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File 134944860829.jpg - (143.70KB , 576x800 , QQdPZ.jpg )
1961 No. 1961 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
We dislike 3D here, which I usually interpret as 3D depicted in a sexual or self-inflating nature (a la "camwhores" and such).

However, has anyone ever considered personal film projects?
>> No. 1962 [Edit]
By that, you mean filming sceneries?
I could never bring myself to film other people.

Also I consider 3D to be 3D, no matter how it is.
>> No. 1963 [Edit]
Shinden, stalking should be fine as long as you don't get caught but if I were you I'd rather refrain from creating evidence of what you did. Just a friendly advice.
>> No. 1966 [Edit]
What the heck are you talking about?

File 133616251547.jpg - (288.31KB , 1500x3000 , greenbikini.jpg )
1851 No. 1851 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'm taking requests, I'll draw whatever you want me to draw.
27 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1945 [Edit]
Wow thanks!
>> No. 1953 [Edit]
File 134756751346.png - (511.86KB , 2540x2025 , tokiko.png )
I betcha everything on that table is stolen.

Thanks for your encouragements, it's the thing that keeps me going.
>> No. 1954 [Edit]
oh my god that's so damn cute!!! <3
>> No. 1960 [Edit]
File 134892123856.png - (168.16KB , 719x611 , tokikoredux.png )
She's back!
I'll probably finish it one day.

File 128915268767.jpg - (201.83KB , 1280x800 , 1278916440772.jpg )
5 No. 5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Are there any brohnos who know about making music?

I feel like I want to, but I don't know anything about it. I wouldn't mind just making silly electronic music. What are some good programs to do that in?
96 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1916 [Edit]
Audio Ink_and_Paper_7-2.mp3 - (6.46MB - 160 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Ink and Paper 7-2.mp3 ) Length: 5:39

I'm finally getting vocal takes that I'm okay with, so I went back and listened to this older version for the first time since I uploaded it. And while I'm far from getting complacent, I'm genuinely surprised at how much I've improved.
My initial goal was to have the album completed by October, which will put the entire project at a year, and while that still seems realistic I think my hopes of finishing it early are a bit over-optimistic.
>> No. 1931 [Edit]
Though you're admittedly going for a very low and gritty sound, I heartly believe you must re-tune up yourself with the guitar; cause even if your vocals and accompaniment have sense by themselves, you are hitting not one single note of the scales your chords should be contained in, thus preveting us from hearing any organic relation between what you play and what you sing...

Recording quality is ok.

Post edited on 27th Jul 2012, 10:48pm
>> No. 1932 [Edit]
While I certainly appreciate you commenting, I'm going to have to disagree with the bit about "hitting not one single note of the scales your chords should be contained in". There is only one inharmonic note in the vocal melody, a G sharp, and it coincides with the chord shift from E minor to E major, so it's only inharmonic relative to the song's key and not to the chord that it's harmonized with.
Perhaps the vocals are just so bad that they give the impression of being off-key?
>> No. 2155 [Edit]
This is ancient history now, but I still want to apologize for this >>1932 super-douchey, defensive reply. My pitch on that track was all over the place.

File 134285612673.jpg - (499.10KB , 1000x1192 , 1337387980536.jpg )
1919 No. 1919 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Since I didn't find any other suitable board, I am going to use this one to ask some things about learning musical instruments. To begin with it, I am a 18 year old that wants to play the eletric guitar. Am I too old to learn it? I mean, I don't want to be a pro or something, I just want to play it for fun, as a hobby. How do I begin with it? I never have touched a guitar or similar, and I want to learn it by myself. Is it possible to learn it just by reading tabs and listening to the music? I don't know anything about musical theory ;- ;. I am pretty sure we have some guitarrists here so it would be nice to have some questions solved :3
>> No. 1920 [Edit]
>Am I too old to learn it? I mean, I don't want to be a pro or something, I just want to play it for fun, as a hobby.
Not at all.
>How do I begin with it?
Buy a guitar(probably the hardest part for a brohno, but, oh well), amp, picks, strings(the stock ones are usually bad and shouldn't last much). Get Guitar Pro/Powertab, go to sites like 911tabs.com and search for some songs you like and you think must be easy.
There's tons of video tutorials on youtube too, and websites with free resources for learning, google is your friend.
>Is it possible to learn it just by reading tabs and listening to the music?
Depends how exigent you are regarding your performance, but I wouldn't say it's possible anyway. Watching videos(supposing you don't want to get a teacher) and doing specific exercises are strongly recommended, as it's quite easy to develop bad habits with really basic things such as merely picking otherwise.
Now if you mean theoretical knowledge, you don't really need much, if any. But it's really useful, and it's quite pleasant to be able to understand what you're playing.
>> No. 1921 [Edit]
>Am I too old to learn it?
Unless you have some wild case of precocious arthrirts: not at all.

>I want to learn it by myself
If you say so because you don't want to go out and/or interact with people, I understand completely: that's why I'm trying right now to learn piano that way; so I would say that it'll make the task a lot harder, but not impossible. For guitar, I did took a few classes on highschool, on wich I learned the very basics for classical finger picking style; things like how to hold it, tune it up, what finger goes where and how to exercize them, some basic chords; but the rest I learnt it by myself, basically finding tabs and chords online for the songs I liked, each one giving me new rythm and harmony sources to add to my experience; as the above Anon said, now we've got as well a great resource: tutorial videos at Youtube et al.; for electric guitar, you'd unavoidably have to learn some scales as well (check: http://www.chordbook.com/guitarscales.php )...

I'm >>75 and >>1918, btw.

Post edited on 21st Jul 2012, 1:15am
>> No. 1923 [Edit]
These should be useful, at some point:


Post edited on 21st Jul 2012, 1:36am

File 129125059979.jpg - (479.22KB , 1380x2000 , 1286449593753.jpg )
45 No. 45 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Just felt like uploading some resources.

Post what you got.
33 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1791 [Edit]
File 133224076736.png - (895.61KB , 946x636 , RED WINE (analisis attempt___).png )
>> No. 1806 [Edit]
File 133402330599.gif - (836B , 143x38 , eq_latex.gif )
This isn't new at all, but people trying to draw girls can profit from it specifically:

>> No. 1850 [Edit]
File 133614234661.jpg - (208.83KB , 796x1032 , MindCandy Man.jpg )
This guy is pretty famous at CA... here is the thread of his progress:

>> No. 3459 [Edit]
That pic >>45 consists of the contents of pages 136-139 of 図説女子高制服百科, also known as 女子高制服百科 (Joshikou Seifuku Hyakka):
https://yande.re/post/show/129666 ← A commenter here identifies the art style as that of 藤森ゆゆ缶 (Fujimori Yuyukan).
If that commenter is mistaken, then the artist is likely one of the other artists who contributed to the book:
有間じろう (Arima Jirou)
加茂 (Kamo)
くまつき (Kumatsuki)
Koi (author of Gochiusa)
田中ノエル (Tanaka Noel)
榊原宗々 (Sakakibara Sousou)
西野木 (Nishinogi)
龍川ナギ (Tatsukawa Nagi)

File 133340160566.gif - (4.26KB , 112x361 , arms-langrisser-lang2.gif )
1804 No. 1804 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
No one told her it would be like this. Painful, messy and exhausting. Hurts at first, when the tip plunges in. Feels cold. She screams. It drives in deeper. She resists, draws back, but sensation floods her nerves and she can not control herself. She loosens. The initial pain fades for a moment, she looks into his steel guise and cannot help but think, "this is, in a twisted way, romantic." She barely notices the warm, wet blood splashing forth from her. This is the first time she has experienced this act. To be in this moment of ecstasy on the boundary of life and death forever; to her, it would be heaven.

Then the angel-masked warrior withdraws the spear from her abdomen and cleans it with a rag. His is the mask of a high-ranking officer, a man who has subjugated many small nations like hers. The beautiful and stoic metal mask that covers his face is spotted with blood.

The ground beneath her is dirt hardened by the tens of thousands of feet that marched, charged and eventually fled on its surface. The early morning sun stabs at her squinting eyes as if to mock her. The overpowering odor of her blood forces its way into her nostrils. It is so cold that she can not move her fingers. And a satisfied voice breaks the silence.

"Finally, she falls." The voice of a foreign general ordered to conquer her lands. An angel. A tool of a distant enemy. The man who drives a spear through the belly of her country, and through her body. She will not forget this man.

Since she is about to die, dignity is of no importance. She has nothing left to lose. She pleads, "No, wait, please..."

Her executioner and his men laugh at her pathetic plea. They begin to walk away.

She will not accept this fate. She is young and is not ready to die. She tries to stand, but her legs are stone. Not ever her toes obey. All she can do is speak.

She tries again and addresses her killer, "I'm begging you, please, don't end me like this."
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 1807 [Edit]
Pretty interesting. The writing style is pretty unusual and the characters seem interesting. Angel-masked warrior. I've never heard of that phrase before, but it makes me wonder.
>> No. 1808 [Edit]
Strange in a good way? Thank you for reading. I've been spending a lot of time in the real world lately, doing the occasional odd job, volunteering at a homeless shelter, reading about Viking history so I haven't had much energy for writing. I appreciate you looking over this little snippet.
>> No. 1912 [Edit]
I know it's a bit late and I don't really have anything constructive to add, but I'd just like to say that I found this piece riveting. Would definitely read more.

File 133177104789.jpg - (65.16KB , 300x411 , K-On!_manga_volume_1_cover.jpg )
1783 No. 1783 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Not sure if I should have posted this in /mt/,

Anyway, can anyone provide me with names or links of good books on electric guitars. I spent my last money on one and now I want to know everything about it. From actually playing it to technical.

File 131845661011.jpg - (110.20KB , 704x400 , [Ayako]_G_A__Geijutsuka_Art_Design_Class_-_01_[704.jpg )
1616 No. 1616 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Your homework assignment today class is to create modern Pictograms.
Using simple shapes, Pictograms can depict practically any idea.

Remember, to much detail and it just becomes a picture, and using words defeats the purpose.

Examples can be seen everywhere, from the symbol often found on power buttons, to what is found on most road signs.
The sky is the limit.
5 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1624 [Edit]
>> No. 1669 [Edit]
I have reached a completely new level of extreme shame.
>> No. 1678 [Edit]
File 132129622697.png - (4.60KB , 267x290 , monster.png )
Monsters can't harm you if there's a force field around your bed :3
>> No. 1720 [Edit]
fukkin lol

File 131212658776.png - (227.98KB , 1221x1063 , 24-small.png )
1386 No. 1386 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone here makes vector art?

I am learning to making vector art from anime related characters. This is my 4th vector I've ever made and I think it is decent for beginner. I think I still dont fully understand how programm works and for some reason some parts pixelate.

Tips? Comments? Everything is appreciated. Post your own works.
18 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1633 [Edit]
I don't get what you're asking. Do you just want to know how to draw?
>> No. 1638 [Edit]
Yup, but I want to start straight away with vector graphics. I just want to know if there's some good material for that specific purpose.
>> No. 1639 [Edit]
If you can't draw at all there's no way you can draw vector images. Anyone can trace someone else's work, but if you want to make original pieces, pick up a pencil.
>> No. 1718 [Edit]
I'm going to disagree with this. I haven't done much vectoring but its very different from drawing.
so don't be discouraged, try your hand at an original vector creation!

File 131690199720.png - (89.20KB , 300x500 , melanieembaressed.png )
1526 No. 1526 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]

I'm working on a few projects but I would like to get in some practice in between. I would like to draw for you. I will try to do anything you ask.

Any requests?

File is from a VN I am working on.
54 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1667 [Edit]
draw a jolteon!!
>> No. 1670 [Edit]
File 132097560862.png - (330.27KB , 900x882 , 11-10-2011 2;21;14 PM.png )
>> No. 1671 [Edit]
>> No. 1685 [Edit]
Thank you!

File 131792758575.png - (99.57KB , 346x363 , Jack-Frost.png )
1597 No. 1597 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So I was surfing the web like usual and I came across an interesting article about 'Pixel Art'.


So now I was wondering if anyone here wanted to share any Sprites they were working on or offer any advice or knowledge on how to do it. Or just share some awesome Sprites you like. I'm just curious is all.

Image chosen at random.
9 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1651 [Edit]
File 132005465730.png - (90.62KB , 324x495 , Tao.png )
Ah, I tried that out and made Taokaka.

Not the best, but it turned out to be rather decent, even if I couldn't get the mouth to show up all that well and decided not to do it.
>> No. 1686 [Edit]
Here's an interesting post. Ignore that it's from reddit, frontpage stuff sucks there but dig deeper and you can find useful stuff like this:

>> No. 1721 [Edit]
File 132442064059.png - (7.06KB , 235x232 , WARTORTULE.png )
I don't do pixel art because I suck at art in general.
BUT I do actually keep a folder full of pixel art. I collect it like I do anime art.
>> No. 1742 [Edit]
maybe you could do a dump in /pic someday

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