Can someone helm me creating my own imageboard on my phone only ( I don't have any pc) please people I beg you
Step 1. find a library with computers or an internet cafe.
>>3253 there's a library in my town. What's next?
If you have to ask and don't even have the right resources I don't think you're ready at all
>>3255 help me
>>3254 pick one, and read their documentation
>>3257 edit: My recommendation If it makes you feel better, Tohno doesn't know shit about web dev or his technical stack either. I just got banned because I triggered some word filter he put years ago and doesn't know how to remove.
>>3258 Sorry about that. I removed your ban.
I already have the boards name. now I must make a imageboard
If you can't spell the word "help", what hope do you have of programing an imageboard?
>>3296 They never said anything about programming it from scratch. It definitely doesn't take much to use someone else's software.
>>3297 Doesn't mater, if you don't have anything but a phone, why the hell are you trying to make a website?
>>3298 I'm not op... Try to be a little polite.
>>3300 >>3298 > if you don't have anything but a phone That's a terrible attitude. Your phone is more powerful that what they had in the 90s, and you can easily use it for general purpose programming. Even if it's not rooted, use termux or something which provides things like gcc and python compiled against ndk, or on ios use ish. Even if you disallow native apps entirely, you have the entire browser at your disposal, and you can use webasm within that to do something meaningful.
>>3301 >Your phone is more powerful that what they had in the 90s Yes, but in other ways, it's worse than something from the 90s. As a platform, and hardware-wise. >you can easily use it for general purpose programming Assuming you have a compatible keyboard.
>>3301 Computers in the 90s had keyboards, real ones. They also had screens larger than your hand. So you could actually see what you're doing. Your device processing power means absolutely dick. The only thing terrible here is the stuff being made by people who have no business making it. You're talking about someone who clearly has little experience using imageboards and likely the internet itself, what experience they do have is using crappy mobile versions of every website they visit. They wouldn't know how to make a proper website because they've never seen one. They're too lazy to proof read their posts and fix spelling and/or grammar errors, They're unwilling to do their own research, They don't have the most basic tools or materials for the job. They're also likely unwilling to pay for a server if they're unwilling to fork out $60 for an old used laptop. what they do have is a tiny screen and a fake keyboard on a handicapped operating system. Their priorities are backwards to say the least. Before making their own site, they should do as the old saying goes and lurk more. Build experience, learn how things work, and for god's sake get a real keyboard at the very least. This is the equivalent of someone who just bought a hammer begging construction workers to help him build a house. It would be funny if it wasn't so insulting. OP strolls in here acting like creating a imageboard/forum is as simple as running an app on his phone and my attitude is terrible? I'm being polite here compared to the average imageboard user, which he likely has never had the pleasure of dealing with and would rip his ass a new one with some creative language for posting something like this.
>>3304 >>3304 >Computers in the 90s had keyboards, real ones. You can plug in a USB keyboard to your phone (with the appropriate usb to micro-usb adapter I guess). Or use a bluetooth keyboard. >They also had screens larger than your hand. So you could actually see what you're doing Fair, but this isn't a limiting factor. With how large phones are these days (and their resolution) you can still manage to work on things. I'm not saying developing on a phone is going to be a comfortable experience, but it can be done if you're willing to put in the effort to find creative workarounds. The rest I do agree with, and if one is going to do software dev he should at least learn how to google rather than asking people for help.
Getting a VPS might be a nice idea, you can do what the person right above me recommended to have a better experience with logging into the ssh server of said VPS. It would cost maybe about £3 a month? And you may have to learn how to use a Linux distribution of your choice for said server. Hope this helps.
>>3616 >£3 Where?
>>3617 Privex's cheapest option is $2 per month. You only get a ipv6 address, but that can be worked around with this: Lowendbox has loads of links on this very topic. I use racknerd and it still has ipv4.
>>3662 780mb of ram isn't a lot though, you probably wouldn't host anything significant on that, only for personal use. but then, 10GB of disk space is very little. i think 780mb of ram + terabytes of disk space would be fine for many personal purposes, though. on the other hand, if i had friends, you could use such vps to host a vpn to play games or whatever.Post edited on 9th Feb 2025, 4:05am
>>3663 Sorry I meant the $2/mo racknerd. The specs are about the same as the right side pic. I have similar to the left side one too but with a different company. They do these sales with Lowendbox. Yet on their websites, they have such odd plans. The first tier is half the specs, for more than the sale cost. Then the next tier up is $216/yr, when the same specs cost $60/yr everywhere else. It's like they want no one to buy anything outside of their sale? I don't understand the business model at all. But they're pretty decent for the sale price, if you don't mind random downtimes a couple times a year.
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