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File 134058969921.png - (425.14KB , 797x594 , Spoiler Picture.png )
1652 No. 1652 [Edit]
In the first sex scene in Fate/Stay Night in the Fate route Saber says "Haa...! Hm... no... I am used to it, so-----please continue, Shirou."
and Shirou asks "What do you mean you're used to it?"

What does this mean? I thought she was a virgin because of her hymen, but I'm not sure anymore. Is it possible that just her heroic spirit body is a virgin? It could mean that she is just used to the pain, but I think Shirou's "What do you mean you're used to it?" is a clear allusion that she means the act of sex.
Also in some other route she knows what she is doing pretty well (I think she gave pretty good blowjobs or something like that). Or is it because of her time as a man or just the stories she heard and read, I mean, she is supposed to be Mordred's dad?
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>> No. 1653 [Edit]
I believe this is too deep into a superfluous subject.
>> No. 1654 [Edit]
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"[...] was actually the son of the king of knights."
"Arturia could not have children as a woman."
"But Mordred certainly inherited the blood of Arturia."

It means Mordred is Arturia's child but she just wasn't allowed to admit it because she is supposed to be male, right? So she can't be a virgin.

But a bit later: "And in the end, she had to kill her own son, even if he was son only in name."

"Son only in name."

I don't get it ;_;
>> No. 1655 [Edit]
File 134076286938.jpg - (52.82KB , 797x602 , Neue Bitmap.jpg )
It's kind of contradictory, as opposed to "Has getting touched in a place that has never been touched made her sensations go past the limit?" somewhere earlier...

Post edited on 26th Jun 2012, 7:40pm
>> No. 1656 [Edit]
I think the answer is that Nasu is not a good writer.
>> No. 1657 [Edit]

it doesn't help that takajun is an English Secondary Language person.

Or that it was one of his first attempts at an english translation.
>> No. 1658 [Edit]
In the original myth Morgan tricks Arthur one way or another into sleeping with her.

Something like this happened in Fate/Stay Night.

http://tatari.byethost33.com/fuyuki/index.htm This is the site with side materials from Fate translated. I don't know how accurate these translations are, but it has this information.

Merlin. King Arthur's magus. An incubus hybrid.
Personality is awful and is said to be a prankster womanizer. An old guy with the personality of a kid. Probably the stereotypical old fart that goes around stealing women's underwear.

The cause of all sorts of trouble. The world would have been a little less crazy if he wasn't so fond of pulling pranks. Locked away because of that, but probably didn't regret it at all.

Also suspected of giving King Arthur a real penis.

Mordred. The child of Arturia's sister, Morgan.
A masked knight that came to Camelot with only the recommendation of Morgan and by presenting his awesome swordsmanship became one of the knights of the round table. He was given his sword despite his unknown origins because of his abilities and his straightforward mental chivalry.

In Fate, actually a clone created by Morgan from Arturia. A homunculus, but also a rather complete son of Arturia. Morgan used sorcery to enchant Arturia, who had become a pseudo male, extracted sperm and developed it in her own ovary.

Arturia was probably mentally scarred by Morgan's sorcery that's why she thinks she is "used to it".
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