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File 130421869333.jpg - (45.46KB , 719x716 , mydrawing.jpg )
1038 No. 1038 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I can't get the hand right. Any advice?
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1077 [Edit]
Oh, now I get it
>> No. 1081 [Edit]
pretty damn cool OP, but he could use a cigarette or sun glasses or something.
>> No. 1145 [Edit]
this is cool
>> No. 1180 [Edit]
Is that a moe version of Kuwabara?

File 12992245478.png - (142.58KB , 796x482 , dasdasdasda.png )
506 No. 506 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
TC Flockdraw featuring un_freed, Tohno, Ayu Ayu, Reversetrap
33 posts and 17 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1156 [Edit]
File 130536148545.png - (118.83KB , 801x481 , RBXkr.png )
Flock night results 2/3
>> No. 1157 [Edit]
File 130536150653.png - (169.17KB , 801x481 , LnAd0.png )
Flock night results 3/3
>> No. 1158 [Edit]
'twas a glorious eve
>> No. 1159 [Edit]
Stupid sexy Tohno!

File 130465001537.jpg - (89.04KB , 704x476 , hidamari-miyako-animalart.jpg )
1102 No. 1102 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have you ever wanted to write a work of fiction? If so, what would it be about? What medium, what genre, give us a synopsis of the story or idea behind it. What makes it interesting to you?
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1117 [Edit]
No, any medium. Short story, visual novel, video game, anime, etc.
>> No. 1118 [Edit]
Yeah I have ideas for a lot of hentai, visual novels and games but I don't think I'll ever get them done.
>> No. 1119 [Edit]
Yes. All kinds of mediums appeal to me. Comics, video games, Visual Novels, etc. My problem is I can only draw and come up with ideas. Since I'm a terrible writer, I can't make a story work to save my life. I've started countless "projects" but I can't seem to finish even one. I go through the planning stages, make concept art, get started on the actual project (making a few pages, or sprites depending on what I'm working on) then hit a wall and can't seem to continue.

As for the ideas themselves, lots of them are post-apocalyptic, mixed with both sci-fi and fantasy elements. Nothing too interesting, just things that let me be as creative and crazy as I want with character and world designs.
>> No. 1125 [Edit]
Yeah, quite a bit.

I never knew what I wanted to do when I grew up when I was young so becoming an author has pretty much been the only aspiration i've ever had in life.

I have a great many ideas, despite knowing I will never actually write any of them, much less get published or something stupid like that. It's extremely depressing.

File 13041298192.jpg - (285.85KB , 1600x1067 , 1.jpg )
1015 No. 1015 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So I'm getting started on 3DCG and I made an otaku room. Please give me critics and suggestions on what should I include/change.
19 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1045 [Edit]
you don't keep sex toys with your figs? is there something wrong with you?!
>> No. 1046 [Edit]
personally id be embarrassed to have a buttplug like that on display. its so small!
>> No. 1050 [Edit]
I do.
>> No. 1113 [Edit]
make the room half the size, this will instantly make it look more realistic.

File 129995048640.png - (29.55KB , 985x263 , Mitsudomoe.png )
629 No. 629 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Since writing is creative too, post any brilliant posts or copypastas you've created here.

It's funny what my mind can come up with at 1:30am when i'm half awake.
>> No. 963 [Edit]
those hours between when you should have gone to bed and when you actually do go to bed are goldmines of quality.

File 130061739458.png - (8.32KB , 400x400 , 1299997177222.png )
690 No. 690 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
You have witnessed the CUTEST... most KAWAII thing in the world. It cannot be expressed merely by a :3 face... not even a :'3c

First, imagine what that cute thing is. I don't know, maybe something your cute cousin/little sister/niece did something cute? Maybe that feeling you get when you secretly sniff strawberry-scented loli-panties in the laundry room? Maybe you're on the other side of the spectrum and you can't contain yourself from rotting corpses on meathooks being collectively shoved in your asshole since you have a cute-fetish? MULTIPLY IT BY 1000. LET THAT BE YOUR MUSE!


2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 693 [Edit]
File 13006301545.jpg - (9.21KB , 350x221 , gesicht.jpg )
>> No. 694 [Edit]
File 130063198337.png - (61.78KB , 340x360 , March 19 FlockDraw 3 copy.png )
>> No. 710 [Edit]
File 130069594654.jpg - (204.70KB , 700x656 , to cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg )
>My face when watching Lilpri.
>> No. 716 [Edit]
I like it!

>to cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg

How moe~

File 129879443985.gif - (15.69KB , 100x100 , 1296613276766.gif )
410 No. 410 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Question for photoshoppers.
Is it possible to edit .gif files and still keep the motion image it has?
Cause i'd really love a Kurokona edit of this one if possible.
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 421 [Edit]
That's just because the .gif file format only supports 256 colors, and her hair not being one of those 256 colors it just uses dithering to attempt to get as close as possible. If you wanna get the hair right you might wanna use an APNG since it uses a 24-bit color pallet.
>> No. 432 [Edit]
256 colors and black isn't one of them? weird.

Doesn't look too bad though
>> No. 451 [Edit]
>256 colors and black isn't one of them? weird.

There are many "shades" of black.
>> No. 585 [Edit]
its not a consistent set of 256 colors, generally whatever jpg->gif or png->gif you're using will choose the 256 most common colors in the original 24 bits per pixel image.

File 129201546989.jpg - (45.48KB , 375x523 , Brink of Madness_Kuroko.jpg )
147 No. 147 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Well, since quite a handful of brohnos play MtG or have some knowledge of MtG, it's time for a custom MtG card/set thread. Anything goes as long as it contains correct MtG syntax and shit that's not broken as fuck or not related to the color pie. You can even make cards of your waifu/related to your waifu, but that'll probably belong in /mai/.

Alternate art of MtG cards are also nice (preferably using animu screenshots), such as the one I have here.


MSE Download
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/magicseteditor/mse2-2009-01-15.exe (Large Version)
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/magicseteditor/mse2-2009-01-15-reduced.exe (Small Version)

Alternate MtG templates for MSE

MtG cardlist database
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 150 [Edit]
File 129206649426.jpg - (38.75KB , 375x523 , Apathy.jpg )
>> No. 151 [Edit]
File 129206666756.jpg - (40.63KB , 375x523 , Distress.jpg )
These were from a couple of months ago.
>> No. 391 [Edit]
File 12985276171.jpg - (42.53KB , 375x523 , azusalostbutseeking.jpg )
I couldn't find the font typically used for Japanese MTG cards, but I guess this could do for now.

File 129507751788.jpg - (518.33KB , 1196x1448 , Evangelion REAL 00.jpg )
323 No. 323 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>> No. 325 [Edit]
You are now realizing if it ever comes out, the eva movie will have actors that look nothing at all like the original characters.

Enjoy your Robin Willems as gendo
>> No. 326 [Edit]
File 129507938726.png - (125.64KB , 900x1200 , fatties.png )
It'll end up looking more like this.
>> No. 328 [Edit]
I know. Rummors about Emma Watson as Asuka were mentioned, too.
I raged, at first, but then I stop caring; because we all know that would be just a pathetic/laughable commercial move, like the Dragon Ball movie (lol), wich will have nothing to do with the real NGE...
I couldn't even take them seriously if they don't speak in japanese (probably in colaboration with the original seiyuus, lip-synchronazing or something).
>> No. 329 [Edit]
Gendo looks like a skeleton.

File 129435930050.jpg - (398.02KB , 850x606 , sample_42ef47bfb4c843576e8bffc9cb21283a.jpg )
287 No. 287 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do we have any Vocaloid users in here? Care to trade tips or upload songs or something?

Do you have any advice for how to mess with the various traits (like breathiness, gender, whatever) throughout the song to make it sound overall better?

I am working on something now, I would be able to post it in a couple weeks if all goes decently well.
>> No. 288 [Edit]
I would like to try this. I checked out some tutorial videos on youtube but I heard Miku is coming out with an English version soon so I was waiting for that.

File 129388921940.jpg - (54.88KB , 727x332 , flash 1.jpg )
256 No. 256 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Thought I'd make a guide on how to make simple flash loops. This is how I've been making them but if there are better ways of doing it I'm all ears. Post any betterments you can come up with.
Might try to cram the whole guide into one picture later.

What you need:
A music file
A .gif
A version of Flash
A music editing program. I use Audacity since it's free and easy to use.
14 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 272 [Edit]
File 12938943525.jpg - (130.85KB , 722x619 , flash 16.jpg )
The size of your loop depends on how long the music and animations are and what quality they are in. Shorter with worse quality = smaller file. Try not to go above 2-3 MB in size since sites where you can upload your loops usually have a size limit somewhere around that area.
Another way to make your file smaller is to open the properties on the animation bitmaps and change the file from png to jpeg. Not necessary but small files are always nice.
>> No. 273 [Edit]
File 129389453843.jpg - (318.79KB , 1679x906 , flash 17.jpg )
Open up your loop in a web browser to see how it will look like once you've uploaded it to the interbutts.
>> No. 274 [Edit]
File 129389510587.jpg - (45.40KB , 704x519 , I am boss.jpg )
Here's how it turned out. Not great by any means but sufficient for this guide.

I've posted other loops I've made in this thread. Please excuse the moon runes.

Here's another great loop for reference.

Thanks for reading! If there's anything you think should be changed or added, please do tell.
>> No. 275 [Edit]
Pretty in-depth; I don't see anything that will really confuse people who are new to this. Just to expand on a couple things, I'm not trying to upstage you or anything:
An easier way is to align the gif to the top left corner, go the Documents Properties, and just hit the Contents tab. No need to remember pixel dimensions.
Please at least do 64 kbps. That's already ear rape; I couldn't imagine going any lower.

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