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File 152389412183.jpg - (324.84KB , 1090x800 , toheart2.jpg )
2122 No. 2122 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have any of you played this? I finally started it since the translation finished recently and I've been enjoying it a lot. I love the art style and music especially.

No. 1718 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why can't there be a Fate/Zero game with alternate endings? Who cares if it conflicts with FSN? Think of the possibilites.
8 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1727 [Edit]
UBW good ending is pretty much the epitome of happiness.
>> No. 1728 [Edit]
File 136225282063.jpg - (156.67KB , 802x604 , 1361996909956.jpg )
B-but what about Ilya , wormslut and the Greater Grail not being dismantled?

Post edited on 2nd Mar 2013, 11:35am
>> No. 1729 [Edit]
you are implying anyone gives a fuck about those two. and the greater grail can always be dismantled later on, not like anyone can stop those three in the end.
>> No. 2091 [Edit]
Fate/Zero The Adventure

Fate/Zero [Next Encounter]

Fate/Zero BLACK - Black History Gag of The Holy Grail War

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2009 No. 2009 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I figured this deserves its own thread.
>> No. 2010 [Edit]
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The very first thing you need to know about Saki - The Memories Of Summer (夏日祭) is that it's fully translated Chinese doujin VN. You can download the translated version here:
(Use the mediafire mirror).

Mad props to the trooper who translated it all by himself (apparently).

It's a game by fans for fans and you should keep that in mind when judging it.
The production values are fairly decent all things considered. Some of the sprites - like Ako's or Tacos', which is very amusing because they only have cameo roles in the game - are simply great and wouldn't look out of place place in a commercial release. Others - like Nodoka's or Kuro's, which again is fairly amusing because Kuro has her own route with 3 endings - are far worse. Some of the backgrounds look spectacular, but there are also two which are more half assed. The CGs are very uneven and generally bad. The music is decent but forgettable.

The game isn't voiced for obvious reasons but thanks to that you can read it faster. For the first time ever I used the 'auto read' option. You can adjust both the speed of that as well as how fast the text appears on screen so it's possible to find your ideal pacing. Pretty nice for a doujin release. Unfortunately the skip system is a little flawed and you should be careful when using it as it can skip unread text at times.

The translation reads well. It contains a small mistake or two (more like typos, or tiny grammar hiccups) but it looks pretty solid overall.

The VN has a bit of doujin feel to it, in a bad sense. At times the characters act out of character but generally I felt their personalities matched with what I've seen/read in the anime/manga (aside from the Kuro route maybe, which is kinda crap). The pacing is kinda all over the place - at times the game spends a lot of time on fairly mundane, everyday-life kinda stuff and yet some dramatic scenes with confessions and stuff like that are really rushed.
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>> No. 2012 [Edit]

I was looking for one myself yesterday. Result: プレイしたいけど中国語がわかない

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1099 No. 1099 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So, do we have anyone who read the VN and watched the anime? I've been interested in checking it out for a while now but I'm not that fond of VNs in general so I'd rather watch anime given the choice.

Obviously most VN adaptations (truth to be told it's pretty much all adaptations) are pretty shitty but I've heard mostly positive opinions about this one. Is the anime anywhere near as good as the VN?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1791 [Edit]
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The anime is great, the original old dvd vn is not worth playing due to it being a dvd. If you can understand japanese I'd say go and read the remake since its much better and uses the new art from the anime.
>> No. 1793 [Edit]
In my opinion, the first half of the anime was super good. Second part was a train wreck. I swear, at first I thought everything was just a fever dream. I'd easily recommend just watching the first half and then skipping the rest. Is it like this in the VN too? The ending (one of them, true ending?) has to be the same; what a shitty way to close things off. I'd say this further reinforces my recommendation in that they die anyway, so why not leave it at the viewers' assumption that they die at the end of the first part? The amount of closure is about the same.
>> No. 1845 [Edit]
No, the death ending was not a thing in the original game (PC and DVD) and Phantom Integration.

I heard it was added in the latest PC release with the newer art but I never bother with that.
>> No. 1846 [Edit]
Then what the fuck? What a shame.

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1815 No. 1815 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>> No. 1816 [Edit]
Now that I look through the board we didn't even have a thread for Gyakuten Saiban 5 so maybe there's not much of an interest in this but...

Some two months ago the entire English translation patch for Gyakuten Kenji 2 has been released. I stopped following the translation progress for a short while because it seemed slow and then bam, the entire patch is out and I missed it entirely.

Works fine for me, using both flashcard as well as an NDS emulator. No problems with anything so far (so saving/loading pretty much) but I'm just midway through Case 1. Translation looks pretty good. I'm not that fond of the new chess thing, though, mostly because it's time-based. As well as plain unneeded.
>> No. 1819 [Edit]
Took me a month but I finally finished it. It sounds almost as if it was a chore but it's the opposite - I enjoyed it a lot and thought it's one of the best entries in the entire franchise. I felt there's a bit too much hand holding this time around and Logic Chess were kinda annoying but it's a great VN nonetheless. I was reminded how great the music is in Gyakuten titles, too.

IS-7 Incident is of particular interest here. It's a case that has been namedropped countless of times in previous games (the one where Von Karma was found guilty of using fake evidence) and this time around you don't only learn what it's all about, you actually get to solve it. Great stuff.

I wanted to include a vid of either Lang or Kay theme (or the new Lang remix which is really great) but I found something else that has little to do with Gyakuten Kenji 2 but which will definitely be of interest to all Gyakuten fans. Makes me want to go buy a 3DS.

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1804 No. 1804 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone in /vn/ have some knowledge on old visual novels? I've been playing some recently, and I must say they are far more enjoyable than visual novels made in more recent years especially if they keep the old designs and menus. I've recently been playing Viper V16 and I must admit I love the atmosphere the game has, as well as the female characters, both in design and personality. So, how about you guys? Do you guys like old visual novels as well? Do you guys prefer it over recent works or no? Also, why?
2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1807 [Edit]
The limitations of hardware at the time and the workarounds to them together with the prevailing art styles at the time make for a really cool combined visual style.
I don't know Japanese though so I can't actually read them.
>> No. 1808 [Edit]
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Although I know this is not usual when it comes to old japanese games, Viper V16 does have a international version readily avaible online which has english text. It is also quite a short VN, so I would recommend it.
>> No. 1809 [Edit]
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YU-NO is the first one comes to mind - it's probably the most famous VN of all time. Amazing atmosphere, story, characters, music, everything.
I don't have a particular preference towards old or new visual novels story wise but I prefer the art from older games. The limited color palette forces artists to be creative with how they render drawings and gives a lot of charm to the games. FM synth soundtracks are great too.
>> No. 1814 [Edit]
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Relatively old visual novels that I've played or read...

* Matt's Messy Room translated _Maison Ikkoku Omoide no Photograph_, which was a licensed PC Engine (TG16) adventure game. The interface mostly consists of command prompts such as Open, Move, and Talk. If you're interested, use an emulator that supports save states.

The same people also translated _Pia Carrot_ for PCFX. I think it's a good example of a '90s romance game. There's not much story, and there's some simulation gameplay, but it's not all that difficult. The game is not wall-to-wall porn, and it's not meant to make the player laugh or cry. It's just entertainment.

* _Three Sisters Story_. After all these years, I'm still not sure if I like the protagonist. He did some rather horrible stuff just to help the Okamura family. Also, it seems remarkable that the game allowed the player to make immoral choices. Sure, they usually lead right to a negative ending, but at least the option was there.

_May Club_: Again, this simulation game wasn't exactly complex, and it didn't have much story. But it had a good middle ground in between narrative, gameplay, and NSFW content.

_Rance 1_: Late '80s RPG. I played for a few hours, and mostly enjoyed it. I was surprised by how short the sex scenes were. Overall gameplay wasn't amazing, but it held my interest.

If you were enjoying VNs in the '90s, you might have been tempted to use a term like "moeblob" to disparage characters that didn't have much motivation and similar appearances. Some recent VNs have distinct art styles and interesting characters. However, I don't think the moeblob problem has gone away.

Vintage VNs that I should really get around to playing or reading: Portopia Serial Murder Case, Snatcher, Policenauts, Yu-No, Radical Dreamers, Suikogaiden 1+2, Tsukihime, Air, and a whole bunch more.
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1169 No. 1169 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I know this board is mostly dead, but I was wondering, what are /tc/'s favorite VNs? Language doesn't matter.

Also wondering, are there any good VNs you all have read that don't emphasize romance/ero? I know I can look at vndb but I was looking for your opinion. Thanks!
>> No. 1170 [Edit]
> are there any good VNs you all have read that don't emphasize romance/ero?

all of the fantasy stuff sans alicesoft stuff.
Umineko, f/sn, s;g, muvluv, baldr sky, etc.
>> No. 1171 [Edit]
my favorite is Saya no Uta.
>> No. 1172 [Edit]
I'm not sure what to say about Narcissu except that it's important to me.
May Sky is a sweet little love story that doesn't use too many cheap tricks.
Katawa Shoujo is an almost embarrassingly earnest coming of age story. Most people who read VNs don't think too highly of it. I guess I just read it at the right time in my life.
>> No. 1799 [Edit]
I'd probably have to go with Utawarerumono and Kamidori as my favorites.

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1160 No. 1160 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I am hopelessly in love with Ciel from Tsukihime and really need help finding something.

I want to find the pic where she's saying "Our hands meet briefly, and the handshake is over" for some reason. I used to have it, but I don't know what I did with it. Thanks for the help.
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1162 [Edit]
>but I don't know what I did with it

You should consider organizing your pictures in a way other than a 5gb folder sorted by unix timestamp for when they are posted on 4chan.
>> No. 1163 [Edit]
Yeah, I renamed it to something easier to find.

>> No. 1167 [Edit]
Why love a Ciel when you could love a glorious Arcueid?
>> No. 1168 [Edit]
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Arc makes for a terrible M, whereas ciel is wonderful at it, and you don't have to worry about leaving marks.

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1140 No. 1140 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
a visual novel board with no monmusu? for shame tohno-chan.
17 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1159 [Edit]
Oh it was moved. Fair enough. Part three has been everything I had hoped it would be so far.
>> No. 1164 [Edit]
in the end the final scene was consensual missionary position sex for the purpose of procreation.

and yet it still felt like a rape scene.
>> No. 1165 [Edit]
It got pretty non-consensual by the end.
>> No. 1166 [Edit]
I dont get why
Luka is having sex with his legally married wife If theres a situation where he can get into that its then.

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1759 No. 1759 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Where do you guys get your VNs and what would you recommend as babby's first VN? I've long considered getting into them but would rather not have Katawa Shoujo be my first foray into the genre. The closest I've gotten to playing a VN is Sengoku Rance.

I apologise in advance if there's some kind of guide or FAQ I've missed out on.
21 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1784 [Edit]
akiha's route wasnt all that great though.

my favourite part of the game is probably when shiki converses with some serial killer at night during kohaku's route. that was a pretty cool dialogue.
>> No. 1785 [Edit]
You do realize that the conversation was between Shiki and SHIKI?

The near side routes had the best ends, both actual ends and bad ends. That said, the ciel good end is the single lousiest ending Nasu ever wrote.
>> No. 1786 [Edit]
that actually was only said in that non-canon fan written side story from KT. nothing really suggested it was him, though it wouldnt make the scene any worse.
>> No. 1787 [Edit]
You can finish all of tsukihime in a week, each route for a girl doesn't take more than a day to finish.
You must have downs to go that slow, get checked retard.

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1754 No. 1754 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do gameplay eroge belong on this board or /vg/? If they belong here, consider this a gameplay eroge thread.
>> No. 1755 [Edit]
one drop rule. one drop of eroge-aspects make it a VN.

Things like rance and Utawarerumono go here, correct.
>> No. 1756 [Edit]
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Five playthroughs and I still haven't gotten the Takeda recruited or their bonus unlocked. When will my time come?!
>> No. 1757 [Edit]
Just finished Yandere and Mashou no Nie. I can only recommend the latter, unless you can enjoy Yandere's "nothing but bad ends" and plot.

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