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File 134347513966.jpg - (80.21KB , 500x520 , tumblr_lyph0w0u641qzvs0a.jpg )
1730 No. 1730 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
You should play it. It somehow resembles KID games (Ever17, Remember11), but it has totally unique atmosphere.
Here you can download trial (that has no major differences from steam edition)
12 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1744 [Edit]
I played Digital a while back. It had an interesting concept, though the INDIE GAME OF THE YEAR tag some people gave it was a bit much I thought. I didn't know anything about the writer, though. Is Christine Love one of those tumblr social justice idiots or something like that?
>> No. 1745 [Edit]
Very much so. I will admit that I liked Digital, though the rest of her stuff is trash.
>> No. 1746 [Edit]
ana and dig are definitely a cut above the rest of the oelvn crowd (and above her works). she (i think she identifies as female if not correct me) definitely should make more stuff like this, and less trash like don't take it personally or w/e. i still can't believe that even fucking exists.
>> No. 1747 [Edit]
This is actually pretty fucking good. Hope she makes more games that are like this.

File 134832181711.jpg - (395.96KB , 1024x768 , 57224-sakagami_tomoyo_1024x768_2.jpg )
1706 No. 1706 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Doki finally put out the translation patch.

The wait for this has be excruciating.

I love Tomoyo so much.
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1710 [Edit]
From what I read they do plan on translating the all ages version.

Don't hold you breath though. It will take time. I bet at least a year, probably more.

The h-scnenes are really awkward for me. Tomoyo is my waifu. They don't change how much I love her though.
>> No. 1711 [Edit]
Just finished this. All I'll say is it was beautiful. Quite possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced.
>> No. 1712 [Edit]
Just finished the visual novel. Actually, I finished it 30 minutes ago, but I just stopped crying. I rarely cry because of a work of fiction, but key has done it. Again.

I have no idea why that always happens. I knew the manga adaption and I knew how it would end.

I'm at a loss of words right now. All I can do is second >>1018
>> No. 1713 [Edit]
An updated patch is out.

Sadly not the Memorial Edition yet.
Maybe one day...

File 136388847633.jpg - (68.19KB , 649x510 , meryl 2.jpg )
1714 No. 1714 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
r07's clownish black lagoon story: everybody has unlimited ammo and not a single person could hit the broad side of a barn from inside, and if you were given an actual name you become impervious to harm from the unnamed thugs.
It would've been nice if the story was a bit more gritty noir and less wacky shonen, but I still ended up enjoying it for the most part.

the fight mechanic is simple, I managed to score a hair over 4 million points by the end, giving me a golden phoenix badge.

has /tc/ given it a go yet, or did you guys also jump off the r07 ship once he released a story about school girls being bullied to suicide?
>> No. 1715 [Edit]
File 136388963986.jpg - (163.33KB , 500x410 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I loved season 1, and I'm waiting the tranlsation of season 2.
>> No. 1716 [Edit]
Hey, I like Higanbana.

I'll definitely get around to playing this sometime soon.
>> No. 1717 [Edit]
>r07 ship once he released a story about school girls being bullied to suicide?

Read Higanbama.

File 13528528142.jpg - (48.34KB , 848x480 , snapshot_25_35_[2012_11_12_21_06_18].jpg )
1659 No. 1659 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I just finished watching Angel Beats

When is the VN?
>> No. 1660 [Edit]
I didn't even know they were making a VN.

I know there's a manga, and I'm pretty sure it goes into the backstories of the characters that didn't get episodes (Shiina, TK, etc.), but I'm not sure. And I think it's only in Chinese or something.

They should have just made it 26 episodes. But noooo. Key had to get all fancy with their money.
>> No. 1661 [Edit]
Shouldn't thi be in /an/?
>> No. 1662 [Edit]
or /vn/. I don't really care though

No. 1642 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I am at the stage where I am in the park, and I amnot sure which route to choose.

Pic Unrelated

File 134408043846.jpg - (67.91KB , 503x822 , 246607_156521.jpg )
1645 No. 1645 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I think, it's my favorite AI character.I wish I had her on my computer.
>> No. 1646 [Edit]
Eh, started a a new thread instead of posting to an old one. My bad...
>> No. 1647 [Edit]
What's her name and where's she from?
>> No. 1648 [Edit]
*Mute from Analogue: A Hate Story. A thread on it is on the front page which the OP intended to post to.

File 134410466057.png - (75.24KB , 786x90 , altogether2006.png )
1649 No. 1649 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I don't suppose anyone backed up al|together 2006? Haeleth nuked their site.
>> No. 1650 [Edit]
Found the entire thing on some Polish registration-only direct download site that only lets you download ~50mb a week:*2c+Doujin+itp/alltogether+2006+''lumine+claro''

This is going to take a while.
>> No. 1651 [Edit]
Ah, the files are still there, the site's just broken, probably because PHP is disabled. I have reconstructed it from cache (d/l files still hosted by haeleth):

File 134058969921.png - (425.14KB , 797x594 , Spoiler Picture.png )
1652 No. 1652 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
In the first sex scene in Fate/Stay Night in the Fate route Saber says "Haa...! Hm... no... I am used to it, so-----please continue, Shirou."
and Shirou asks "What do you mean you're used to it?"

What does this mean? I thought she was a virgin because of her hymen, but I'm not sure anymore. Is it possible that just her heroic spirit body is a virgin? It could mean that she is just used to the pain, but I think Shirou's "What do you mean you're used to it?" is a clear allusion that she means the act of sex.
Also in some other route she knows what she is doing pretty well (I think she gave pretty good blowjobs or something like that). Or is it because of her time as a man or just the stories she heard and read, I mean, she is supposed to be Mordred's dad?
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1655 [Edit]
File 134076286938.jpg - (52.82KB , 797x602 , Neue Bitmap.jpg )
It's kind of contradictory, as opposed to "Has getting touched in a place that has never been touched made her sensations go past the limit?" somewhere earlier...

Post edited on 26th Jun 2012, 7:40pm
>> No. 1656 [Edit]
I think the answer is that Nasu is not a good writer.
>> No. 1657 [Edit]

it doesn't help that takajun is an English Secondary Language person.

Or that it was one of his first attempts at an english translation.
>> No. 1658 [Edit]
In the original myth Morgan tricks Arthur one way or another into sleeping with her.

Something like this happened in Fate/Stay Night. This is the site with side materials from Fate translated. I don't know how accurate these translations are, but it has this information.

Merlin. King Arthur's magus. An incubus hybrid.
Personality is awful and is said to be a prankster womanizer. An old guy with the personality of a kid. Probably the stereotypical old fart that goes around stealing women's underwear.

The cause of all sorts of trouble. The world would have been a little less crazy if he wasn't so fond of pulling pranks. Locked away because of that, but probably didn't regret it at all.

Also suspected of giving King Arthur a real penis.

Mordred. The child of Arturia's sister, Morgan.
A masked knight that came to Camelot with only the recommendation of Morgan and by presenting his awesome swordsmanship became one of the knights of the round table. He was given his sword despite his unknown origins because of his abilities and his straightforward mental chivalry.
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File 134055517090.jpg - (85.91KB , 803x603 , Tinklebell.jpg )
1628 No. 1628 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hello /vn/. I come to you wondering if any of you have played the Tsukiakari no Raspberry Tsundere visual novel made by "Tinklebell".

This VN may have been mentioned on this board in the past, so sorry if I'm reposting, but I really hope you guys can help me find an English translation of the game, or help me "orient" my computer to play the Japanese version. I don't think an English translation exists yet, but if one does, I'd love you if you posted a link to it.

And I have already snooped around the 'net for translation and how-to-play tips but to no avail, so I came here.

^The maker's website

^And here is a torrent of many VN's made by Tinklebell, including Raspberry Tsundere. But apparently I can't into torrents because it always stops. And another torrent file I'm downloading will be done in one week, which is a little long for me.

Hopefully you can help me play this game, because I'd love to be able to do so. I absolutely love the graphics, bright characters, and high-school slice-of-life setting.
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>> No. 1629 [Edit]
File 134055522971.jpg - (291.51KB , 560x420 , RJ037750_img_main.jpg )

Ah, and here is a place to buy the game, and google translate fails me.
>> No. 1630 [Edit]
The torrent from Piratebay is not bugged but it is infected. I wouldn't download it if I was you.

File 13152092253.jpg - (34.47KB , 200x344 , corpse_party_box.jpg )
1631 No. 1631 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

Anyone else looking forward to this release?
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>> No. 1638 [Edit]
I just got the "real" ending (got the incest ending first lol) and I thought it was fine and fit the theme very well. I wish it leaned a bit towards more gameplay than VN and I was hoping for a bit more guro.

Post edited on 11th Feb 2012, 7:44pm
>> No. 1639 [Edit]
Well this is one depressing game... Seiko ;_;
>> No. 1640 [Edit]
I just picked this game up and am enjoying it greatly.

Between this, Yume Nikki and Ib, I am starting to wonder if horror games are best in 16-bit.
>> No. 1641 [Edit]

They definitely are. Something about the aesthetics of it

File 129390996915.png - (386.29KB , 600x814 , hanakonewyear.png )
1445 No. 1445 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

Katawa Shoujo is only a few months away, who's excited?
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>> No. 1593 [Edit]
i havn't been to gurochan in ages, last thing i remember is following their production of some fairy torture game, guess nothing came out of it.
>> No. 1594 [Edit]
not really, Japan makes plenty of stories involving people outside of japan and sometimes makes mistakes involving cultutre and moores.
>> No. 1595 [Edit]
what route is this from?
>> No. 1596 [Edit]
Pretty sure it's Shizune's

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