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File 158396411563.jpg - (1.86MB , 1960x2608 , 20200310_175118.jpg )
3039 No. 3039 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
There recently was a time in my life when I was so depressed I stopped drawing, so i decided to counter that with a little project I'm calling "A 2hu a Day" (or a few if I'm in the mood)
It's so I dont stop drawing again and continue to improve
I'm starting with every character from EoSD (I will do 1~5, as SoEW is my favorite game in the entire series, but the windows era will be easier)
I'll update you guys every few days with the newest ones
4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3044 [Edit]
File 158397757816.jpg - (1.35MB , 1960x2451 , 20200311_180024.jpg )
It's not on purpose
My art style has been influenced a lot by ZUN's art and Akira Toriyama's earlier works, so it can sometimes seem like I'm purposefully drawing that way when drawing 2hu's
But nah, it's my regular art style that I use for all of my drawings
>> No. 3045 [Edit]
This is a cute thread.
>> No. 3046 [Edit]
I second that. Please keep them coming.
>> No. 3047 [Edit]
File 158428928573.jpg - (1.47MB , 1682x3013 , 20200315_111348.jpg )
And now our beloved Cirno! Daiyousei had something fun to show her early in the morning, but she was sleeping and still isnt 100% awake yet
Yukari gave her those pajamas and slippers from the outside world as a gift, as she found a tiny little fairy beating the shit out of Okina very amusing

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3028 No. 3028 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do we have anons interested in Pixel Arts here? Show it your projects.

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552 No. 552 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone else get depressed when thinking about how manga and the like are made. All I can ever do is think of things I like to do in / to existing works. It makes me feel like a virus or something.I was rereading Negima and realized I'll never think of anything as cool as having an entire world spatially bound to Mars.;_;
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 581 [Edit]
File 129977139592.jpg - (133.90KB , 400x561 , Franken Fran.jpg )
This man speaks the truth. Don't worry too much about what you're telling, what matters is how you do it.
>> No. 3003 [Edit]
File 157126432059.gif - (1.36MB , 1280x720 , browsing.gif )
A little bit. I come up with stories sometimes and plenty of characters. I want to make some manga someday, I want to tell those stories even if what I make never goes beyond getting published. I just want them to be told. But drawing is exhausting for me and artists are so good at getting out so many good pictures in a short amount of time. I don't think I'll ever be able to get to that point and if I do I'll be the most tired I have ever been by the time I'm done. Still, I try to practice drawing.
>> No. 3004 [Edit]
This. There no reason to worry.
Read more interesting stuff and eventually you will came up with something nice. Take it easy, anon!
>> No. 3027 [Edit]
File 157165329128.jpg - (67.72KB , 485x600 , 47706_115947881792052_2728188_n.jpg )
>I was re-reading Negima
I like you just from this alone. I love Negima. I started using the name Negi Springfield 10 years ago. It's one of the most enduring names I've used online. So, it goes without saying that Negima has a special place in my heart.

>not using a Negima pic for your OP
I'm a bit disappointed.

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2782 No. 2782 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
After a long time of being a lazy bum I finally finished the first Tohno-house comic. You can make some as well if you like and post them here.

This features Kilo (the inumimi) and Tohno.

Lotsa flaws, I know. I'm not a good artist.
>> No. 2783 [Edit]
I want to nitpick about the decision to make the panels into weird squares like that, but I suppose that it's up to the author. The art is good, however.

I don't have any talent in drawing whatsoever, so I cannot participate because I'm a useless failure incapable of keeping up.
>> No. 2784 [Edit]
That is a very tohno-chan like post of you.
>> No. 2968 [Edit]
I think 4komas would be good practice for drawing. Once I get a bit better I might try to make some.

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806 No. 806 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Fill the silhouette with the first thing you imagine
13 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1177 [Edit]
I like the fact there is no UK.
>> No. 1197 [Edit]
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>> No. 2923 [Edit]
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>> No. 2954 [Edit]
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File 13355878236.jpg - (1.12MB , 1000x1433 , gridmaybe.jpg )
1819 No. 1819 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Some of us figured we'd give a group grid drawing thing a try, you know, like, everyone draws a block, that sort of thing.

Submit in this thread candidates for a possible image we'd be using.

As the blocks are made, I'll update this page

once a image has been selected and started, To avoid confusion post in the thread stating which grid you'd like to make.

Post edited on 27th Apr 2012, 9:53pm
60 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2931 [Edit]
Common bro.
>> No. 2941 [Edit]
They did it two years before your post, how's that recent?
>> No. 2947 [Edit]
You have misread my post date >>2912

Better draw it now before you get sniped again.
>> No. 2948 [Edit]
You are correct, my mistake, sorry.

File 153320889720.jpg - (208.53KB , 1826x1110 , shitting dick nipples.jpg )
2924 No. 2924 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
we doing this.
>> No. 2925 [Edit]
Oh and it's gonna be like pictionary or something where dudes in a chat try to guess what people are drawing.
>> No. 2926 [Edit]
So some of the people who were gonna take part forgot, and I got the time confused somehow anyways about when 18gmt was for us here, so... uhh.. we're doing it now I guess.

>> No. 2927 [Edit]
It was fun. Let's do it again next week. We ended up using https://skribbl.io/

File 152024488765.jpg - (2.85MB , 1200x7653 , KoEWVQg.jpg )
2897 No. 2897 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Where does your path take you?
5 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2915 [Edit]
I would choose the coin because I would want to be able to enter the pocket dimension whenever, wherever I wanted, and not have the door/garage rendered inaccessible from something being built in front of it or something. I'll also set it to not have time pass in the real world, so I can use the pocket dimension to escape real-world responsibilities.

I was going to pick "grassland" because the picture they used looks comfy, but I think I'll go with the island because I like water, and I'll also choose the Wildlife add-on, hopefully the "no bugs" rule doesn't exclude hermit crabs (my favorite animal), and I'll also have the Events add-on so I can have things like bioluminescent dinoflagellate blooms in the water, Tree & Shrubs for some nice foliage, the brook so I can have cool fresh water, and Fickle Weather in case I get bored of all sunny clear days.

For the living room I would like the supernaturally comfortable furniture, the streaming service with every movie & TV series because I won't have contact with the outside world but I still want to watch my chinese cartoons, and the stereo w/ complete digital library of songs, for the same reason.

As for the kitchen, I would like the food replicator, the breakfast nook because I like the way "breakfast nook" sounds, and the fictional ingredients because there is a lot of fictional food that I'd like to eat, such as the Gels from the Tales series.

In the bedroom I'd want to sleep in temperature controlled blankets, on the ultra-comfort mattress, and have all physical needs and imperatives halted.

There isn't a whole lot of stuff listed that I would really want, for the bathroom, but I think I'd have it double sized, with maybe the automatic groomer...?

But in the library I would love to have the ability to focus and not get tired while reading, and I'm taking "periodicals" to mean that I (hopefully) can read webtoons and other sequential picture books and stuff in there as they're released.
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>> No. 2916 [Edit]
>Inherent Power
Nobledark, born leader and chosen because I'm really set on the whole "anime protagonist" thing and because I think paladin & cleric type stuff is cool.

Astral Mark seems cool and I'm pretty sure the picture for it is Drax the Destroyer which makes me pretty nostalgic.

Solais and Khanda because they match the theme I have going here.

Fara looks cute but she seems like she'd get annoying quickly, so I'll go with Theodore.

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>> No. 2917 [Edit]
>picture for it is Drax the Destroyer which makes me pretty nostalgic.
What do you mean by nostalgic? The Guardians of the Galaxy movie was released in 2014, a couple months less than 4 years ago. And inb4 "comics", Drax didn't look anywhere like that before the film.
>> No. 2918 [Edit]
Mid-2000s and on, Drax looked like that, after he was killed and restored on Earth, with the red markings and all, which is what I'm nostalgic for (Annihilation era). The art that was used in the CYOA, even if it is a little different is enough to bring up those comfy memories.

File 129016752549.jpg - (42.83KB , 480x716 , sherklouise1.jpg )
15 No. 15 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
How to participate: Draw something in MSpaint, or any other limited graphics program with a mouse, then post your shitty art along with everyone elses shitty art.

If you're actually good at drawing, make the rest of us feel bad.

This weeks theme: Milky Holmes and Detective outfits. Waifus encouraged.
138 posts and 68 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 760 [Edit]
File 130146243126.jpg - (169.65KB , 800x600 , 9847.jpg )
>> No. 777 [Edit]
File 130179950673.png - (51.06KB , 1014x666 , lol.png )
Hahaha, this looks absolutely horrid.
>> No. 944 [Edit]
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>> No. 2882 [Edit]
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2728 No. 2728 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Submit anything and everything related to your original characters here whether it be ideas, advice, rough sketches, final drawings, facial expression charts, or feedback. Perhaps some users could give advice or ideas to others who need help completing their character but only if it's welcome.
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2787 [Edit]
File 149369453456.png - (308.62KB , 750x750 , nYZNlZJ.png )
Here is a character I made for one of the users here. Critique welcome.
>> No. 2788 [Edit]
It's pretty good, the girl is definitely cute. The only thing I can complain about is the thing that's supposed to be a shoe on the right leg.
>> No. 2789 [Edit]
thats cute
>> No. 2791 [Edit]
very cute character. the proportions seem good, but there is that shoe the other person mentioned. as well the eyes may be a little big. you're really good at drawing those stars/sparkles circling Lesh-tan. the mushroom, snail shell, book, and tongue are well done as well. the coloring on the crab claw seems a bit hastily done or incomplete. i really like the hat, and the necklace. please upload more of your works

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2743 No. 2743 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For traditional drawfags, what do you like to use most? Charcoal, acrylic paint, simple pencil?

For digital drawfags, what program do you use and/or what tablet do you have?

Maybe we can even recommend things we find helpful to other drawfags.
>> No. 2745 [Edit]
I use a CTH-460 and photoshop CS6
>> No. 2747 [Edit]
Traditional: pencil, colored pencil and watercolor.
Digital: Photoshop CS6.

I manage with that.

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