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File 149162400196.jpg - (252.92KB , 850x702 , cb7bb05c7fb24e0364108fd497606b9c_jpeg.jpg )
2775 No. 2775 [Edit]
For those of you who upload the things you make, where do you like to upload them?

Aside from here, of course.
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>> No. 2785 [Edit]
Pixiv, Soundcloud.
>> No. 2813 [Edit]
other imageboards
>> No. 2817 [Edit]
Danbooru, Pixiv, wizchan and here.
>> No. 2957 [Edit]
Youtube and tumblr.
>> No. 2964 [Edit]
I use medibang to draw things and it has an inbuilt uploading feature so I upload them there. I'm not good enough to upload them elsewhere, I am just uploading them there so I can use views and likes to gage the progress of my quality.
>> No. 3160 [Edit]
normie platform, I use it because it is easy to use
>> No. 3161 [Edit]
Is this supposed to be satirical?
>> No. 3176 [Edit]
Maybe a little, but it's nothing more than random drawings of a hikikomori loser
>> No. 3177 [Edit]
Honestly, besides my aversion to pepes, I really like them. Don't you have them in any place other than instagram?
>> No. 3240 [Edit]
I am currently learning programming, I would like to have my own site
>> No. 3241 [Edit]
Check out https://neocities.org. As you might surmise, it's similar to geocities. So it's only for static content, but it should be good enough to get you started. And it's free~
>> No. 3323 [Edit]
I upload my work to YouTube on my seperate channel or my Artstation page.
>> No. 3377 [Edit]
Been thinking of making a Plillowfort account to dump art on.
>> No. 3378 [Edit]
Almost forgot about this site, seems you still need to pay to access the open beta.
>> No. 3461 [Edit]
I lamented a lot recently about where to upload my art and what is even the point of it. So I want to share some of my conclusions. (also, anon asked me half a year ago or so to tell him how it worked out on Artstation.)

I don't draw, I do 3D modelling and I want to do gamedev eventually. I make mostly lowpoly diorama scenes. They are about medium quality.

DeviantArt - Long time ago used to be a very nice place. Now it is a freakshow and people don't comment anymore. Or if the do, then it's a 2 word comment like "so nice!".

Twitter, Instagram - I upload and run. Nobody comments or if they do then its 2-word comment. No point in uploading anything high effort and high detail, people don't spend time on looking at details, let alone look at your older pics. Feels like everybody there is a bot, to be honest.

Pixiv - i upload here too but i don't get many views and no comments at all. This is a place for 2D.

Reddit - always stayed away but recently decided to give it a try and so far so good. I only uploaded 2 pics so not much experience yet, but people do comment and actually spend time looking at art.

ArtStation - this is meant to be a portfolio site, using your real name and country / city so people can hire you as artist. No WIP or low-quality stuff. Not really for artist interaction and helping each other to learn etc. I don't want to be hired so I made that clear in my bio.
Behance is similar but more focused on design, while ArtStation is about art and gamedev-art.

(There is also Tiktok for those who make short videos and facebook to show your art to your mom.)

So: bot-love - twitter, instagram. Feedback - reddit. Want to be professional and get hired - ArtStation, Behance.
>> No. 3473 [Edit]
This is so sad. Are there no artistic communities left, that actually feel like communities?
>> No. 3474 [Edit]
>Pixiv - i upload here too but i don't get many views and no comments at all.
Do you tag your pics in English or Japanese? I tag in Japanese so I get a lot of views but rarely do I get comments. Though I don't think many people comment on illustrations to begin with beyond "I laughed" or "This is so cool". It's usually web doujins that get long comments.
I've heard of art group chats on Discord but that's more of a clique than a general community. Also it's Discord.
>> No. 3475 [Edit]
Battle of the bits looked interesting to me but its gamified concept is kind of confusing to newcomers and its an old site so feels kinda established already.

Newgrounds is still alive and looks decent, but it's mostly just artists around there. It's also an old site, but doesn't give me that vibe BotB did.

There's Pixel Joint for pixel art, but it feels a bit snobby and elitist. Lospec is newer but haven't really checked it out much to get a feel for the place.

Neocities kinda has an art community, but there's not that much engagement.

Any thoughts on how to avoid becoming too cliquey? You gotta be able to filter out the riffraff while still being inviting to newcomers.
>> No. 3519 [Edit]
on my own website since cant bear to have eyes and comments and shares. get too anxious.
>> No. 3520 [Edit]
>> No. 3528 [Edit]
What is your website anon? I won't comment about it.
>> No. 3532 [Edit]
Literature goes onto my personal website on Neocities. Art right now is mostly on Weasyl but I plan to move it to my website at a later date. Games go on Itch, can't put them on Neocities sadly.

I can... almost vouch for Weasyl. Most of the stuff uploaded there is DeviantART-tier but it makes up for it with its user interface that I think is the best I've seen on an art site. Don't expect any engagement though.
>> No. 3543 [Edit]
File 170660645239.png - (6.73KB , 300x300 , chiri98.png )
I think that what site you choose to upload your stuff to should be based upon the functionality of the site as opposed to reception; what's the extent of it's tagging/searching capabilities, how much of it is gated by account-usage, does the site compress your work or have limits (if so how much), privacy aspects etc. Nonetheless, if you are using the site not merely as a means for hosting to link elsewhere but for sake of visibility (whose purpose is indeed lacking) then proceed with your criteria. However, regardless I think you should also choose another site to mirror your work with quality as the priority. I don't know personally which sites are browsable that offer lossless galleries, if any, but optimally it would be both, if none can be found then at the very least upload all your works losslessly to a filehosting service perhaps periodically in an archive, or maybe MEGA, or consider hosting your own simple html site on a free hosting service such as neocities (only really a feasible option if the quantiy is low).

Was pleased to see you can upload .swf there, though I didn't find any interesting ones. Odd that there's no svg (according to the faq) though considering.
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