No. 1742
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I was rather impressed with this little short story. clocking in at ~2 hours, 35 mins for the first play through, and then <15 mins for the 2nd play through, and then 4 hours to find a walkthrough that doesn't assume you pick unmaried male foreveralone in a Corea-issued spacepod to tell me what the fuck I was doing wrong because Mute wouldn't insert herself into my married obaa-san from urf's fucking ship to spend time with me and give good end.
Considering the source, I had some incredibly low expectations, so I was rather pleasantly surprised the whale only showed herself to be a hack in the parts that involved physical pain-- something she has never once experienced in her life, and her writing clearly showed it. the entire point of heating the knife on a stovetop when you cut a person's tongue out of their throat is so the wound is cauterized as it is cut, preventing the wound from bleeding. I was really enjoying that scene up until that part, too.