Ever17's getting an HD, Xbox 360 remake done by 5pb that's scheduled to be released this summer in Japan. More info/screenshots at the link. Looks pretty good, but the one 3D model shot of Sara is questionable. Probably looks much better in motion, given they're fully animated and will be more expressive than just sprites. I'd say there's a small chance of this being brought over after 999 was so well-received. Hopefully Aksys or some other company can work something out. I'd pick up a CE if it was, despite not being huge on the VN. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=421940
I'd rather see a remake of R11 with an extra story route or something. Everyone who wanted to read E17 probably has and the end left little to expand upon.
>>407 >Everyone who wanted to read E17 probably has Well I haven't. Been putting it off all the time because of its length, and I got into VNs only fairly recently anyway. Then again, I don't even have a 360.
>>408 It's not that long. Shorter than F/SN, Clannad, or even Tsukihime. I finished it in a week, and I wasn't spending all my time playing it or anything.
PV. The re-recorded bit of Karma played at the end of the video sounds good.
Anyone excited?
Annoyed by Rance? I think that the series may not be for you, I am sorry.
>>463 A lot of people play Rance despite of Rance instead of for him.
>>463 I enjoyed the gameplay but Rance reminds me too much of a typical /b/tard.
>>465 I wouldn't put Rance at such a low level.
Someone involved with Ammy Translations leaked the full translation patch for Muv-Luv Alternative today on /jp/. There are issues with it, however, including random crashes, and it's missing some translated images. There might be more, but I haven't tried the VN out yet, so I can't say for sure. For those unfamiliar with Muv-Luv and want to jump right into Alternative, which is widely considered to be one of the best VNs, Ixrec has a great summary of Extra and Unlimited here: http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/mlplot/. Installation process: Download this http://www.mediafire.com/?z0n3df4bd8n3d0z Extract, install using the exe provided. Re-extract and overwrite data.ami with the one in the archive.
>>448 I haven't read it yet, but I think a lot of the hype, at least from Japan, comes from just how popular mecha tends to be, and Muv-Luv Alt. being (to my knowledge), one of the few mecha VNs out there. Another one that's highly regarded is Muramasa.
>>448 >there were only five battles in the whole thing That's it? For a 50 hour VN, I'd expect there to be a lot more than that. Unless the battles are really long or something. Still, it's probably a thousand times better than Unlimited. All Takeru has done for the past 8 hours is whine and suck at everything.
>>450 I'm a pretty big fan of mecha myself. >>451 A couple are pretty short, a couple are somewhat long, and one is somewhere in between, I guess.
Finally started on Alternative last night. Kind of sucks that Takeru has to repeat the whole beginning of Unlimited. He was really close with everybody by the end of Unlimited, so it sucks that he has to start all over again. It's fun seeing him whoop ass at training though.
Anybody from /jp/, give up and hide here? anyway akiha thread.
After all this time, I am still frustrated about the lack of a good end route with Akiha. True and normal ends just don't cut it.
>>370 There's always Akiha's post-true end sidestory in Kagetsu Tohya.
>>371 Which was incredibly unsatisfying. And not canon.
>>373 It was canon and I found it rather satisfying. It's better than without added material.
JAST continues their crusade of plucking fan translations and turning them into official ones. This time, it's School Days, and Sekai Project (the group that's been working on School Days for years) are heading the project. The JAST release will be called "School Days HQ", and they're hoping for a year end release (lol). New features for the HQ release: - High Quality remake and graphic upgrades of the original School Days - Additional ero scenes in the HQ version, all uncensored http://www.jastusa.com/school-days-is-coming-in-english
>- High Quality remake and graphic upgrades of the original School Days. >- Additional ero scenes in the HQ version, all uncensored. Bueno
>Will you skillfully maneuver your way to one of the game’s more than a dozen happy endings, or will you end up on the road (or boat) to perdition? Dohoho.
It's out...
http://www.mangagamer.com/r18/Titles/Details/211825CD-5CA4-490A-AC65-C311114ADA29/koihime-musou-a-heart-throbbing-maidenly-romance-of-the-three About damn time. It's been delayed for practically a year due to engine issues. Also, is MangaGamer's site going slow, or is it just me? I'm tempted to pick it up, but I don't think I'll play it much. Plus the uncensored, poorly re-drawn cock CGs look terrible. I'll probably just buy Demonbane next month instead.
Quartett's English translation patch is out. I honestly have no idea what this VN's like, other than having a unique presentation and cute art, but here's a description from VNdb: >On the 17th of March, there is a classical strings concert unlike any other in the world. Ninety-six young musicians, divided into twenty-four quartets perform before an audience of the world’s greatest conductors and instrumentalists. Only one group - a single quartet - is chosen form these performers. Success brings prestige beyond imagination and guaranteed entry into any orchestra on the planet. It is a once in a lifetime chance for those striving to perfect the art of music. The ultimate dream… and possibly the ultimate nightmare. http://charlotte.is.moelicious.be/
Played this awhile ago. The art, music, and presentation are all excellent. It's short so the story is on the shallow side, but the characters are instantly likable and make it really enjoyable to read.
>>308 I just finished this tonight, and I agree. The presentation outshines the majority of VNs I've read. It's enjoyable enough for its short length, and the amount of music/CG in it is insane. There's really no reason not to read it, as you can blow through all the routes within 5 hours. It turned out to be unexpectedly a little dark for what seemed like a simple slice of life at first. I'm curious about other Littlewitch titles now. I know they were a highly regarded dev while they were still around.
Oh, and someone made a voice patch, apparently, if anyone is interested. http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/forums/index.php?topic=149.msg17505#msg17505
>>313 Sweet! First I heard of this!!!
Why do people hate Black Cyc?Is it because non-virgin waifus threaten them?
>>265 I might give it a shot once I've finished the games in my backlog. >>268 Yeah the harem end was really weak. But your idea lost me at >He'd also use the crystal to make Yuka a woman.
>>269 Lost you how? you didnt understand or didnt like it?I mean the pendant Yuka used to bring Kiika back to life would age Yuka 8 or 9 years.
>>273 Didn't like it. You need to have at least one loli in your harem.
Is there any website that has uncensored streams of GSS? I'd like to download it,but if the uni I'm in saw what it was there would be unpleasantness and unending butthurt. I just want to see the boning and bad ends.....;_;.
Apparently MS makes visual novels now. http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/silverlight/default.htm Click on the big blue button with snowflakes. Now I can be the hero of my own VN, thanks Microsoft. Sorry if this is old news, needs Silverlight though.
Silverlight-tan is in it though
where's my 2k route?
>>281 No I dont see the blue button
>>290 They scrapped it because it was a Christmas thing but looks like there will be a new one for Chinese New Year or something.
Does this game sound good for something freely distributed on the internet? Pic related; by first glance, she looks pretty good to the point that I might buy her figma.
>>256 link to said download?
>>257 http://ch.nicovideo.jp/channel/ch304 1) Make account 2) Join channel 3) Then click on the big giant link that says to download the game here.
>>253 Looking back at my post, her summer coffee special version of her figma looks vastly inferior to her original school uniform figma. She doesn't feel moe enough for my taste.
>>285 It might not be as cute, but it still sold very well as it's the only cast off figma to date wish nudity, that I know of.
>We are currently negotiating an officially licensed release with âge. >Unfortunately, almost nothing is set in stone yet so I have no details to give out, other than: >-There will be no partial Sadogashima patch, or any other unofficial patches >-All ML/MLA patch download links have been disabled >-We won't be asking for any money in exchange for the translation http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/blog/?p=818
Oh wow, that's real buttdamage.
MLA in English: forever mada.
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