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File 136388847633.jpg - (68.19KB , 649x510 , meryl 2.jpg )
1714 No. 1714 [Edit]
r07's clownish black lagoon story: everybody has unlimited ammo and not a single person could hit the broad side of a barn from inside, and if you were given an actual name you become impervious to harm from the unnamed thugs.
It would've been nice if the story was a bit more gritty noir and less wacky shonen, but I still ended up enjoying it for the most part.

the fight mechanic is simple, I managed to score a hair over 4 million points by the end, giving me a golden phoenix badge.

has /tc/ given it a go yet, or did you guys also jump off the r07 ship once he released a story about school girls being bullied to suicide?
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>> No. 1715 [Edit]
File 136388963986.jpg - (163.33KB , 500x410 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I loved season 1, and I'm waiting the tranlsation of season 2.
>> No. 1716 [Edit]
Hey, I like Higanbana.

I'll definitely get around to playing this sometime soon.
>> No. 1717 [Edit]
>r07 ship once he released a story about school girls being bullied to suicide?

Read Higanbama.
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