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File 13528528142.jpg - (48.34KB , 848x480 , snapshot_25_35_[2012_11_12_21_06_18].jpg )
1659 No. 1659 [Edit]
I just finished watching Angel Beats

When is the VN?
>> No. 1660 [Edit]
I didn't even know they were making a VN.

I know there's a manga, and I'm pretty sure it goes into the backstories of the characters that didn't get episodes (Shiina, TK, etc.), but I'm not sure. And I think it's only in Chinese or something.

They should have just made it 26 episodes. But noooo. Key had to get all fancy with their money.
>> No. 1661 [Edit]
Shouldn't thi be in /an/?
>> No. 1662 [Edit]
or /vn/. I don't really care though
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