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File 132823248628.png - (934.53KB , 1287x773 , woman knows her place.png )
1416 No. 1416 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
90% slice of life, 5% foreboding scenes of things to come, and then the remainder a fight scene that doesn't have much of a context in respect to all the other information given from the story up to that point and was just put in so the people who played through the entire demo don't feel cheated... but that fight looks like it was done with Maya with lots of fancy motion and visuals, so it's fine.

/vn/'s thoughts on the demo?
>> No. 1417 [Edit]
the translation is atrocious and bordering on fanfiction.
>> No. 1418 [Edit]
I'm not totally sold on the story but the art is nice.

File 130963684449.jpg - (189.42KB , 1000x770 , 100107211541044.jpg )
1419 No. 1419 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Aksys announced at AX 2011 that they're picking up Fate/Extra for PSP and the otome title Hakuouki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom, also for PSP. Both will see retail and PSN releases.
21 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1441 [Edit]
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Caster is the best.
>> No. 1442 [Edit]
File 132713964656.png - (576.86KB , 800x462 , who needs air.png )
why is every level underwater?
>> No. 1443 [Edit]
I was playing this but then I accidentally smashed my PSP's screen.
>> No. 1444 [Edit]
Whelp, that ending sure did suck.
the protag could change anything they wanted to, and it didn't seem limited to just one thing, so... Why didn't the protagonist wish not be killed by the grail or maybe make themselves into a real person, so that the grail wouldn't delete them? theeeen all that other crap?
not like time was an issue like they built it up to be, protag made of point of how it was taking longer than it should.

I was really hoping for a servant end, in which they somehow end up together after the war and stuff, but there was obviously no way that could happen I guess...

Tried loading a save and playing the other root after beating the game, but the difference seemed so superficial, and it didn't seem like the story would be very different at all.
also seems the servants have the exact same dialog on each root.
so I couldn't work up the will power to spend the time required to grind this repetitive game again.
really wish the story split was farther in the game...

Heard they made a sequel, but the premise sounds kind of dumb.
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1413 No. 1413 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'm playing Little Busters now, Ecstasy Memorial version with latest English patch. It means that specific Ecstasy routs are untranslated. Though are two questions:
1.I know that there are two Rin path - standart and true. Should I complete allroutes (including Ecstasy ones, i.e. untranslated) to unlock the True ending?
2.Is it reasonable to play Rin's route before I unlock the true end?
>> No. 1414 [Edit]
I never go ahead when there is no English translation, because the game won't have the same impact. While you won't understand what the heck you are clicking through, the scenes will give you a good idea about it. I don't enjoy myself as much when I know what's coming, even if I don't know how I'm going to get there.

As for your second question, I haven't played this game before so I don't know. I don't play VNs like I used to.
>> No. 1415 [Edit]
The English patch for the regular version is 100% complete!!

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1250 No. 1250 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Took them long enough. MangaGamer finally announced their release of Kara no Shoujo.

>available for purchase this Summer.
>(Some changes were necessary for our release, which we will discuss in another post later this week.)
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>> No. 1256 [Edit]
Trial is, but the voice patch still isn`t...

It`s strange, because the Kirikiri engine, to which that game was ported, is much easier to hack, than the original Innocent Grey engine.
>> No. 1257 [Edit]
Voice patch:
Font patch:
>> No. 1258 [Edit]
My god this game just loves to kick you in the balls over and over.
>> No. 1260 [Edit]
I had a good time with this game but got a few game overs. Make sure to save occasionally!

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1261 No. 1261 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I hate to be that guy, but I'm about to be that guy.

Started literally last night, there is no a K-On Visual Novel project in the works.

As of right now, the team consists of me (Organizer, boss man and script writer), an artist, and... An Azusa route advisor.

So yeah. It's not very far yet, but what do you expect in two days?

As it is, I understand and won't be the least bit surprised if the majority of your responses to this are "Another project started by channers? Pfft. Yeah right, like this'll ever get off the ground."

I definitely won't try to persuade you either way about that, because I know all too well how true that feeling is. Many projects started on the Chans get to the planning stage and never get past that.

I'm not going to say "But this project is different than others!" because, when it comes down to it, there's nothing that differentiates this project from all the others that have failed.
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>> No. 1272 [Edit]
Well, this guy has forgotten all about it. It was expected because only few people supported him.

So, when is tohno-chan going to make its own visual novel?
>> No. 1273 [Edit]
people are supposed to gather support by making something good, not the other way around
>> No. 1274 [Edit]
Whenever I finish my proposal.
One day. ;_;
>> No. 1275 [Edit]
I'm interested in this proposal

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1276 No. 1276 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For general untranslated eroge discussion.

list of releases:
previews (english):
notable releases: artemis blue, nekonade distortion, grisaia

list of releases:
previews (english):

just started nekonade distortion myself, seems like it can be interesting.
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36 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1315 [Edit]

fuck yeah
>> No. 1316 [Edit]
File 131344537945.jpg - (30.90KB , 256x362 , 9712.jpg )
Anyone else reading Higanbana? I read a bit of the manga and found it to be awful, but the VN's been much better presented thus far and Ryu07's distinct writing style spices it up. I just got up to where I left off in the manga, so we'll see how it goes from there.

Unfortunately, most of the music thus far has just been re-used from Umineko and it feels really out of place. The few tracks I've recognized that are exclusive to Higanbana haven't been that great.

Edit: Apparently that was some troll release with replaced music. Oh well, I already finished it, so I'm not going to worry that much.

Post edited on 19th Aug 2011, 1:15am
>> No. 1318 [Edit]
I've been out of the loop since went down...last year or so? Those were the days...what are the big happenings in the past year or so? I love F&C, Navel/Lime/etc and Unisonshift
>> No. 1320 [Edit]
Nekonade Distortion requires too much 雑学 if you ever want to fully understand it. I'd recommend at least a basic understanding of quantum mechanics, some philosophy, and thermodynamics before reading it.

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1321 No. 1321 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>> No. 1323 [Edit]
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If you ever had sexual fantasies about R2D2, this game is for you.

File 129023435018.jpg - (182.04KB , 400x570 , Hanachirasutop.jpg )
1394 No. 1394 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hanachirasu translation patch was released this week. Makoto translated it. The quality of the translation is fantastic, par the course for anything Makoto's touched. This VN's scenario was done by Narahara Ittetsu, who also did the senario for Muramasa (currently being translated by Makoto), which is one of the top rated VNs on erogamescape.

Hanachirasu involves an alternate history, 21st century Japan with crazy samurais, terrorists, corporate militias and shit duking it out. I'm about two hours in, and it's awesome. Anyone that liked Kikokugai should definitely enjoy this. More info on the TLWiki page.
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>> No. 1401 [Edit]
I'm having this issue too. Anyone found a work around or solution, or even what is causing the problem?
>> No. 1402 [Edit]
This shows all the possible choices and endings.

Post edited on 14th May 2011, 10:45pm
>> No. 1403 [Edit]
I was reasonably satisfied by the first main ending, though I didn't realize there was more than one until I was about to post...
>> No. 1404 [Edit]
You have to do four playthroughs if you want to unlock the mini-game.

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1364 No. 1364 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I realized recently i haven't read a VN in ages and have been wanting to read one lately, but i'm terrible at finding translated versions and good ones to try.

So yeah, pretty much a 'recommendation thread'.

What i've read:
Katawa Shoujo
Yume Miru
possibly a couple others, but i can't remember...

preferred genre: action/romance
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>> No. 1390 [Edit]
Kanon with all-ages patch
Ef (it has an option to switch off H-scenes, though they still be part of the plot)
>> No. 1391 [Edit]
I'm looking for something with yanderes, suicides, and all that good stuff...
>> No. 1392 [Edit]
Cross Channel and Higurashi. Neither of them might necessarily fit what you're looking for, but they both have general fucked up stuff.
>> No. 1393 [Edit]
OP, you should try Symphonic Rain and Planetarian. Both are fairly short, but great stories and atmosphere.

It was because he was a delusion turned reality, and as such he evolved into an individual entity separate from Shogun.

I enjoyed Chaos;Head, though I will agree that the ending/second half is terribly haphazard. It started as a great psychological thriller and then they went and dragged it down with lolswords, psychobabble, and poor execution.

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1325 No. 1325 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
hey brohnos, What's up with anime,manga,eroge villains always coming up with elaborate plans that inevitably fail and backfire?

Pic related,It's possibly one of the worst offenders. Snatching defeat from the jaws of flawless victory takes it to a whole new level.
34 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1360 [Edit]
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>> No. 1361 [Edit]
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>> No. 1362 [Edit]
And that's almost the last of them.
I posting in case any bronos want it ,and this way no need to worry if the website goes down.
>> No. 1363 [Edit]
File 131533216533.jpg - (108.65KB , 1280x774 , finalroutegss.jpg )
Last one.

For some reason my other screencap wouldn't work and I just got around to making a new one.

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1324 No. 1324 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Partial patch for Thief & Sword is out. anyone played it? It's pretty complicated.

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