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File 163855586120.png - (11.04KB , 960x713 , 3d meyer briggs.png )
3225 No. 3225 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Made this for fun.
13 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3243 [Edit]
File 164487249370.png - (39.67KB , 2138x1238 , the curve.png )
Op here. This is now a random, diy chart/graph thread.

Probably not accurate, but just for fun.
>> No. 3244 [Edit]
I hope this is intentional.
>> No. 3245 [Edit]
If you like plotting random thinks, the MAL dataset is relatively small (~2GB) and fun to play around with. I did some playing around with that 2 years ago in >>/ot/34234 and >>/ot/32729
>> No. 3246 [Edit]
Spelling is... not my strong suit.

File 153927577790.jpg - (772.57KB , 1280x720 , g.jpg )
2943 No. 2943 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Get creative and create a back story for this image!
>> No. 2944 [Edit]
Neat idea, but I can't come up with a title for this adventure. I'll brainstorm for a couple of days.
>> No. 2946 [Edit]
Yume gingerly put the headphones on, closing her eyes as she did so. After pausing for a few seconds, and nothing happening, the small seed of doubt had grown larger - that perhaps the old man was lying, and that he had played her for a fool. After all, the idea that he had gave her a pair of headphones that allowed her to enter the land of dreams seemed laughable. Why hadn't she realised before? With a mix of frustration, anger, and disappointment, Yume went to take the headphones off.

Yume froze. The familiar sight of her compact bedroom had disappeared; it had been replaced by a grand, spacious train station. Her once quiet surroundings exchanged with the hubbub of bustling commuters; her colourless bedroom substituted for the plethora of vivid colours that sprang from the scene before her. Ornate steam trains, more than she could count, soared gracefully into and out of the station, each passenger car filled with odd looking commuters. Yume smiled as she surveyed the passenger cars and their curious inhabitants. Samurai, spacemen, princesses, mice in top hats, several clowns, pirates, and a very large and grumpy looking cat were the occupants of just one passenger car. Yume examined the multitude of trains, unable to decide which one to board. Which train would she board? Where would she go? Each train seemed to offer an adventure, each adventure different from the last. Maybe these headphones aren't so bad after all, Yume thought to herself, grinning from ear to ear.

I'd really appreciate it if any anons could provide some constructive criticism, it'd be really useful
>> No. 3223 [Edit]
The artificial gravity in the Nihon Daisen-kyu space habitat was low outside the levi-train tunnels. A side effect of the gravity-manipulating propulsion system, allowing the trains to charge through space at a breakneck pace. It was the only practical way to go between the enclosed city sections.

Walking atop the tunnels was the scenic route; it often took weeks to go from one city to another; the people who traveled this way called themselves Hikers. Kiyori only traveled this way when she needed a break from the inside.

She hit the ground at a run and leapt again after only ten steps, passing close by more of the scenic installations. This was the most common way to hike, conserving energy to support a longer journey while still traveling at a quick pace.

Each guide station had lights, trees, and other scenic installations for travelers like Kiyori. This one had sakura in a gorgeous pink bloom; on this path it was common to jump through a mass of petals drifting out into space. Kiyori only saw a few this time.

"See that, Pen-chan?" Kiyori said to her penguin companion, pointing out a train gingerly puttering through space with a strictly limited gravity drive of its own. It looked like an old coal-fired planetary train, even simulating the sooty exhaust. "That private levi-train has a traditional theme. Do you like it, Pen-chan?"

>> No. 3224 [Edit]
Tsuki was an aspiring actress who couldn't seem to catch her big break no matter how hard she tried. Little, demeaning gigs in commercials or as an extra kept food on the table, but she grew increasingly dissatisfied with the direction of her life.

In a moment of sheer desperation, she decided to purchase magic mushrooms in an attempt to expand her psyche. Although she did not come to any revelations about herself or the world, she did enjoy a psychedelic trip set in space. Floating trains, cheery blossoms, and a penguin, kept her company in this lonely hour.

File 163302336454.jpg - (540.67KB , 1600x1600 , 426a40b23b140e9e9c969fd55c3664ee.jpg )
3218 No. 3218 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Lets invent a diet based around appetite suppression. Lots of bitter foods and other things that make a person not want to eat coupled with foods that have a high caloric density. I've never heard of something like this before, but I think it's a very good idea. Here's my first draft.

Yogurt, walnuts and green tea

Bone broth with ginger and tomatoes, salmon, more green tea.

Rhubarb Salad, squid, mashed potatoes with mint, hibiscus tea.

Snack if hungry:
A banana, more walnuts, water.
>> No. 3221 [Edit]
Keto does that. It's a side effect not the main point but it was shocking how much mileage I got out of fat food once I got used to it. No hunger at all, never felt anything like it. Too bad it was too expensive for me.

File 159871195032.png - (53.24KB , 300x256 , about.png )
3119 No. 3119 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I revived the Lolifox browser.
It's based on Pale Moon.
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3122 [Edit]
That's pretty cool!
>> No. 3129 [Edit]
The site is dead
>> No. 3130 [Edit]
Well that didn't take long.
>> No. 3175 [Edit]
revive it please

File 157395872695.jpg - (180.41KB , 850x1201 , sample_3de5e7a27c2e768d1af00e5e062579cc.jpg )
3029 No. 3029 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Here's a thread to share anything you write. I'm suprised one doesn't already exist. Here's a poem I wrote. I don't even like poetry, this just came to me.

Sickly Beauty
Girls oh girls, so lovely. Even ill ones, sickly sweet and tender; skin smoother than silk; petite yet not lacking. A sweetness that's bitter is better than one sour. A healthy demon entices less than a dying nymph. A fleshy corpse is more charming than a living skeleton. A bright smile whets the appetite, but a childish melancholy is the best taste of all.

Post edited on 17th Nov 2019, 8:24am
6 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3126 [Edit]
Are you publishing it anywhere besides here?
>> No. 3127 [Edit]
>> No. 3172 [Edit]
Will you publish it somewhere besides here? i liked it and i'm interested.
>> No. 3173 [Edit]
File 161725194636.png - (1.87MB , 950x1344 , ed20cbff10a3572fe73db87b02ff178b.png )
No, not really. Where would I even publish it? I'm glad you liked it, but there's nothing else to it and I didn't have any plans to continue. Maybe I'll feel in the mood sometime though.

File 130458787936.png - (2.01MB , 1578x1425 , playwell.png )
1086 No. 1086 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
In this thread, draw yourself as a girl.
44 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3136 [Edit]
File 160392647715.png - (54.24KB , 477x565 , em.png )
>> No. 3137 [Edit]
thank you for remembering this thread after 9 years, it must have taken a long time to draw! but seriously, this is very, very nice and you look so cute! nice job.
>> No. 3163 [Edit]
File 161411651192.png - (467.13KB , 1000x748 , hkm.png )
>> No. 3239 [Edit]
I love this, anon

No. 1768 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Please accept my apology for posting 3D.
I'm sure that most of the people here will recognize the image as being inoffensive and (I hope) possibly even slightly amusing.
65 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3146 [Edit]
File 16125582043.png - (408.11KB , 736x900 , 3436c9f5b696fc245a11e62a3b91ea10.png )
This is why you should buy more than one of anything you treasure if it might be fragile. Also nice Tohno-chan bookmark.
>> No. 3147 [Edit]
My condolences for the mug. You have chosen a beautiful picture for it.
>> No. 3148 [Edit]
What about filling the cracks and painting/drawing in the missing segments?
>> No. 3149 [Edit]
>Also nice Tohno-chan bookmark.

Glad you like the picture. You can find the original here https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=367069

I suppose that's an option. I'm not sure my drawing skills are that great... I have the feeling it looks better now than it would after I was finished with it. I would have to get some pens and... modeling clay?... and do some tests to see how the ink looks on that medium...

Audio derp.mp3 - (3.24MB - 256 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 1:46
42 No. 42 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Testing recording / uploading / stuff
139 posts and 82 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3103 [Edit]
Audio elemile_-_Aiko.mp3 - (3.90MB - 184 kbps - 44.1 kHz , elemile - Aiko.mp3 ) Length: 2:58

>> No. 3105 [Edit]
Audio elemile_-_El_vino.mp3 - (3.67MB - 206 kbps - 44.1 kHz , elemile - El vino.mp3 ) Length: 2:29

>> No. 3107 [Edit]
Audio elemile_-_L'île.mp3 - (4.37MB - 189 kbps - 44.1 kHz , elemile - L'île.mp3 ) Length: 3:14

>> No. 3138 [Edit]
Audio elemile_-_Alicia.mp3 - (3.87MB - 188 kbps - 44.1 kHz , elemile - Alicia.mp3 ) Length: 2:53

piano song

File 149082514465.jpg - (702.07KB , 850x1202 , sample_14cdebd9396bf7d0afa0805f6365ff40.jpg )
2771 No. 2771 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Made any videos? Post them here!
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2958 [Edit]
I edit footage over music I find to my liking.
>> No. 2979 [Edit]
>> No. 2983 [Edit]

probably could have done a better job on this one
>> No. 3062 [Edit]
really cool, you have a talent

File 133202185510.png - (44.99KB , 800x569 , 1332021357068.png )
1784 No. 1784 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

Moeblob creator thread

Make yourself, make your waifu, make a little girl, make yourself as a little girl, make your waifu as a little girl
35 posts and 27 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2871 [Edit]
Thanks! Yeah I agree that would be a pretty tame fan-service episode. I made a slightly lewder one but it seemed kind of tasteless so I didn't upload it.
If you want to try it again you should take a screenshot every now and then, that way you can remember what it looks like incase something happens to it.

How do you change the facial expression?
>> No. 2872 [Edit]
Yeah I'll try again some time. I don't how to change the expressions, but you can try by randomizing until you get the expression you want and then modifying.
>> No. 3065 [Edit]
File 158888884995.png - (142.68KB , 960x628 , Stone oni 2.png )
>> No. 3124 [Edit]
File 159944097256.png - (638.54KB , 1058x1205 , pretty people.png )
It's been a long time, we met up again and did some pictures. The new girl on my right was my imaginary girlfriend for a bit. Tried to wear the same stuff as before (I was missing some of it), we even went back to the beach and took a fanservice shot. I thought 2 3/4 years was a lot, but looking at when this thread started it doesn't seem too much.

File 130600880749.png - (7.47KB , 344x216 , diy_.png )
1185 No. 1185 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
DIY stands for Do It Yourself; anyone into it?

There's loads of dedicated wikis and forums on the subject, so I want to relate it with TC. Being hikki, neet, unnormal, social outcast or what have you, may imply that money gets tight, but free time maybe not. Doing/making it yourself instead of buying it can help the shorts meet the ends.

I'll use myself as an example:
I don't work, and I don't intend to anytime soon either. I love music, and I want it to sound its best, so I look to hi-fi. Hifi is expensive, but it can be made by amateur hands if you know what you want. I could invest in a $2000 amp.. or I could make one myself for $200. The money you save by making what can be made by common folk yourself can be spent on what can't be made by common folk - like computers or figurines. Hell, computers can be assembled by anyone, servers can be old, repurposed hardware, and a chassis can be whatever you want. If you're modest about your needs, even figurines can be made by hand - through clay, paper, wool, repurposed dolls and maybe open source 3D printers in the near future.

Imagination is the limit, and all you need is the right material, time and a will to make it happen. The down-side is that material can be hard to find, good end-result is not guaranteed, skill can be limiting, learning process can be exhausting and there are hazards if you're not careful.

I hope we can get a nice thread going if there's interest, and my hope is that we can help, motivate, share and lift up eachother and make some great stuff. I'll be sharing ideas, projects and works in due time.
131 posts and 61 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3059 [Edit]
File 158857959830.jpg - (1.24MB , 1500x1125 , DSC01260.jpg )
I wanted to put some acrilix in front of the cases but it seems every business in the area has been building forts out of the stuff to cover their check out lines/registers, so I decided to call it with this. Getting the two cases to plug in together was a pain in the butt. I ended up having to take these rather heavy things down to rethink the method and try again. But even after getting them to sort of work, I think I screwed something up because they wont stay on for long before the adapter gets stupidly hot and shuts them down. Gonna have to keep them powered off until I can get around to figuring out what the problem is. I can only assume they cases didn't plug in properly, as I was kinda doing that blind.
>> No. 3060 [Edit]
I love those diorama-like scenes, can you post some closer pics? How you made them? Plan to do more?
I can't imagine a coolest way to expose figma.
>> No. 3063 [Edit]
File 158861741829.jpg - (2.10MB , 1200x2700 , dsa.jpg )
The plan was to make backgrounds and dioramas for each space in the units. They're basically just BG I screen capped or found online and printed out. I'll eventually have to redo the backgrounds that are in place now because I made them with another display case in mind which I was using before this.
And sorry for the shit quality cam. It needs good lighting but I'm planing on leaving the case off for now because I think there's a fault in the wiring causing a short. The power adapters I connect to this thing get stupidly hot and turn off, which could possibly start a fire. It sucks but I think I'm gonna have to take these cases back down, open them up, and fix the wiring.
>> No. 3064 [Edit]
Keep postings pics if you feel like, quality is fine, the whole idea seems quite amazing to me.
I love to see those huge projects to make a room to look like a museum.

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