referring to 2012-13ish /jp/ where the janitor on /jp/ started deleting NEET and "fun" threads and people really got obsessed with shit/funposting and started to hate 4chan and therefore go to other imageboards. Funposting was always a part of their culture I believe but I think it got really extreme the past two years, but I could be wrong I was never on /jp/ too much. I do know how bad they are these days whether or not it was like that in the past, and I do know /ota/ can be just as bad.

Post edited on 13th Nov 2013, 3:10pm
>> No. 4527 [Edit]

>These threads get confusing too when everyone is anonymous and two people argue for the same cause and the other person assumes that these people are the same person and therefore accuses that person of saying things only the other person said, and stuff like this, I can't tell you how many times I've done this.

Your fault for jumping to conclusions.

>Maybe, but it was being said in this thread that people are wanting to increase traffic and I think this kind of site works best at relatively small levels. I highly doubt the traffic will ever become SO bad that like, it becomes too much for the servers to handle or something, but I think it could still become bad enough that the kind of userbase and mentality this place has changes a bit.

We are obviously past the peak now and the posting rates will only keep going down.

> I wouldn't know about that and I'm actually referring to 2012-13ish /jp/ where the janitor on /jp/ started deleting NEET and "fun" threads and people really got obsessed with shit/funposting and started to hate 4chan and therefore go to other imageboards.

What I meant is that one could argue that without /jp/ /tc/ would have never taken off so even if they are responsible for everything that happened over the course of 2013 it's hard to blame them.
>> No. 4528 [Edit]
Damn it guys, I thought it would be the Ford Drivers who kill us. Not this.
>> No. 4533 [Edit]
>I'm not sure what came over me.

It's ok, I know how you feel. It was very disheartening, for example, that only three (three!) of us gave a crap about our 4rd anniversary. With all the people that have departed, I'd like more fair brohnos to come too; yet again, where can we find them? /a/ is likely out of the question; any time we've mentioned at /jp/ we're bashed and all the people that casually come from there behave as hostile and stereotypically as they do in 4chan (>anime sucks >who are you quoting?); /wiz/? maybe, I don't really know; maybe we could try to attract anglophone japanese hiki in some way, but having their own giant niche community why would they come to this subpar one? I still fail to understand how there can be so little men (or even fujoshi) all around the world that seem to fit in this place and be ready to contribute nicely to it. 2D love apparently is still a very novel way of living to catch fair notoriety in the vast, vast web.
>> No. 4536 [Edit]
That term was actually coined on the IRC most likely by one of the staff and is the default nick when joining the channel on mibbit, kind of like being anonymous.
>> No. 4541 [Edit]

'Why did people leave?' is the hot topic on /fb/, or rather it has been for like half a year by now. There were heaps of possible answers and as is usually the case there's some truth in each of those probably (aside from that one guy who keeps rambling about how /tc/ is filled with fake hikkis and NEETs who only label themselves as such because it's supposedly 'cool' - he's just retarded).

As for why people aren't interested in /tc/ imageboard culture - or should I call it 4chan culture? - is what I imagine is the biggest barrier. People got used to 'quick fix' version of internet where they open some site, bring up some topic, see some responses and get their fix. All in a very short period of time. It's quasi ADD-esque in a sense. It's not just 4chan of course, twitter is more or less the same in that aspect. That's just how internet rolls nowadays.

Those of us who are a little older are used to fora which usually move at a much slower rate (or used to move, especially when it comes to a rather niche topic and that's what anime was a decade ago) and thus our attention span isn't wrecked yet. We value quality over quantity and don't mind waiting for a qulity response instead of getting quick insipid fix.
>> No. 4543 [Edit]
the basic fact about imageboards is that all of the content is on any board is created by the people who use the board.
tohno-chan is a board for discussing a limited subset of weeaboo shit and the people who use the site just aren't very much interested in discussing the appropriate weeaboo shit so the site doesn't get very many posts.
>> No. 4544 [Edit]

Doesn't explain the drop in post rate or the drop in quality.
>> No. 4545 [Edit]
it explains everything.
the site will get faster/slower, better/worse, etc if the site's end users want it to otherwise it will stay like it is.
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