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2859 No. 2859 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
5 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3249 [Edit]
I suddenly remembered this thread, thought it was a neat idea and wanted to post just to come and see a post vaguely claiming it seems dangerous.
Anyone have any idea why it would be dangerous?
>> No. 3250 [Edit]
I can't think of a way it'd be _dangerous_, although I suppose in the worst case it might allow someone in the real-world to learn that you are a poster on TC, but they'd need to have another sample of your writing tied to your real-world identity to compare against. It might also allow someone to forge your writing, but unless that can be linked to a real-world identity it seems useless as well.

So in short I don't see how it could be dangerous, although that being said as a paranoid person I'd still hestiatae in terms of opsec to upload anything that could undeniably link with real-world identity.
>> No. 3251 [Edit]
Oh right. I was thinking it was due to feeding algorithms and AI even more data.
Your concerns are more reasonable though, thanks.
>> No. 3507 [Edit]
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3489 No. 3489 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I want to make a visual novel with you guys, like satou and yamazaki did in welcome to NHK, who's in?!
13 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3503 [Edit]
I think I've heard it a million times.
>> No. 3504 [Edit]
it's better than nothing
>> No. 3505 [Edit]
so what do you think of this:
you're a transfered student and you must resolve a mystery: why a girl in the highschool killed herself. you must found out why BUT it is also an eroge, so you have routes where you can fuck teachers, students, nurse and director female,etc..
>> No. 3506 [Edit]
If this is supposed to be some sort of satirical joke, please keep it in /lol/.

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2688 No. 2688 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
I baked a chicken thigh. I rubbed a mix of hoisin sauce/lime juice/hot sauce/sake in to it before baking. I served it over rice and added a mix of the same spices I added before baking.
70 posts and 54 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3048 [Edit]
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Here's what I've been eating for breakfast lately. Pancake with whipped cream and instant coffee with milk.

The pancake recipe is as follows:
Dry: 1/2 cup (~60 g) flour, 1 Tbsp (~12 g) sugar, 1 tsp (~4 g) each of baking powder and spice mixture, a sprinkle of salt.
Wet: 1 Tbsp (~15 mL) oil (I've been using canola but any neutral oil works), 1 egg, 1/4 cup (60 mL) milk.
Mix dry with dry, wet with wet, then mix dry with wet. I cook it at a low heat, and when the top has bubbles all over it I flip it once. It takes maybe 10 minutes or less in total on the stove. I don't measure anything for it, but the batter should not be too runny. It should be somewhat thick.

For the whipped cream, I start by keeping a metal mixing bowl and whisk in the freezer overnight. I take it from the freezer and pour in 1-2 Tbsp (15-30 mL) of heavy whipping cream and lately 1 tsp (4 g) sugar. I then whisk the shit out of it, which takes about 3-5 minutes. I usually do the whisking while the pancake is on the stove and after I've washed the dishes.
>> No. 3049 [Edit]
Homemade whipped cream is the best. Nice mug too.
>> No. 3382 [Edit]
It's my waifu's day soon, and I'd like to make a cake. Specifically, I want to make chocolate cake with a layer of sliced strawberries and pudding or something similar. It's my understanding that you're supposed to make the cake, stick it in the freezer or fridge to cool it down, then cut it in half to add the middle layer.
Does TC have any advice that may help me from fucking everything up?
>> No. 3488 [Edit]
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Well I'm about 9 months late, but here's my comment:
The purpose of cooling it down is probably to make it so the frosting doesn't melt and drip down. Should only take 15 to 30 minutes in the fridge. I would also recommend letting it cool on the counter for some time before sticking it in the fridge to prevent it absorbing too much moisture.

As for cutting, it can be difficult to cut it in half without making a crooked cut. Some advice I saw was to either stick long skewers into the cake from a few angles to act as guides for the knife, or use something else as a guide like an upside down glass, or something.

I'm back to my breakfast of big pancake cooked in leftover bacon grease, with hand-whipped cream. I even made a quick berry compote since I was feeling fancy. Instant coffee with milk and whipped cream on top to drink.

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3467 No. 3467 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Say you could write any gameshow you wanted. Your idea would immediately be adopted by the producers. What would you write?
I have this idea of a gameshow were 3 participants stay locked, each of them in a really big room. Each room has a telephone installed, that can only dial one other room. The participants are all of them from completely different cultures, with completely different languages, with little to no similarities. Their room is basically a really elaborate escape room basically impossible to crack by trial and error. An manual of how to solve each room is placed in someone else's room. The three rooms are also designed based on the culture of the participant in another room. There is a television set and plenty of video and audio recordings to see and listen, but they are all from that particular culture. The participants must get the info to escape his room by conversing with another participant he can't see with the phone line. No participant understands the other's language so they have to get really creative and work really hard. There's a bathroom in each room along with room service and sun hours, but no out time. The program is livestreamed online with best of moments appearing on tv on a weekly basis.
Would you watch this?
>> No. 3469 [Edit]
I think a game like that would be impossible. The participants would settle on using English, unless you really go out of your way to find people who don't know any. In that case, they'd probably be too dumb to solve it. Visual communication is a lot more mutually understandable. So allowing them to send letters instead makes more sense. It'd also remove the memory component.

Post edited on 22nd Feb 2023, 11:57am
>> No. 3470 [Edit]
I was thinking only monoglots could take part in this game. Like poor people far from any capital. Also they would be the most likely to accept to do this in exchange for money or fame I think. Also most europeans and americans would be excluded from taking part in this game. Most people living in western europe and the americas either speak english or speak a language very similar to english. At best there could be one american or european and the other players would speak totally different languages.
Yes. visual communication is a lot better. This is part of the hook of this game, interesting to listen and see they try to come up with ways to bypass this hurdle. Now I forgot to say this in the op, but next to their phones there would a small desk with a notebook and pen and pencil. They could write stuff on this notebook for remembrance. Sending letters is something it don't think would work or be of any use. Imagine an american, a chinese, and a russian. Or a italian, an pakistani and a japanese. These all have different scripts. Sending a letter would be of no use. A just arrived player would have no way to communicate the sounds and ideas on his head through a letter. The tv, sound system and books would be there for the player to try first.
>> No. 3471 [Edit]
>Imagine an american, a chinese, and a russian. Or a italian, an pakistani and a japanese. These all have different scripts.
There's no restriction on what they can put in a letter. That means they can put drawings.
>> No. 3472 [Edit]
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So one would draw something, send to his playmate and his playmate would write the name of that in his language? This way it's basically snail mail dictionary. The ban on letters would make it more interesting I think.

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2348 No. 2348 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
There's no universal request thread, just ones made by individual artists years ago. So I decided to make one myself. I've been trying to draw lately but am always lacking any ideas.
Post things you'd like to see drawn, anything at all. I'll try to draw everything I think is within my skill level and hopefully other artists will join in as well.
9 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2385 [Edit]
Thanks, man. It really sucks that your tablet is on the fritz.
It's been 2 months since this thread opened and it just seemed sad that nothing was happening.
>> No. 2391 [Edit]
very cute, thanks for sharing!
>> No. 3404 [Edit]
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anyone can turn this to minimalist ?
>> No. 3405 [Edit]
I'd be really curious to know what would happen if you feed this to diffusion network with the conditioning prompt being to make it minimal. If anyone has it running, can they try it?

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3311 No. 3311 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I've been thinking of starting a little project modding Morrowind. I think a Touhou mod would have a good bit of potential.
If I do decide to go for it, I plan on implementing characters first by making custom races. I already started a bit with base stats and sizes. It would require some 3D modeling and making textures though, which is a bit intimidating. 3D modeling would probably be the easy part, I think I could just use the existing models and make some modifications. Making textures is something I'm totally clueless about.
If all goes well, I'll probably continue with it, making outfits and stuff, maybe even making Gensokyo someday. Fortunately, with the game being Morrowind, it wouldn't require high fidelity assets or anything.
I'm a bit intimidated. I don't want to disappoint myself, but I also don't want to give this up. Anybody have any experience or advice they could share? I'm completely new to this sort of thing.
>> No. 3312 [Edit]
whats your end goal?
>> No. 3313 [Edit]
End goal? Maybe someday making Gensokyo. That's pretty ambitious, so for now, I'd be happy just making the 2hus. One step at a time.
>> No. 3381 [Edit]
Finally got around to going through a 3D modeling tutorial. It's pretty fun. Nowhere near as bad as I expected. It'll probably take me a bit to make anything good. Still, I can probably lean on modifying assets that already exist, though I'd prefer to do most things myself.
Well, with this first step, it feels significantly more viable. I'll probably jot down related ideas now.

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3150 No. 3150 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I made a board game called Lucifer's Pastime. It's like chess, but you can choose what kind of pieces you use and your starting position. The pieces are based on monster girls. There's other mechanics and details that make the game unique, like being able to put new pieces onto the board during the game through resource management. I wanted to make something which has the visual appeal and flexibility of cards, and the complex strategy of something like chess, so the piece types are described using cards which the users pick and display to each other. I've never seen something like this done before.

All of the visuals are placeholders and what I have so far is pretty rough looking. It would be nice to commission an artist to make original art and card designs, but I don't have the funds for that. Ideally this would be a computer game since having figurines to represent the pieces in real life would be kind of impractical, but I don't have the programming knowledge to make that happen either.

There's probably unbalanced parts of the game, but I have no idea about that. Also don't know if anybody would even be interested in this. Any comments, opinions and suggestions are appreciated.
29 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3214 [Edit]
Thanks. This Sunday, I'm planning on asking on the irc if anybody is interested in trying to play a game. Don't really know how to get the ball rolling on this or what the best place would be.
>> No. 3215 [Edit]
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Added a page to explain how to use the client since both people I tried it with found it confusing.
>> No. 3379 [Edit]
cant download anymore...
>> No. 3380 [Edit]
The links on the front page still work for me
There's also the git repo

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2723 No. 2723 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I bought gamemaker for a couple of bucks during the humble bundle thing. Finally got around to using it and it's been pretty fun. Post what your working on. Video related. I'm not exactly sure where it's going yet but hopefully it will be compelling.
46 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3337 [Edit]
here's the world map. those circles are the mountai s regions
>> No. 3338 [Edit]
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>> No. 3339 [Edit]
I don't need help. At best, someday I might put out a version for playtesting.
I already have it all in my head, I just need to put it together. Then maybe I'll try and sell it for a couple bucks. I'll end up making a cool $5 total and spend it all on an ice cream cone.
>> No. 3340 [Edit]
but I want to make a video game with you ToT

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3263 No. 3263 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'll begin with the game rules.
>deck of 50 cards
>each players draw 5 cards
>the first player draw 1 card
to play the game, you can summon creatures , use spells
>to summon a creature or use a spell, put as many cards as you want from your hand in your mana zone, then tap the cards to summon a creature or use a spell
>when cards are used, put them in your graveyard zone
Now let's see what's the win condition
>the player who can't draw cards from their deck lose the game, that means the other player automatically wins the game
In other words, you must oudeck your opponent before you run out of cards
>you can attack your enemy with your creatures
>when you attacked, the opponent discard cards 1 card to the graveyard
For the phases:
>draw phase: draw 1 card
>preparation phase: do your things
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4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3268 [Edit]
But also I suggest making your game playable in either the VASSAL engine or Tabletop Simulator so you can playtest it's flow before committing to an idea.
>> No. 3269 [Edit]
I tried using vassal but I donnt understand it at all and tabletop isn't in sale on steam. What do?
>> No. 3270 [Edit]
Try harder.
>> No. 3271 [Edit]

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1225 No. 1225 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Let's see what you can do with this.
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>> No. 1377 [Edit]
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>> No. 3260 [Edit]
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>> No. 3261 [Edit]
Did this person put their hand in the mouth of a singing ghost, and get a bump from the bite?
>> No. 3262 [Edit]
ghost is listening to ghost music. human change music, after that they're shaking their body then both tewrking

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3247 No. 3247 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
There's a site that lets you "make your own" 2048 version with pictures you choose. I made a Touhou themed one
>> No. 3248 [Edit]
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