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File 129390996915.png - (386.29KB , 600x814 , hanakonewyear.png )
1445 No. 1445 [Edit]

Katawa Shoujo is only a few months away, who's excited?
98 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 1547 [Edit]
It had its dumb points, especially with a few of the analogies and the pacing, but it didn't stop me from crying like a bitch for the first time in years at the end of Emi's route ;_;

Post edited on 5th Jan 2012, 9:58pm
>> No. 1548 [Edit]
Really? I thought it was very well-done. Went through Lily's route (which was phenomenal, I thought) and Rin's route (ditto, especially with the grippin' and sippin' in the beginning). I feel compelled to leave Hanako's for last for some reason. It disappoints me to see that I missed so much with Rin, though - I'm missing at least 3 scenes with her.

And the fact that you basically have to restart from the beginning to launch a new route (lest you load a save and end up on Kenji's route) is a bit of a pain.

The game as a whole is not a single bit disappointing, though. Of course, I'm in the middle of a vein of hype for this game. I'll have more grounded opinions in a few months.
>> No. 1549 [Edit]
File 132584388856.png - (131.14KB , 500x500 , 1600.png )
Just finished Shizune's route. It was surprisingly longer than the others. Taking about 7 hours 35 minutes to complete. I had a stupid grin on most of the way through it, but that was it. No real sadness or anything like that, even at the bad end. Amusing and engrossing, to be sure, and I've grown to like both girls, but I just didn't see it as good as Hanako's or Emi's routes. Emotionally drawing, anyway. It's as good as the other two in it's own way.

And Kenji didn't seem to bad during this route either. He was actually a pretty cool guy. A lot like the one from the CYOA threads, as opposed to the one from the actual VN.
>> No. 1550 [Edit]
I'm doing Rin's route, and im actually finding her the most relatable. I dunno despire hiao being confused I can understand some of things she talks about.
>> No. 1551 [Edit]
Yeah, that was my main problem with the route too. I understood almost everything Rin was going on about, and yet I had to endure Him blowing up at her time and time again. I mean, fuck, I didn't expect the guy to be a genius, but have a bit of empathy, you faggot.
>> No. 1552 [Edit]
Hisao's pretty damn dense in all the routes.
>> No. 1553 [Edit]
File 132591427024.jpg - (112.19KB , 791x593 , 437456.jpg )
I'm done with Lilly's path and with Katawa Shoujo. After this brief and beautiful journey into Yamaku, I could not feel right taking any of the other paths. I just wish I could truly take Hisao's place and live every second with Lily.
>> No. 1554 [Edit]
So he's basically a Shirou?

I'm just starting to read through KS, but that doesn't make me too excited.
>> No. 1555 [Edit]
I just finished Lilly's route myself. The scene after the credits was a nice, but unnecessary try and closure. I think it would of been just fine without it.

All in all? I'm not sure which one I liked the most. All the routes have their strong points and weak points. Worth the long wait? I'm not so sure, but very enjoyable for what it is. I'll be going through all the routes one more time, at any rate. Not now, of course, I'm going to let things sink in and all that shit, before taking another swing at it.

I hope you guys enjoy/enjoyed it, too.

He's not THAT bad. It felt worse in Rin's route because she really needed someone understanding, but his denseness works as well as it does for any other VN main character.
>> No. 1556 [Edit]
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>> No. 1557 [Edit]
File 132594420339.png - (209.86KB , 730x482 , 1244513868504.png )
You... How could you post such a thing? Even though she loves you so much?

It just hit me that there wont be anymore KS. 5 years of work and building up, huh? I'm glad they did it, very much so, I just wish there was more. I guess it's back to looking up art and reading old CYOA threads.


Post edited on 7th Jan 2012, 5:54am
>> No. 1558 [Edit]
maybe there'll be some DLC
>> No. 1559 [Edit]
File 132594554026.jpg - (159.61KB , 800x600 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Just finished Hanako's route (at my 2nd attempt). I don't really wanna go into details, but it simply fucked me up; I expected maybe the hearthbreaking uberdrama (or insightful discouse) I knew I could get from a good (or even great) VN; but surely I never expected it to be so - damn - realistic: what shocked me this time was it being clinically and accurately mundane, as far as I can tell; I was reminded of shitloads of stuff I totally failled at and fucked up IRL, and wich I've been wanting -for years- to leave behind...

In short: it was and honest, fair piece; Hanako is great.
Will explore more full-KS later.
>> No. 1560 [Edit]
God dammit, Hamish, I'm trying to be depressed over here, stop making me laugh.

Well, we'll see what happens, huh?
>> No. 1561 [Edit]
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Favorite route though. I get the feels Rin does a lot as well. It's difficult trying to find the correct words to say things with, but I think that is more a problem with the actual language, or my lack of knowledge of it, rather than my thoughts being unable to be put out.

Too much word overlap too. There should be some kind of committee to create a stable language with an incredible number of words.
>> No. 1562 [Edit]
I hated condoms.
>> No. 1563 [Edit]
I finished Hanako's route. It was good.

Shizune's route wasn't as well written. So I take back my earlier comment at this thing not being well written, it was probably just Shizune's route.
>> No. 1564 [Edit]
Emi's route actually motivated to take up running as a hobby, to get in shape. And it's right when it says the dopamine rush from running and exerting your muscles helps you focus and put things slightly into perspective, which is a lot better than spending the entire day in a haze.
>> No. 1565 [Edit]
File 132607651649.jpg - (39.36KB , 600x600 , 1325970243625.jpg )
You're not the only one. I'm a long way off from being able to run a full 5k, but I'm a long way off from giving up.
>> No. 1566 [Edit]
I only played Lilly's route, was there condoms in the other ones?

In Lilly's, she takes contraceptives which you only find out about later. What an angel.
>> No. 1567 [Edit]
That part surprised me because Japan has such a negative view towards the pill and I hear it's a real bitch buying and using them over there. Then I realized that this game is written by foreigners but set in Japan. Does anybody find that weird? That they had to use Japan?
>> No. 1568 [Edit]
Whats so infamous about Emi's anal sex scene? Someone tell me because I'm not going to play any more routes.
>> No. 1569 [Edit]

because it was made by a bunch of wapanese fucks from /a/
>> No. 1570 [Edit]
It was, well, awkward.
>> No. 1571 [Edit]
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I'm still on the middle of it, but good heavens: this woman is voracious...

I mean, it never surpised me from certain type of characters, on other VNs; but her... anyway, moving on.
>> No. 1572 [Edit]
File 132637011324.jpg - (117.13KB , 800x600 , katawa full 117.jpg )
So this was the closest I'll ever get, to the experience of a sybaritic intimate date with a refined, beautiful, foreign (and popular) young lady, complete with french food, wine and all... I'm such a proletarian.
>> No. 1573 [Edit]
The contraceptive deal turned me off.
It's not a good thing to be on, as it really fucks with your head if you're still a growing girl. The only benefits are regular menses.
Condoms don't cause hormonal changes on either side, so they are much safer.
>> No. 1574 [Edit]
I was out of the loop for a long time, would you mind posting some links to some of the old CYOA threads?
>> No. 1575 [Edit]
This was a pretty beautiful scene. I keep listening to the soundtrack of it now.
>> No. 1576 [Edit]
>Condoms... are much safer
And annoying as hell, for both parts. I could say I have prefered the entire contraceptive affair left alone, as usual; or even adressed frontally, at some case of pregnacy, to shock the hell out of us; anything but being reminded of those bloody things...

However, as much as I may dislike them, they actually did contributed to the cliché-overcoming and greater achievements of the game: it was also because of those uncomfortable parts, that the entire thing felt so damned... authentic.
>> No. 1577 [Edit]
File 13267342287.png - (525.36KB , 800x600 , Picture 19.png )
Well I've finished every route now

Rin's is definitely the best written, it's very well done.

My favorite is Lilly's, though. I cried a little bit at the end. I want love like that...
>> No. 1578 [Edit]
File 132673949254.jpg - (130.48KB , 800x600 , Emi Ibarazaki 7.jpg )
I just finished playing this game for one whole day, ending up with Emi's route with a good ending (she was my first choice when I saw the game)

now I am thinking whose route I should take next.
>> No. 1579 [Edit]
Don't play Lilly's next or you will never want to play another route.
>> No. 1580 [Edit]
Lilly, what have you done to me?...
>> No. 1581 [Edit]
I'd recommend Rin's route.
>> No. 1582 [Edit]
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>> No. 1583 [Edit]
I like Miki. I like her tanned skin and streaming hair. I like that she talks plainly and isn't full of shit. That men's shirt looks great on her. I like her torpedo tits.
>> No. 1584 [Edit]
Yeah: even tough I've never been into tans she's very eye-catching...
Maybe there is/will be a hidden route for her? I mean: people on KS forums even talk about a secret Kenji route different from the fatal one.
>> No. 1585 [Edit]
And is that Kyon in the back?
>> No. 1586 [Edit]

When the picture zooms to the right, there is also Ritsu.
>> No. 1587 [Edit]
File 132687238896.jpg - (221.38KB , 806x628 , 1326457461057.jpg )
There used to be an obvious looking Lelouche, but he was removed. The fat guy sitting next to "Ritsu" is apparently based on Peter Griffin. Mutou's appearance is apparently based on that of the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who (similar looking outfit and all).
>> No. 1588 [Edit]
File 132687757740.jpg - (478.09KB , 1024x768 , 00fbd489dfb6cee186858ada141a38e1b83a1852.jpg )
Is that girl in front supposed to be based off komaki manaka?
if not, she looks really familiar...
>> No. 1589 [Edit]
File 132695754990.jpg - (57.01KB , 697x930 , 130354762265.jpg )
according to this thread on gurochan:
pic related is now available.
thread is quite tame so far (by gurochan standards) not really anything there to unsee, so don't worry too much about opening it up if you're interested…
>> No. 1590 [Edit]
Wow, that's cute.
>> No. 1591 [Edit]
I can't even.
>> No. 1592 [Edit]
Every time I listen to the track "Concord", I wish I could play Lilly's route for the first time again.
>> No. 1593 [Edit]
i havn't been to gurochan in ages, last thing i remember is following their production of some fairy torture game, guess nothing came out of it.
>> No. 1594 [Edit]
not really, Japan makes plenty of stories involving people outside of japan and sometimes makes mistakes involving cultutre and moores.
>> No. 1595 [Edit]
what route is this from?
>> No. 1596 [Edit]
Pretty sure it's Shizune's
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