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File 15000290678.png - (550.60KB , 628x620 , 1328681397_05853242.png )
2827 No. 2827 [Edit]
does anyone else here ever like to draw realistic noses on anime girls?
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>> No. 2833 [Edit]
File 150346579227.jpg - (54.46KB , 566x550 , 1483395842924.jpg )
Define realistic.
>> No. 2834 [Edit]
Realistic = ugly.
>> No. 2866 [Edit]
File 151349940924.jpg - (17.43KB , 628x620 , 15000290678.jpg )
>> No. 2903 [Edit]
wide flat and chinky
>> No. 2953 [Edit]
I just thought up a nightmare scifi scenario I'd like to ask if you think its spooky enough before fleshing out the idea. The hypothesis I'm basing my idea on is that after humans go into space and live in low/zero gravity situations the physical penalties for obesity are reduced and the fatties are able to grow to enormous sizes without being crushed to death under the weight of their own hideous mass. After a few generations the fatties have evolved bodies more in line with their excess nutritional intake and as everything else about them grows, so does their brains. The fattest of fatties grow super smart and conquer humanity completely, possibly eating a lot of us in the process and eventually enormous space whales the size of planets rule the universe an thats how it all plays out in the end. Fatties win bigtime.
What do you think?
>> No. 3524 [Edit]
delete this right now you baka
>> No. 3527 [Edit]
File 170372372054.jpg - (70.15KB , 225x606 , 1520502994731n.jpg )
Old thread, huh. I never did realistic noses, I would just add little triangle noses to images to make people laugh.
>> No. 3611 [Edit]
unlike op's picture, those triangle noses actually look cute
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