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File 129185336415.jpg - (132.59KB , 609x910 , spirits_and_mushis.jpg )
109 No. 109 [Edit]
A thread to post your drawings.

I don't see one.
Expand all images
>> No. 110 [Edit]
Is that Ginko with tits?
>> No. 111 [Edit]
It was supposed to be a female Ginko, yes.

Came out rather derped.
>> No. 112 [Edit]
File 129185723346.png - (95.15KB , 390x566 , sweater.png )
exucse me OP, but: drawings in general or just circa otaku culture? honestly, I mean because I've been reluctant too show most of my shit in here.
>> No. 113 [Edit]
I don't make the rules, so we'll have to wait until a mod or Tohno answers this.

Everything is fine by me, as long as it's not some fucked up shit.
>> No. 114 [Edit]
File 129186128360.png - (700.72KB , 480x2957 , bapbap.png )
Post whatever you'd like. Spoiler pic it if you think it's too lewd or something, but drawn nudity is fine.
>> No. 115 [Edit]
File 129186301242.jpg - (734.58KB , 2954x1360 , Shooters_and_tanks.jpg )
I traced a tank and tried to put some BRS on top of it but lost interest half-way through.

I've been meaning to try speed painting for a while now and use some color instead of the constant white background/black lines. I think I'll try that next, see what comes out.
>> No. 116 [Edit]
File 129186371185.jpg - (601.60KB , 727x1000 , 1266870913158.jpg )
Here's an example of what I mean. I don't remember if speed painting the correct term but it can give some nice results if you put time into it.
>> No. 117 [Edit]
File 129186389322.png - (940.07KB , 1110x837 , Aki kaze.png )
very well, then (don't worry, i'll be careful).
>> No. 118 [Edit]
File 129186423046.jpg - (859.36KB , 1084x833 , Kuroi kaze.jpg )
>> No. 120 [Edit]
File 129186481518.jpg - (685.47KB , 820x1107 , Stabat Mater.jpg )
>> No. 121 [Edit]
These are really nice, anon. I don't know why you were afraid to post them, but I'm glad you did.
>> No. 122 [Edit]
File 129186504345.jpg - (908.49KB , 833x1095 , Junio.jpg )
>> No. 123 [Edit]
thanks a lot, broh.
>> No. 124 [Edit]
File 129186662455.jpg - (380.91KB , 800x1300 , El arbol de los libres (The tree of the free men).jpg )
>> No. 141 [Edit]
File 129189816350.jpg - (232.50KB , 1160x840 , Tenshi animation.jpg )
Made this in animation class.
>> No. 142 [Edit]
File 129189819826.jpg - (465.57KB , 1673x1213 , Hipster Naruto.jpg )
I also made this
>> No. 143 [Edit]
File 129189827697.jpg - (260.24KB , 1010x780 , Azu-nyan cropped.jpg )
and this.

These were all done weeks ago, and I haven't scanned any new pictures in a while.
>> No. 145 [Edit]
File 129190462681.jpg - (63.54KB , 600x450 , azusa-02.jpg )
That looks nice.

No comment..
>> No. 281 [Edit]
File 129414853382.jpg - (33.48KB , 628x483 , jesus.jpg )
I made this to illustrate the point that if Jesus's water walking powers resided in his foot soles would that mean he'd drown upside down if he ever tripped?
>> No. 290 [Edit]
File 129463553095.jpg - (312.38KB , 481x717 , asuka color TEST.jpg )
Test/dummy version finished.
About to work on definitve one.
[shitscared now... ]
>> No. 291 [Edit]
That looks really nice!
>> No. 292 [Edit]
So good!

Was it done with a pencil? I should start working on my penmanship again.
>> No. 293 [Edit]
File 129468162117.jpg - (1.10MB , 1477x2149 , Asuka (mai) [300%].jpg )
Thank you very much.

Just did the sketch with pencil; then worked on the printed/cleaned/corrected version (posted it a while ago, on /mai/), mostly on watercolour and a bit of chinese ink and colouring pencils; also used gouache for the highlights, but it isn't a very good thing to do: it tends to leave heavy/derpy strokes, wich quite ruin the transaparent quality of watercolour; nevertheless, it's still the only way I can deal with very pale yellows...

Anyway: just finished the final version (pic rel., size: 3x); my scanner isn't the best, but... however: there you go.
>> No. 294 [Edit]
The only criticism I have is her forearms are a little too thin and her pinky looks weird. Other than that it's great though, especially the hair
>> No. 299 [Edit]
File 129486660716.jpg - (519.63KB , 1126x2640 , Sketch Dump.jpg )
I haven't compiled a sketch dump since middle school, because they take an annoyingly long time to make. I thought I would just throw it together and go to bed, but I ended up working on it all night.

Sorry for the horrible layout; I wanted it to go chronologically, and it was impossible to fit together well.
>> No. 333 [Edit]
File 129512659137.jpg - (70.73KB , 411x569 , Rei.jpg )
>> No. 334 [Edit]
You need to work on your limbs. The arms are very angular and flat, and the fingers are eerily spider-like. The legs are too short, too thin, and they blend into each other. In this picture specifically, Rei's neck is also too long. You're good at backgrounds and faces, and you're great at hair, but of course the under-drawings need to be correct before you start rendering.
>> No. 335 [Edit]
I don't partially agree with this comment. It could be his style to draw in this manner, doesn't mean he can't draw anatomically correct bodies. It still looks good at first sight. He has a great style.

On the other hand though, proportions aren't correct on this Rei. Notice how her legs are too short compared to the rest of the upper body, if she stood up she'd be short on limbs.

This is common when a person starts to get good at his art. Critics come more easily because people want your picture to be perfect. Notice how nobody said anything about the OP. How the hair is out of place, how the face isn't anatomically correct and starts to grow a jaw to the right. Those shoulders couldn't work either but it's a very simplistic picture.
>> No. 336 [Edit]
Please never bring up the "it's his style" excuse.

Critics come more easily when an artist is skilled because good art is faster to critique. It's already a pretty good drawing, so I don't have to start from scratch and go over every aspect of how to improve it; just the major ones.
>> No. 374 [Edit]
File 129794399565.jpg - (322.29KB , 1040x1380 , Mahmoud Abbas.jpg )
Dumping stuff for class.
>> No. 375 [Edit]
File 129794400766.jpg - (458.03KB , 1515x1900 , Walter Pidgeon.jpg )
>> No. 376 [Edit]
File 129794402021.jpg - (236.66KB , 1341x1080 , Purple woman.jpg )
>> No. 377 [Edit]
File 12979440453.jpg - (460.49KB , 1260x1560 , O'Reilly.jpg )
>> No. 394 [Edit]
File 129852940474.png - (145.48KB , 892x789 , doll.png )
>> No. 618 [Edit]
File 129983073878.jpg - (237.44KB , 906x1220 , Gordon Freeman painting small.jpg )
Just finished this. I'm quite happy.
>> No. 627 [Edit]
File 129991827061.jpg - (316.59KB , 836x1286 , Mokou painting small.jpg )
>> No. 897 [Edit]
File 130294031496.jpg - (345.24KB , 800x2478 , Sketch dump 2.jpg )
>> No. 898 [Edit]
File 13029403393.jpg - (909.95KB , 902x2820 , Zoo sketches.jpg )
Made these at the Central Park Zoo.
>> No. 1009 [Edit]
File 13040763561.png - (2.26KB , 300x300 , 1304076298157.png )
>> No. 1024 [Edit]
Not bad. Do more.
>> No. 1060 [Edit]
But its so tiring!
>> No. 1139 [Edit]
File 130493747939.jpg - (220.86KB , 920x1120 , Mom drawing small.jpg )
Drew my mom for Mother's Day.
>> No. 1142 [Edit]
File 130501534048.jpg - (206.02KB , 960x1280 , Tohnor2.jpg )
Discussing Star Wars in IRC
>> No. 1214 [Edit]
File 130676891015.png - (48.50KB , 792x1034 , azuazu.png )
>> No. 1215 [Edit]
Cute. The anatomy needs some work, though.
>> No. 1216 [Edit]
Arms too short, head too big, too much K-ON but otherwise good - I like coloring..
>> No. 1217 [Edit]
Thanks for the advice, though I wasn't really looking for it. I mean, I draw with my mouse in mspaint, so it's flawed from conception.

Post edited on 30th May 2011, 7:16pm
>> No. 1218 [Edit]
Hrm, I don't think this is the critique thread guys.
>> No. 1219 [Edit]
An artist should always be open to critique.
>> No. 1220 [Edit]
I find it annoying when people give me critique without asking for it
>> No. 1221 [Edit]
Don't you find everything annoying?
>> No. 1222 [Edit]
I'm sorry about the critique if it is conceived as uncalled for. I'll refrain from doing so in the future, seeing that it looks to be unfavorable by default. I did read through the thread prior to posting, to check whether it would be in good manners or not; I might be delusional.

I like oekaki; I wish I could draw decent oekaki.
>> No. 1228 [Edit]
I didn't mean for it to sound like I was taking offense to it, I'm just stupid.
>> No. 1229 [Edit]
File 130717210251.jpg - (465.78KB , 968x1296 , Chalk drawing 2.jpg )
My family went to an art walk today, and there was one corner where someone left buckets of chalk for kids to draw on the sidewalk. I made this.
>> No. 1254 [Edit]
File 130778099712.jpg - (282.19KB , 855x1972 , Sketch dump 3.jpg )
Another sketch dump. I wish I had a scanner; I had to use my phone for this one.
>> No. 1292 [Edit]
File 130812905456.jpg - (242.16KB , 1280x960 , Nek.jpg )
Something I just drew about half an hour ago
>> No. 1318 [Edit]
File 130869919627.jpg - (90.79KB , 276x541 , Light.jpg )
>> No. 1357 [Edit]
File 131106843317.jpg - (102.99KB , 600x518 , Mis manos me duelen.jpg )
>> No. 1358 [Edit]
File 131106845522.jpg - (159.04KB , 1202x1130 , Alouette.jpg )
>> No. 1359 [Edit]
File 131106930972.png - (1.03MB , 531x844 , Einleitung.png )
>> No. 1360 [Edit]
File 131106940267.png - (620.28KB , 662x936 , xing.png )
>> No. 1361 [Edit]
File 131106948334.png - (640.97KB , 461x662 , black label.png )
>> No. 1362 [Edit]
File 131106961493.png - (1.29MB , 593x970 , Ich bin meine Welt.png )
>> No. 1363 [Edit]
File 131107000599.png - (1.14MB , 848x980 , Je est un autre.png )
>> No. 1364 [Edit]
File 131107014766.png - (400.54KB , 788x848 , éste es el árbol.png )
>> No. 1365 [Edit]
File 131107017014.png - (140.46KB , 544x840 , Lil 00.png )
>> No. 1408 [Edit]
File 131265091755.png - (22.28KB , 292x271 , img119.png )
Finally got a tablet but it's hard to get used to
>> No. 1428 [Edit]
File 131327533314.png - (250.17KB , 850x700 , copyrightdonotsteal.png )
>> Buy tablet
>> Draw Sonichu
So Tohno-chan should I just kill myself now or what?
>> No. 1430 [Edit]
Probably yeah
>> No. 1456 [Edit]
File 131416990383.png - (1.30MB , 671x939 , Yo (y lo mío).png )
From 6 years ago...
>> No. 1457 [Edit]
File 131417001629.png - (701.48KB , 609x1008 , recuerdo del año en que llovió - se inundó y se.png )
... Feels like ages.
>> No. 1458 [Edit]
I like these a lot.
>> No. 1487 [Edit]
File 131545011425.jpg - (335.00KB , 968x1296 , Anatomy Skull.jpg )
First day of Anatomy class today. Apparently we're just going to be drawing bones again and again rather than actually learning how to construct a body from scratch.
>> No. 1490 [Edit]
File 131562909214.png - (175.16KB , 500x320 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Flockdraw session with some bros. I drew the two on the bottom.
>> No. 1491 [Edit]
Is it Kirino?
>> No. 1492 [Edit]
>> No. 1493 [Edit]
File 131571714050.jpg - (122.24KB , 820x800 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I've felt like drawing hentai recently. All the best artists in my class just draw porn 24/7, so there's probably something to it. I actually do feel I learned a lot with this, especially in regards to feet.

I know I got lazy on a lot of things; I have homework to do.
>> No. 1496 [Edit]
File 131580394499.jpg - (250.50KB , 1369x1038 , Morpho theseus neoscalanti ALOTYPE (female).jpg )
Couple studies for the stuff I do to afford figures and shit...
>> No. 1497 [Edit]
File 131580401952.jpg - (240.09KB , 695x1067 , Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) [pencil] [SHARE].jpg )
Would include drawing "cheat codes" but meh: just keep tracing and then force good things to happen, be it mono/color or whatever.

Oh! Did you know that Koalas sleep about 20 hrs/day, have bifurcated penises, double lateral vaginas and really really small brains?

Post edited on 11th Sep 2011, 10:40pm
>> No. 1498 [Edit]
File 131580496229.jpg - (466.51KB , 728x1500 , Leopardus wiedii - Lynx rufus.jpg )
I'm still positive that, with patience and the apropriate input, pure watercolour (i.e. without any white peinture) can really do virtually any trick you need.
>> No. 1499 [Edit]
These are amazing.
>> No. 1500 [Edit]
Very nice animal art indeed.
>> No. 1516 [Edit]
File 131648985946.jpg - (318.82KB , 840x1074 , Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus).jpg )
Finished ver.


Post edited on 19th Sep 2011, 8:50pm
>> No. 1521 [Edit]
File 131660136013.png - (275.41KB , 704x1004 , 09212011a.png )
>> No. 1573 [Edit]
File 131732551230.jpg - (737.53KB , 1386x1022 , Morpho theseus (neoescalantei-utae) SHARE.jpg )
Finally, dammit...
Took me ages.
>> No. 1574 [Edit]
What materials do you use?
>> No. 1577 [Edit]
Coloured pencils, coffee, ink and acrylics.
>> No. 1637 [Edit]
Are you a member of conceptart.org? if not, you should.
>> No. 1642 [Edit]
File 131927073868.jpg - (238.03KB , 948x1280 , Greek dude.jpg )
I went to The Metropolitan Museum of Art today to draw some statues for homework.
>> No. 1643 [Edit]
File 131927075395.jpg - (249.64KB , 940x1280 , Greek woman.jpg )
>> No. 1644 [Edit]
File 131938061263.jpg - (355.73KB , 1130x909 , Parado sobre una piedra.jpg )
>> No. 1655 [Edit]
File 132064049434.jpg - (118.50KB , 700x850 , Oobi.jpg )
I drew a fan art of one of my favorite TV shows.
>> No. 1656 [Edit]
No, I'm not a member but I used to lurk that site a lot.
>> No. 1657 [Edit]
[goes to see a video on Youtube; endure about 1 min of it...]

>> No. 1658 [Edit]
I know, it's great.
>> No. 1673 [Edit]
File 132109773629.jpg - (426.63KB , 855x1255 , (Haru no ichimoku) Spring at a glance.jpg )
>>/ot/10312 related
>> No. 1674 [Edit]
File 132120322629.jpg - (117.65KB , 664x1104 , img265.jpg )
Broccoli-tan :3
>> No. 1675 [Edit]

From where are you from giascle?
>> No. 1676 [Edit]
I didn't draw that. I'm from New York, though.
>> No. 1677 [Edit]
I like it.
>> No. 1706 [Edit]
File 132279246351.jpg - (94.38KB , 648x484 , This burger small.jpg )
fff posted in the wrong thread

I had 5 Guys for dinner, and they have comment cards you can fill out and stick on the wall.
>> No. 1713 [Edit]
File 132373314242.jpg - (249.95KB , 712x915 , Le petit prince.jpg )
this one is really old... about 15 years old.
>> No. 1750 [Edit]
File 132621204260.jpg - (221.10KB , 795x1241 , Hanako [SHARE].jpg )
>> No. 1796 [Edit]
Very, very nice. Well done.
>> No. 1906 [Edit]
File 133967641747.jpg - (413.81KB , 1281x982 , Canthon sp_ [SHARE].jpg )
I don't like beetles all that much. But I respect the people who collect and study them. Zoology in general is always interesting; but entomology (just like ornithology) can be rather fascinanting.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2012, 1:32pm
>> No. 1943 [Edit]
File 134579258684.png - (266.54KB , 1260x1260 , guurl (1).png )
Could I get a second opinion on this? Specifically the legs. I've been staring at it so long I can't even tell anymore.
>> No. 1946 [Edit]
I think the legs look okay. The only thing that stands out to me as looking off is the hand holding the cigarette.
>> No. 1952 [Edit]
Yeah, hands are not my forte. I've been thinking about getting a small mirror or something so I can practice by drawing my own.
Thanks for the feedback!
>> No. 1990 [Edit]
File 135285786811.jpg - (276.03KB , 1844x742 , Ikura.jpg )
...and I thought: why not? it's within nico-nico and vocaloid culture anyway, and she has some balletic background.
>> No. 1991 [Edit]
File 135285801819.jpg - (62.16KB , 608x699 , ikura ballet all.jpg )
Material for possible further stuff.
>> No. 1992 [Edit]
File 135285859138.jpg - (558.85KB , 1346x1221 , 4 Arabesques (Vaganova).jpg )
Semi-related old stuff.
>> No. 1993 [Edit]
Those muscles. That's some Da Vinci level shit right there man, especially in the lower left. Great drawings man.
>> No. 1994 [Edit]
File 135521320885.jpg - (129.01KB , 600x590 , fig.jpg )
Been a while since I drew anything...
>> No. 1995 [Edit]
I like it. It's been a while since I draw my /tc/ avatar as well; it's interesting to see how they have changed.

Post edited on 11th Dec 2012, 6:57pm
>> No. 1997 [Edit]
File 135544121071.jpg - (216.83KB , 750x712 , feiklegs2.jpg )
how do you even draw a background
>> No. 1998 [Edit]
I don't.
I treat landscapes/items as characters or don't put them at all.

Post edited on 13th Dec 2012, 6:05pm
>> No. 1999 [Edit]
File 13555035598.jpg - (265.47KB , 1075x750 , sofa.jpg )
I need to teach myself how to backgrounds, I can't keep on doing this blurry shit.
>> No. 2008 [Edit]
File 135829308062.jpg - (161.95KB , 395x566 , Sweater [jp-OC#100].jpg )
>> No. 2010 [Edit]
File 135848620083.png - (318.97KB , 395x566 , Sweater.png )
...this one.
>> No. 2016 [Edit]
Is that you, Asukaman?
>> No. 2025 [Edit]
>> No. 2028 [Edit]
File 135902553043.png - (319.16KB , 750x750 , snegl.png )
I've been drawing nothing but boxes and balls and cylinders the past week, gotta do something else.
>> No. 2138 [Edit]
File 136602834742.jpg - (920.55KB , 1840x1033 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Spoiler for polemic subject (but I had my reasons to do it).
>> No. 2139 [Edit]
>but I had my reasons to do it
May I ask, what were your reasons?

e: Doesn't look bad, but I've liked the previous works more.

Post edited on 15th Apr 2013, 6:30am
>> No. 2140 [Edit]
To put it in what I see as the appropriate dimension and refute the western general reaction to it (http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=35031694). Also, I thought it was a powerful image to exploit on its own.
>> No. 2141 [Edit]
File 136604852420.png - (3.30MB , 1300x1950 , miku.png )
My sense of anatomy has never been good, sorry.
>> No. 2142 [Edit]
Far better than lots of people who claim not o need it. It also has a sweet sense of rhythm. I like it; will you color it?
>> No. 2143 [Edit]
How long did it take you to learn how to draw like that?
Is pretty
>> No. 2148 [Edit]
File 136654877417.png - (356.83KB , 620x477 , kirke.png )
First time painting in Photoshop.
I was planning on polishing this more and putting it on my blog, but I somehow managed to flatten all the layers in my sleep? So I just slapped some fog on it and called it a day.
>> No. 2149 [Edit]
File 136657361652.jpg - (248.06KB , 620x477 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I think it's pretty good and for a first time in photoshop is remarkable. For the final touches, I'd just have left it a little warmer and contrasted, maybe. Do you still have the groundwork of it?
>> No. 2150 [Edit]
I was painting from reference (imgur.com/U5Z9XC4.jpg), so I didn't want to deviate too much from it.
And no, I don't anything but the one I posted. I think that when I saved a copy of the image to post online, I accidentally started editing the master file instead of the copy.

I guess I'll chalk it up to experience.
>> No. 2153 [Edit]
File 136785048510.png - (1.47MB , 1440x900 , wallpaper-754222.png )
The lighting in the center of the room could be lighter, it should create more contrast with the non-lit area.
>> No. 2156 [Edit]
File 136969015552.jpg - (151.78KB , 948x594 , fisk.jpg )
I'm thankful for the feedback and I agree with you, but I'm not gonna go back to that pic, too much hassle editing it.

Anyway, here's something I drew today.
Is there anyone here with any experience with painting? I was just wondering how you would go about rendering detailed areas like the forest in this pic and the trees in my last pic. I don't really understand how you could simplify something like that so I just go mad with a texture brush and blur the whole thing. I figure there's a better way to do it.
>> No. 2176 [Edit]
File 137187121079.png - (76.18KB , 1156x535 , Lil 1_bit.png )
The 1-bit palette on MSPaint is hard but fun.
>> No. 2181 [Edit]
File 137235215632.jpg - (1.09MB , 868x1696 , Shinji -Q-.jpg )
The lowest of the low...
>> No. 2182 [Edit]
File 137235550524.jpg - (157.40KB , 722x960 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Looks good as usual. I personally think Shinji should be drawn with slimmer waist.
>> No. 2218 [Edit]
File 137696331352.jpg - (1.14MB , 921x1402 , (Oreimo) I regret nothing.jpg )
a reminder
>> No. 2238 [Edit]
File 13825111082.jpg - (1.13MB , 989x1754 , Nadeko.jpg )
>> No. 2247 [Edit]
I guess its fair to warn you, but stuff like this isnt allowed on tohnochan.
If you keep up with this we in the moderation crew will have to report you to the proper authorities.

/tc/ Moderation Crew
>> No. 2254 [Edit]
File 138480498069.jpg - (862.64KB , 834x1337 , tleW enieM.jpg )
>> No. 2255 [Edit]
Oh, wow; that moon, and the curvature of her calves.
Although I have to ask what the script in the corner says, or refers to.
>> No. 2256 [Edit]

Probably filename, the number of letters and 'e's adds up. My world.
>> No. 2258 [Edit]
File 138520289248.gif - (69.17KB , 699x599 , 699px-Runes_chart_expanded.gif )
It's the runes used in Madoka Magica.
>> No. 2259 [Edit]
That moon was pasted.

>> No. 2357 [Edit]
File 140248550096.png - (188.35KB , 467x550 , jubei.png )
best thing I've drawn, I think
>> No. 2364 [Edit]
>tleW enieM
>Meine Welt
>My World
I see what you did there. The pic's really nice btw.
I wish I was able to draw more than basic doodles ;_;
>> No. 2417 [Edit]
File 141004684336.png - (362.18KB , 1000x1000 , universe.png )
Why is this board so slow?
>> No. 2419 [Edit]
Because you don't post more on it.
>> No. 2420 [Edit]
Most of us have no creative talent.
>> No. 2421 [Edit]
File 141029080923.jpg - (2.71MB , 1992x2676 , Lepidoptera II.jpg )
Did another collage of butterflies. Thought I might share it here.
>> No. 2422 [Edit]
File 141029084781.jpg - (1.23MB , 1972x2860 , Lepidoptera.jpg )
Here's the first one.
>> No. 2423 [Edit]
File 141029089926.jpg - (1.48MB , 2268x1338 , Lepidoptera WALL.jpg )
And her a crude but functional wallpaper of both.
>> No. 2462 [Edit]
File 14193653169.jpg - (2.18MB , 1856x2824 , WEIRD SHIT.jpg )
I did a compilation of some of my old weird shit.
Might as well leave it here, for amusement.
I don't ever draw like that anymore (hopefully).
>> No. 2463 [Edit]
File 141939489938.jpg - (51.09KB , 408x288 , ss+(2014-12-24+at+04_20_32).jpg )
Wow, I like it actually. Specially this little guy.
>> No. 2464 [Edit]
That was influenced by:
>> No. 2472 [Edit]
Wow, those are awesome, friend!
You're really talented indeed. I hope you do draw like that more often (and be sure to post it here when you do!)
>> No. 2510 [Edit]
not sure if this counts but heres some digitalart ive been working on. dont remember there being much 3D in here for those of you avoiding that.


ive been doing normal pictures too mostly doodles none of them finished. still trying to better my technique and technical skills mostly my patience with drawing lines and such, not rushing it
>> No. 2531 [Edit]
File 143355555320.png - (22.33KB , 819x863 , untitled.png )
>> No. 2532 [Edit]
File 143355560625.png - (20.08KB , 491x626 , untitled.png )
>> No. 2536 [Edit]
File 143374161679.png - (12.21KB , 500x500 , Untitled.png )
>> No. 2538 [Edit]
File 143385708738.png - (15.64KB , 889x765 , combine.png )
>> No. 2546 [Edit]
File 143596680337.png - (122.48KB , 800x635 , icyhot.png )
Slimegirl made out of Icyhot.
>> No. 2555 [Edit]
File 143882093616.png - (60.20KB , 919x938 , fdrdr.png )
I'm gonna post some pictures I drew in the last week or so.

A wild Reimu appears!
>> No. 2556 [Edit]
File 143882106859.png - (41.59KB , 764x852 , rfgsfd.png )
>> No. 2557 [Edit]
File 143882116883.png - (26.81KB , 752x648 , makicolor.png )

>> No. 2558 [Edit]
File 143882136141.png - (21.40KB , 516x448 , ghjfyjfyt.png )
Parsee parsley
>> No. 2559 [Edit]

Really nice.
>> No. 2560 [Edit]
I love your style.
>> No. 2561 [Edit]
File 143998813178.jpg - (56.49KB , 321x321 , shit.jpg )
>> No. 2562 [Edit]
>> No. 2565 [Edit]
File 144202428641.png - (17.78KB , 756x520 , a.png )
>> No. 2575 [Edit]
File 144271708940.png - (2.43MB , 1375x935 , fdg_000000.png )
>> No. 2578 [Edit]
After 5 years, I finally got this one done.
[EDIT: a bit better scan now]
>> No. 2582 [Edit]
Wow dude, that's amazing. Great job.
>> No. 2584 [Edit]
File 144385383016.jpg - (1.17MB , 954x1574 , HADALY.jpg )
>> No. 2585 [Edit]
File 14438538756.jpg - (1.45MB , 2007x1106 , Trinity (tryptic).jpg )
>> No. 2603 [Edit]
File 145321082636.png - (48.52KB , 500x500 , 0.png )
Yeah... Mai.
Your husbando is not very fine.
But i still try.
>> No. 2726 [Edit]
File 147841774977.jpg - (204.37KB , 750x1000 , JjgM9L3.jpg )
A drawing I made of Tohno, not very good and I think it's clear I need to improve on everything else. I think I'm improving with faces and eyes, at least. The hand and body need work.

Happy belated birthday, Tohno-chan. Long may this site live.
>> No. 2751 [Edit]
File 148454188776.png - (70.31KB , 1000x1000 , hN3kAfg.png )
>> No. 2752 [Edit]
File 148464491159.png - (387.78KB , 678x874 , Spoiler Picture.png )
I tried to paint a girl I saw in a dream, but I quickly lost interest. spoilered for questionable? 3d
>> No. 2753 [Edit]
That's a nice drawing despite unfinished.
>> No. 2755 [Edit]
File 14856255117.png - (356.19KB , 399x399 , Planet Lucia (Seed - 3466567).png )
I use a planet generator, and this one I made is called Lucia or Lucidia, call it however you like.

It is an anime world in the constellation of Cancer set in 23rd century AD, founded on the 200th anniversary of Japan's surrender. I hope this will pique your interest.
>> No. 2756 [Edit]
But anon, this isn't a drawing. I do want to ask more about your planet and its circumstances, but I don't feel this thread is the appropriate one for it.
>> No. 2757 [Edit]
Where can I put my planet to a more suitable place?
>> No. 2758 [Edit]
There's a "Post the last image you made" thread (http://tohno-chan.com/cr/res/1768.html) which I think it's more suitable. But you could always make a world-building thread or a planetary thread; I checked, neither exist in this board.
>> No. 2766 [Edit]
File 148934675648.jpg - (100.28KB , 562x750 , 5bb93a13c7044144094d43708b4e0cbd_jpeg.jpg )
A quick sketch of Maeve I made a few days ago when I was doing my homework.

I uninstalled the game later that day.
>> No. 2776 [Edit]
File 149170506068.jpg - (124.24KB , 562x750 , 58310c4aca8ed240b31706e2444873de_jpeg.jpg )
Here is a drawing I made of an idea I had for a magical girl version of Kaban where her wristwatch can also be a flaming energy sword. I wanted to make the outfit based off of fire but I don't know how good of a job I did. I probably won't finish it but a critique on what I did get done is appreciated.

It really doesn't look very magical, now that I look at it.
>> No. 2777 [Edit]
Nice hat
>> No. 2795 [Edit]
File 149483900036.png - (96.84KB , 512x512 , 4b8a501322ae9812e0293b80f7239a8b.png )
>> No. 2816 [Edit]
File 149837793748.png - (377.42KB , 1024x1024 , 85WvLym.png )
>> No. 2819 [Edit]
File 149904453396.png - (376.27KB , 1024x1024 , G2qlkov.png )
Low effort Sonic doodle. Had no other ideas today.
>> No. 2820 [Edit]
File 149905400699.jpg - (0.99MB , 2560x1536 , 20170702_224836.jpg )
My camera is crap, sorry
>> No. 2824 [Edit]
File 149975190824.jpg - (138.00KB , 750x562 , Dr_ Ceruleanman.jpg )
No idea why I did this.
>> No. 2825 [Edit]
File 149975211349.jpg - (268.58KB , 750x1000 , Arai-san the Raccoon 2.jpg )
Sometimes the idea of Arai-san running everywhere around Japari Park with the company of a fox to find one person reminds me of Sonic games.

Yeah, I know I mixed the default running animation of the Genesis games with the Super Peel-Out from CD. I didn't plan it this all from the start.

Ezo is there just because.
>> No. 2826 [Edit]
File 149982046143.jpg - (146.16KB , 600x800 , Paper Tsuchinoko.jpg )
>> No. 2829 [Edit]
File 150061095656.jpg - (161.90KB , 562x750 , Plush Serval.jpg )
I would buy one so fast.
>> No. 2830 [Edit]
By the end of 2018 there will be 500 versions of it.
>> No. 2831 [Edit]
File 150303984539.png - (187.62KB , 1024x1024 , Super Arai-san.png )
I'm not posting this one in the Beginning Art thread because of how stylized this one is and it's not real anatomy or anything. Still, if there's any criticism anyone has I'm willing to hear it. No, the logos aren't supposed to act as chaos emeralds, I probably should have thrown in more because of that.
>> No. 2832 [Edit]
Not bad at all. First time in a while someone in this sub-board asks for criticism and I've got nothing; it's cute and well done.
>> No. 2864 [Edit]
File 151138284721.jpg - (320.62KB , 1000x750 , Toei Sonic 2.jpg )
I've already put down some of my own criticisms for this one but I welcome more just in case I may have missed something.
>> No. 2865 [Edit]
File 15134812473.jpg - (137.72KB , 562x750 , yukkuri.jpg )
The top one came first then I drew the one on the bottom. The top one was much better despite me not drawing from reference and rushing it.
>> No. 2933 [Edit]
File 153547944713.png - (170.92KB , 1074x980 , vamp loli.png )
I'll not end it... like everything i begins in my life.
>> No. 2935 [Edit]
Your groundwork is competent.
Do finish something.
>> No. 2963 [Edit]
File 154798316071.png - (141.79KB , 960x960 , 00af3774-2b86-42e3-a409-c75c665d070e.png )
I changed the position of the left leg toward the end so it ended up looking odd, well odder than it would have anyway.
>> No. 2965 [Edit]
She looks stiff, kind of like a figma. The pose looks a bit... inorganic.
>> No. 2966 [Edit]
File 154805446367.png - (217.61KB , 472x692 , yomi.png )
>> No. 2969 [Edit]
File 154901873235.png - (39.25KB , 960x960 , 8e85475c-3999-412a-a2bb-468b8b3cf5fa.png )
Yes, I was going for a certain pose but it did not quite work out.
>> No. 2973 [Edit]
File 155003894861.jpg - (79.36KB , 1536x1536 , ZZD 006.jpg )
I like how this one turned out, well mostly. It is still simple and crude but the basic form is there I feel, I might try to draw more advanced kinds of images next.
>> No. 2974 [Edit]
File 155023312170.jpg - (31.12KB , 555x512 , tomo_x_yomi_by_kazuv.jpg )
>> No. 3031 [Edit]
File 157508290818.png - (389.75KB , 984x730 , moe_smuggler.png )
"Ey c'mon kid, this ain't even on the market yet y'know"
>> No. 3053 [Edit]
File 158748905115.jpg - (1.31MB , 1960x1533 , 20200413_141901.jpg )
Reimu's my favorite character in Touhou and my favorite character to draw in general. She's the best example of my progress as an artist, as I've drawn her 100+ times since 2016
>> No. 3066 [Edit]
File 158899563196.jpg - (1.05MB , 1001x1247 , Diana.jpg )
>> No. 3067 [Edit]
That's really good. If you used a reference for the face, could you post a link?
>> No. 3068 [Edit]
File 158899605469.jpg - (523.11KB , 1675x883 , diana wall.jpg )
Thanks. It's from the game's trailer (Rule of Rose).
>> No. 3072 [Edit]
File 159056283048.jpg - (489.15KB , 711x904 , Hideaki.jpg )
>> No. 3073 [Edit]
File 159056284359.jpg - (481.96KB , 1170x1538 , Punpun.jpg )
>> No. 3074 [Edit]
Anno Hideaki?
That's really impressive, I could recognize the face in an instant.
>> No. 3075 [Edit]
Yes, for his birthday.
>> No. 3077 [Edit]
File 159094719462.jpg - (1.41MB , 2239x1247 , Aiko.jpg )
>> No. 3078 [Edit]
File 159149966013.jpg - (1.06MB , 2937x1793 , 20200606_230526.jpg )
I draw now. This was done with a 2h and 4b. I'll be using a 2h and 2b next time since I prefer a lighter look, but graviate towards darker myself. Please help me.

Post edited on 6th Jun 2020, 8:16pm
>> No. 3079 [Edit]
File 159200885868.jpg - (3.90MB , 4032x3024 , 20200612_204153.jpg )
>> No. 3082 [Edit]
File 159235820371.jpg - (2.72MB , 2992x3632 , 20200616_213903.jpg )
This pose was difficult. Something definitely went wrong, but I'm not sure what exactly or why. I don't know what I'm doing with shading either.
>> No. 3083 [Edit]
File 159274154078.jpg - (3.65MB , 3599x2024 , Monster.jpg )
Portrait of Johan Liebert.
>> No. 3086 [Edit]
File 159288333555.jpg - (2.44MB , 3024x4032 , 20200622_225942.jpg )
I think this one came out better. The torso is still too long proportionally and I don't really know how to shade the back.
>> No. 3567 [Edit]
>> No. 3655 [Edit]
File 173185734776.jpg - (2.92MB , 4032x3024 , IMG_0137.jpg )
trying to replicate a drawing i saw in the interweb
>> No. 3656 [Edit]
y0mu, you?
>> No. 3665 [Edit]
File 174108730267.png - (16.41KB , 258x327 , SPOILER_SPOILER_2025-03-02.png )
If my drawings keep looking like Americanime I'll kill myself.
>> No. 3666 [Edit]
It looks fine enough to me.

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