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File Following_the_witch.pdf - (172.51KB , Following the witch.pdf )
3533 No. 3533 [Edit]
Following the witch: another hymn to Aphrodite. A poem inspired in part by Yume Nikki.

Any thoughts/criticisms?
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>> No. 3534 [Edit]
File 170484712023.jpg - (14.35KB , 568x800 , Uboa.jpg )
>Any thoughts/criticisms?
>> No. 3535 [Edit]
I'm not really into poetry. It requires effort on my part to not skim through. The mention of urine laced tap water, and sports-drinks felt odd. I think I get what you're going for, a dreamy, nonsensical atmosphere, but it still feels inharmonious to include stuff like that and name drop Greek tragedies in the same text.
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