No. 3565
That anon here. Sounds like he is describing exactly what I called 'overthinking and perfectionism', which admittedly I fell into without the help of any western art school's guidance.
I didn't go to any sort of official school or course, so I can't tell how true his claims are. My learning experience has been scattered between watching various YouTube videos (eastern and western), reading art books (eastern and western), pixiv drawing tutorials, using face rotation sheets, trying to copy official settei, referencing anime screenshots, breaking down real life imagery as gesture drawing or perspective practice, so on and so forth. It feels like I'm trying to learn a hundred different things and, sure enough I can follow along a video or make a perspective grid on photo for a base, or copy how a character's eye style looks from this angle or that to get a feel for it, but I can't put them all together into one comprehensive whole illustration by myself, and it's been extremely frustrating. I don't really know what to do to be honest.
That vid struck a nerve with me and I kinda went off the rails, though. I apologize for that.
Post edited on 13th May 2024, 11:54pm