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File 134055517090.jpg - (85.91KB , 803x603 , Tinklebell.jpg )
1628 No. 1628 [Edit]
Hello /vn/. I come to you wondering if any of you have played the Tsukiakari no Raspberry Tsundere visual novel made by "Tinklebell".

This VN may have been mentioned on this board in the past, so sorry if I'm reposting, but I really hope you guys can help me find an English translation of the game, or help me "orient" my computer to play the Japanese version. I don't think an English translation exists yet, but if one does, I'd love you if you posted a link to it.

And I have already snooped around the 'net for translation and how-to-play tips but to no avail, so I came here.


^The maker's website


^And here is a torrent of many VN's made by Tinklebell, including Raspberry Tsundere. But apparently I can't into torrents because it always stops. And another torrent file I'm downloading will be done in one week, which is a little long for me.

Hopefully you can help me play this game, because I'd love to be able to do so. I absolutely love the graphics, bright characters, and high-school slice-of-life setting.

Please and thank you very much.
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>> No. 1629 [Edit]
File 134055522971.jpg - (291.51KB , 560x420 , RJ037750_img_main.jpg )

Ah, and here is a place to buy the game, and google translate fails me.
>> No. 1630 [Edit]
The torrent from Piratebay is not bugged but it is infected. I wouldn't download it if I was you.
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