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File 129390996915.png - (386.29KB , 600x814 , hanakonewyear.png )
1445 No. 1445 [Edit]

Katawa Shoujo is only a few months away, who's excited?
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>> No. 1446 [Edit]
Well, Suriko said that it'll be done in 2011 months ago so this 'update' doesn't really tell us anything new at all (which is somewhat disappointing).
>> No. 1447 [Edit]
>rest assured that Katawa Shoujo will be released in 2011

That's just a 12 month gap. Great!
>> No. 1448 [Edit]
I am. Even if this arrives at 12/31/2011, it'd still be sooner than Evang 3.0 (dammit).
>> No. 1449 [Edit]
I am expecting it to be out before June, but that's just my personal assumption.

I am excited. I check the shimmie every day for new artwork.
>> No. 1450 [Edit]
I'm thinking the same. They might be aiming for an early summer release like they did with the demo. Plus there was already talk about it being released before 2011, so it must be pretty close to being finished.
>> No. 1451 [Edit]
>Emi path:
>Writing: Path script is finalised.
>Direction: Path direction is completed.
Emi's obviously all done then.

>Lilly path:
>Writing: Path script is finalised.
>Direction: Act 3 out of 4 complete.
Looks like Lilly is just a tiny bit left.

>Hanako path:
>Writing: Path script second draft finished, Act 4 in editing.
>Direction: Act 2 out of 4 complete.
Hanako appears to be getting close.

>Rin path:
>Writing: Act 4 second draft in progress.
>Direction: Act 3 out of 4 complete.
Rin seems to be pretty close too.

>Shizune path:
>Writing: Act 4 second draft in progress, Act 3 in editing.
>Direction: Act 2 out of 4 complete.
Appears to be the furthest from completion. (which is probably why she's last, it must be in order from most to least complete)

Still, it's all mostly editing and finalization it seems.
>> No. 1452 [Edit]
I heard Duke Nukem Forever is supposed to be released in the first quarter of 2011. To be perfectly honest, I'm s little more excited to see which of the two will be released first than about the actual products.

But yeah, I'm still waiting for it even though it's been almost two years since the demo was released. I'm checking the Mishimmie regularly, too. The only thing I still can't get over is the change of Emi's sprites, made me lose some of the interest I had in her path (actually, she was my top pick for the first play through, mostly due to all the hate she received).
>> No. 1453 [Edit]
I hated the change at first but after seeing a real comparison, I think the new sprites would be better if they were refined a little more. The eyes and sometimes the clothing is a bit sloppy but overall the sprite is probably better.
>> No. 1454 [Edit]
I got Emi my first time through, but I've never really cared for her. That sprite change destroyed ANY chance of me liking her unless they really tune her up in the full thing.

Still, it's hard to talk about it when so little has been released related to the actual topic. Let's just hope it doesn't get delayed again.
>> No. 1455 [Edit]
I, for one, cannot wait to be reunited with my waifu.

It's been too long since we've had anything new to talk about.
>> No. 1456 [Edit]
Aren't you a little scared of what happens?

I mean, they could make your waifu a completely different person as the story progresses.
>> No. 1457 [Edit]
Rin is mai waifu. I'm not too worried about her char. development, I can't see them taking her and making her completely normal or anything.
>> No. 1458 [Edit]
File 129585656492.png - (109.55KB , 314x600 , emi_excited_proud.png )
I agree, emi's new sprites are a complete mess. the old sprites fit in much better and looked much cleaner. the new ones look like rough sketches.

I'm not sure if the download for the original sprite pack is still alive, but if anybody's willing to hack KS to put the original Emi sprites in, I'd be willing to upload it. I'd do it myself, but I can't program or hack for shit.
>> No. 1459 [Edit]
File 129593846289.png - (471.89KB , 1023x724 , 1176.png )
My body is ready. I'll wait as long it takes.
>> No. 1460 [Edit]
I don't know if I would go that far, Yet.

Let's wait and see how things turn out with the full game. It may end up suiting her.

Still, the librarians change bugs me quite a bit more.
>> No. 1461 [Edit]
I refuse to get my hopes up, but it looks like it might actually happen, Surtic.

>> No. 1462 [Edit]
File 129945156544.jpg - (147.68KB , 1600x500 , hanakohistoryb.jpg )
Did you guys see?

Hanako's path is finally finished!

God there's so much going through my head right now I'm not sure what to say or what I'm feeling right now, but I can't stop smiling.

>> No. 1463 [Edit]
I can't empathise with visual novels anymore. I already feel enamoured with mai waifu, so whenever I play through a visual novel I just feel 'odd'. These games are usually designed with the idea that you become attracted to one of the girls, however when I see the main character, my self-insert character, doing these lewd things with the girls I just feel odd. My blood freezes and the guts in my bowel stir and I feel like I have to go to the toilet.
>> No. 1464 [Edit]
I know how you feel, to a point. I still like to clear through other routes, I see it like making friends. I wish VN's had routes where you could go after male characters, just so they could expand on their stories. I'd like to skip H scenes, but you never know if there would be anything interesting that would happen, i.e Muvluv style. I just don't think much of them though.
>> No. 1465 [Edit]

Not >>384 but I tend to feel the same way.
>> No. 1466 [Edit]
How often do you clear through your Waifu's route(s)?
>> No. 1467 [Edit]

>I am expecting it to be out before June


>I'm thinking the same.


Am I the only one who thinks it's quite hilarious that Duke Nukem Forever was released before this?

I'm not complaining, though. On the contrary! I applaud the dev team for their continued willingness to keep working on it. They could just release something half-finished and call it a day - it's not like there would be any consequences they'd have to face.

I just think it's very funny. /jp/ was wrong, they kept saying it will be done when DKF will but it's not!
>> No. 1468 [Edit]
We're close now.
Can't wait.
>> No. 1469 [Edit]
I think they might be aiming for a Comiket release.
>> No. 1470 [Edit]
File 130798868025.png - (129.58KB , 500x691 , hanako23.png )
..I can't even form a coherent sentence.

Soon my love, soon we will be together.
>> No. 1471 [Edit]
Have 4LS commented on how long each route will be?
>> No. 1472 [Edit]

I'm 90% positive they have commented on game's length several times but I'm too lazy to look for info. Check their forums if you're interested.
>> No. 1473 [Edit]
Yeah they compared it to other vn's, but that was early on and has probably changed since. Not to mention I have no idea where that thread or post is.
>> No. 1474 [Edit]
Has Katawa shoujo died?

I hope not ;_;
>> No. 1475 [Edit]
There were some CG leaks last month, so I'm fairly sure they still are up and about.
>> No. 1476 [Edit]
This means that all of the paths for all of the girls are completed.
Could the game actually be out before 2012? I sure hope so.
>> No. 1477 [Edit]
>This means that all of the paths for all of the girls are completed.
where does it say that
>> No. 1478 [Edit]
There are blog posts about each other girl's path being finished starting from the post I had in the OP and on.
>> No. 1479 [Edit]
Dear lord I'm so excited for this VN!
>> No. 1480 [Edit]
I'm already looking forward to the meltdown that'll happen when they won't release it on 31st, as multiple devs said one can consider the project to be dead if they won't release it this year.

Unofficially they are some 2 months begind schedule.
>> No. 1481 [Edit]
File 132398578562.jpg - (1.95MB , 2500x1871 , 1323983859049.jpg )

Play this and then open the following


Next year can't come soon enough.
>> No. 1482 [Edit]
>> No. 1483 [Edit]
is this real life
>> No. 1484 [Edit]

Nope, it's just fantasy.
>> No. 1485 [Edit]
KS devs sure took their time.
>> No. 1486 [Edit]
So, which path will you guys play first? I'm sure that I'll play them all but I'll go for Shizune first even though you have to act kinda imoral when put with the option of choosing her or Lilly when they fight.
>> No. 1488 [Edit]

I wanted to go Emi first because of all the haters but pitying her like that would only insult Emi further. So I guess Lilly -> Emi -> maybe Hanako. If I'll like them enough I might play Rin and Shizune, too.
>> No. 1489 [Edit]
I'm conflicted. I want to play Rin's route first, but I'm not into feet, or the like. I may just turn off the H-scenes and play that way.

Anyone else thinking about that?
>> No. 1490 [Edit]
I had thought about turning them off at first but not anymore. I wish to see them all, and I also can't say any of the possibilities of unusual sex due to the disabilities of the characters turn me off.
>> No. 1492 [Edit]


>when I see the main character, my self-insert character, doing these lewd things with the girls I just feel odd. My blood freezes and the guts in my bowel stir and I feel like I have to go to the toilet.

I'm not 384-kun by the way (but I agree with him).
I actually wanted to make a separate thread to further discuss this matter, especially after playing through translated routes in Majikoi. Great read until the H-scenes happen. Sadly, it's a common trait of most VNs.

I found out about KS only after the demo was released (well I guess I heard there's some kind of 'project' but I never knew anything besides that) and there were 2029402 threads on all the boards I frequented at that time (/a/, /v/, /jp/). I never knew it was a demo. After downloading it and playing through it once (sure enough, got Emi on my first playthrough - like hell I'm gonna let a crippled brat outrun me!) I thought it wouldn't be much of a loss if it ended there since I already made some friends and all.

Thing is all 'dating sims' go full porn once the H-scenes begin. I tend to usually lose all interest once the relationshit part of it begins. I wish they'd make 'making friends sims', too (well they probably do but I can't read kanji).

Speaking of 4chan at the time of KS release nothing was more of a wake-up call than everybody hating on Emi. Cute genki girl loli and /a/ hated her! Sometimes it's hard to realize how much something/somebody has changed when you're constantly in contact with it/him.
>> No. 1493 [Edit]
Has there been any word on how long the entire VN, or how long individual routes will be?
>> No. 1494 [Edit]
There has not.
>> No. 1495 [Edit]
Actually it's said to be about 485k words based on what has been said.
Whether this is 100% confirmed or not is debatable though.
>> No. 1496 [Edit]
Just one more day... hnnnnnnng I can't wait
>> No. 1497 [Edit]
God, the shock that this is nearly out is pretty huge. I never guessed that 4chan would be able to complete any visual novel longer than "anon's nice day"
>> No. 1498 [Edit]

They probably managed to pull it off because pretty much everybody on the dev team quit browsing 4chan years ago.
>> No. 1499 [Edit]
Fakes are already turning up and idiots are actually downloading them.
>> No. 1500 [Edit]
in principle, we're gonna have to pay this time, right?...
>> No. 1501 [Edit]
Is this going to be a midnight release?
>> No. 1502 [Edit]
When this game was announced I was in college. Since then I've dropped out, got kicked out my parents house, live in a flat on benefit, lost my girlfriend, put on about 30lbs since I never leave the house due to my acutely developed social anxiety which has left me housebound for the past year. If I leave the house I can't feel my arms and legs, my face tingles and I eventually start vomiting.

I hear the title music in this game and just want to cry because it's like looking back in time before all this happened, imaging the me of 5 years ago looking forward to this day without any idea of what would happen along the way. Yet the small nucleus of the "old me" that still survives is repressed in my mind somewhere and is kind of happy it's eventually here.
>> No. 1503 [Edit]
Actually, most of the original 4chan team dropped out a long time ago. Most of the current staff are 7chan users.
>> No. 1504 [Edit]
I hope you've all seen now.
>> No. 1505 [Edit]
File 132565664530.png - (559.06KB , 1200x683 , katawa_shoujo_release.png )
It's out.

>> No. 1506 [Edit]
You do not, and it is now up for download.

I was looking forward to getting to sleep today, too. However, this is much more important. I played the demo four god damn years ago, and so many parts of it stuck with me.
>> No. 1507 [Edit]
The files named script come out to 2.8 megs. Fairly hefty length for a visual novel.
>> No. 1508 [Edit]
Oh lord. And I was planning on going to the DMV today to actually get my license.

Guess I wont be getting any sleep before the test.
>> No. 1509 [Edit]
Fuck. How can 2012 get any better now? I can finally go down Rin's route!
>> No. 1510 [Edit]
Downloading now...
Oh, Hanako! I'll finally get to know you better.
>> No. 1511 [Edit]
File 132566374986.png - (88.18KB , 306x306 , 1246568907666.png )
Wow, 50 minutes in. Just got to the start of act 2, and there was an animated scene right before the start of it, as in, really well animated. It was for Rin, my first path, so I'm assuming that all the girls have one.

I'm pleasantly surprised by the amount of work they've put into this so far. After not playing since the demo came out, I guess I forgot.
>> No. 1512 [Edit]
File 132567213674.png - (138.68KB , 318x236 , Zuko_and_Toph.png )
There is a goddess and she's crippled!
>> No. 1513 [Edit]
File 132567909837.jpg - (125.41KB , 803x604 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Just finished Rin's route.

A bittersweet end.

All in all, I'm pleased though. I know there is more to do for it, but I think this is enough for now. I'm tired, man.
>> No. 1514 [Edit]
It was bittersweet? Was I reading too quickly or something? I found it more uplifting and cheery than anything. The bad ending where she transfers schools was bittersweet though.
>> No. 1515 [Edit]
Also, I'm pretty outraged that the devs lied about there being a Rin footjob scene.
>> No. 1516 [Edit]
File 132570858424.gif - (38.66KB , 100x100 , 1325706816004.gif )
Emi route.
>> No. 1517 [Edit]
Lilly's route was amazing.
Just... amazing.
>> No. 1518 [Edit]
Ah fuck. That'll be even worse to go through.

I always have such a hard time going through to get 100%, especially because I usually get the good end on the first try, which leaves only bad ends, unless the novel has multiple good ends. Shit.
>> No. 1519 [Edit]
What!? That's what I was really looking forward to. Ah well. Fan art is almost guaranteed to deliver. Is Rin's route close with Emi's and spending time with Lilly and Hanako? I can't shake the feeling that I'm going to miss Rin's route by a hair. Avoiding Misha and Shizune as much as I can.
>> No. 1520 [Edit]
Dammit. The animation I saw was of Emi...
>> No. 1521 [Edit]
Thanks for being thoughtful and including spoilers.
>> No. 1522 [Edit]
If it turns out you all lied in the chat I will be so angry.

And you have lied in the chat before.
>> No. 1523 [Edit]

this is getting some press
>> No. 1524 [Edit]
I've heard of slice of life, but damn.
After a while this gets very inane.
>> No. 1525 [Edit]
File 132573762438.png - (828.39KB , 816x638 , aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png )
The way Emi's sprites look rougher than those of the other character's bothers me a bit.

She's still cute though.
>> No. 1526 [Edit]
File 132574348868.gif - (2.70MB , 260x195 , Spoiler Picture.gif )
You all died.
>> No. 1527 [Edit]
I wish the sex scenes were more.. Fappable.

Like the way straight-out hentai is.
>> No. 1528 [Edit]
You know, this is one of the few times I've not even really been concerned with the H-scenes, and actually skipped right over them. Except the scene in sports shed. Oh lord.
>> No. 1529 [Edit]
I'd feel guilty if I fap to any of the H-scenes for the characters I really like so it's a non-issue for me.
>> No. 1531 [Edit]
File 132576299026.jpg - (33.67KB , 800x600 , katawa full 9 HANAKO'S ROUTE.jpg )

>> No. 1532 [Edit]
File 132576660628.jpg - (249.24KB , 802x600 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I have just finished Hanako's route.

Simply beautiful...
>> No. 1533 [Edit]
File 132576745728.jpg - (161.08KB , 799x599 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Fuck. I was about to post that same exact thing.

Well, I'm glad it ended up being worth it. My eyes actually got a little wet at the end. Not to tears, mind you, even though I will admit that they would of been bitch tears, it was just a little bit touching to see the walls come down like they did. I mean, hell, even Shizune grew on me during this route.

I had done Emi's route earlier in the night, too, so I have to say that was pleasing as well. More so than I was expecting, anyway.
>> No. 1534 [Edit]
Those lopsided muffins slightly ruined that scene for me.
>> No. 1535 [Edit]
As much as I think Lilly's the best girl in this game, I have to say her route was rather... boring. Almost dreadfully bland, even. I'm rather surprised by how many people are placing her route as one of the best.
>> No. 1536 [Edit]
I just finished her route as well. She is tremendously idealized. I can't find a single flaw in her character, so the boring comes from lack of character development.
Who was it that wrote her route? We must be on the same frequency or something.

Also, I find the OP very funny right about now.

>Only a few months away
>> No. 1537 [Edit]
File 132580055144.jpg - (236.39KB , 921x1394 , e0943d342a79b4d4e7b17095f8eb20f9.jpg )
Lilly is supposed to be cliche that way.
>> No. 1538 [Edit]
File 132580860953.jpg - (61.82KB , 500x869 , 1267937472979.jpg )
>Also, I find the OP very funny right about now.

Hey, 12 more months isn't that many months in the long run...

Well, at least we got it eventually, right?

Doing Lilly's and Shizune's route tonight. I'm actually expecting good things from Shizune's route, despite my first impression.

I also wish there was more of this girl so far. I can't help but find her charming.
>> No. 1539 [Edit]
File 132580862213.png - (722.63KB , 816x638 , Spoiler Picture.png )
This was funny as hell.
>> No. 1540 [Edit]
Finished Shizune's.
>> No. 1541 [Edit]
What do I have to choose to get Hanako and Lilly? I just kept declining other girl's choices with no opportunity to say yes to either of them until I reached 'Kenji's route'.
>> No. 1542 [Edit]
Sorry I just found this: http://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1221
>> No. 1543 [Edit]
Just go through with it on feeling.
>> No. 1544 [Edit]
I did, and I ended up on Kenji's route.
>> No. 1545 [Edit]
File 132582462854.jpg - (209.88KB , 799x598 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
What is this I'm feeling...
>> No. 1546 [Edit]
Y'know, I can't help but feel a little disappointed. The writing wasn't all that good.

I feel like writing one of the routes better and then putting it out as a mod. I'd probably do a better job. Is that even possible? I wonder if they put out the source code or whatever.

Post edited on 5th Jan 2012, 11:15pm
>> No. 1547 [Edit]
It had its dumb points, especially with a few of the analogies and the pacing, but it didn't stop me from crying like a bitch for the first time in years at the end of Emi's route ;_;

Post edited on 5th Jan 2012, 9:58pm
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