Neko Miko starts with an unfortunate main character who finds a lonely and abandoned shrine in the city and prays to it after his roastie broke up with him and he was fired from his job. The shrine maidens there turn out to be cat girls, named Ayame and Kaede, and promise to rid him of his misfortunate that proves to be too much for them whose powers are attached to the shrine itself. Their powers were apparently weakened by the damaged state of the shrine and it's their only shelter so they decide to live with him while they slowly get rid of his misfortune over time. I kind of didn't like this one as much. There is some messy presentation sometimes like the name of an NPC, the chinese restaurant owner, not even fitting into the text box for it, rarely the dialogue can actually not even fully show on the text box on the screen if the text is too long forcing you to look at the text log if you want to see it all, and some typos from time to time. Anyone could tell me it's probably because I played the Switch port but I played Nin Nin Days on my Switch too and it didn't have these problems. Checking the release dates I can only assume the devs missed some things because it might have been new for them and they got the hang of things later on since Nin Nin Days released over a year after Neko Miko. The technical flaws themselves I can overlook, just so long as the games works and doesn't look like a mess. But that's not all of why I didn't enjoy it as much. The story didn't feel quite as fun this time. I suppose the writers maybe couldn't think of as many scenarios because, unlike a knight or a ninja, catgirls might not always be super-human athletes. That's probably why the events themselves come down more to shopping trips, a date at a restaurant or an arcade, and helping out at the restaurant you work at. Depending on your tastes and possibly outlook, you might think it's relaxing, and it certainly was, but I personally felt it wasn't quite as exciting as the others I read so I didn’t feel as motivated to continue reading. I can’t even make much of an argument that it’s to make them behave like cats either. The personalities themselves definitely are like those of cats, one more than the other, but they never seem to do many things at all that are reall Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Without going into spoilers, this is a visual novel about a knight girl who gets sucked into our(?) world from her own. There isn't really much to this one, it's just about dating a knight girl and exploring her personality through various events but I like it's simplicity. The main character's name is Cattleya and they give her a personality and skills that are very befitting of a knight but they make sure to throw some moe into the recipe of her personality. I liked eating pizza and chips when I read it on weekends for maximum easy. One other thing I like, and maybe it's common and I just don't know, it doesn't beat you over the head constantly with mean remarks from the characters that just feel like whoever wrote it couldn't bring themselves to cool down their boiling hatred for otaku. Maybe I've just read the wrong VNs but I've read that in some from time to time and it makes them near impossible to enjoy.
I downloaded this VN a while back, it sounded comfortable but I haven't read it yet. I'll give it a read when I can.
I read this, it made me feel sad that I was pretty much playing a gimmicky friend simulator. Cattleya has a very nice design, but it made my heart feel heavy and guilty. >it doesn't beat you over the head constantly with mean remarks from the characters that just feel like whoever wrote it couldn't bring themselves to cool down their boiling hatred for otaku. This was a trend, bullying was really popular in the late 2010s and may also be translation meddling or "meming".
>This was a trend It doesn't feel like it ever really ended and it has been in anime for as long as I can remember.
A vn about catgirl ninjas coming to live with a guy because he comes from a special bloodline or some other such fluffy excuse and all of the antics that would naturally ensue from two catgirl ninjas becoming attached to you. It's cute and nice to read though I get the feeling some people will probably compare it to Nekopara just because they both have catgirls in it. Yura is a nice girl. The story feels like it almost stumbles around when the living situation becomes a problem. That is until MC-kun's dad, who is treated pretty badly for some reason, decides to be the only person with a brain and lets them live at their house but this happens after MC-kun finally saves up enough to money to get some kind of place to live because MC-kun couldn't just talk it out with his dad first because he suffers from main character syndrome which forces him to live a life with no more than a few functioning brain cells.
Sounds like a pleasant time, but their breasts are too large.
The drama in this felt like a parody of bad budget VNs. I understand they are trying to relate to otaku that have lower emotional intelligence than the average character, but there is a limit to how much they can stumble around through a narrative without being insulting to the reader! Poor Dad.
Very similar to Kukkoro Days in it's basic concept. Dating a ninja girl and all the antics that follow along making use of her abilities as a ninja. What I feel sets it a bit apart from Kukkoro is that the main, and only, girl doesn't have a personality as predictable as Cattleya's in Kukkoro. Sumire has a personality that, I personally, didn't expect to see. She's much more naive, energetic, and childlike unlike Cattleya. In that sense, a person expecting a cool, collected, and possibly edgy ninja girl would be disappointed to see a personality they might consider generic and unbefitting of a ninja. The plot doesn't carry as much in terms of stakes like Kukkoro did so some may like or dislike that. There isn't much more I can think of to say about it without spoiling things. Like Kukkoro, it's something of a gimmicky budget VN, as are the rest of the VNs from the staff that made these, but it's my preferred one out of the two simply because I like Sumire's personality more.
>>2195 Appreciate your posts, anon.
>>2196 Thank you. I was and still am hesitant to make more. My tastes aren't as refined as those of most TC users and I can't read Japanese so that cuts down on a lot of the VNs I want to read or can read. Still, I hope to keep making these for as long as I keep reading VNs just like how I hope I keep finding VNs that fit my interests.
I read this, the sprites and art are nice. The sex is too short, but the entire thing feels too short, especially for a SoL romance. Thank you for telling me about this.
can anyone send me a download or torrent link to this game? the ones i found had its img corrupted or something
>>2185 It's fairly easy to get the game, but first you need to install Gentoo. Come back after you do.
Feel my supple touch as I guide your hand over the mouse to click the hyperlink and download your beloved visual novel. Then, the mouse moves and bites back! it's actually a rat, traveling from afar and appearing once per year to spite your efforts in gaining access to your favorite visual media. Curse you anti-VN rat!!
Uncensoring patch for Steam, since people can't get it stateside anymore: BOTTOM LINE: I still recommend it, if only for SHIRONE and what Sara could have been. (Meta)spoilers ahead. SHIRONE is a brilliant, passionate pianist android imouto with a tragic fate, thus the ultimate heroine. Or so I thought, when Sara, the scientific genius who created her, totally stole the show: I hadn't been so invested on a VN girl in years (if ever). She was logic and reason embodied, embedded with brutal honesty and a desperate need of love. Her arc was a fierce advance into her every spot, until reaching her innermost and becoming one by the final means of transhuman leap... Or so I thought, until the final sprint when both Sara and SARA gave it all up to some improvised Sein-zum-Tode garbage speech. Yuuri is barely worth mentioning; YUURI's lesson was spot on, but also immediately disregarded as a mistake. In short, I felt betrayed. They betrayed a seeming transhuman masterpiece for the sake of conservative humanism, natalism and whatnot. I do am sad that Minori, also creators of 'Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two' and 'eden*', went down. I couldn't see 'Trinoline' as a worthy swan song of them; but I still recommend it, if only for SHIRONE and what Sara could have been.Post edited on 30th Jan 2020, 11:27am soon!
>>2179 Guess I can't kill myself quite yet.
This just came out, anyone here planing on playing it?
So are visual novels dead in 2019? I am a new wap so please don't bully me, I was just wondering if it was a dead genre. Image attached is the only VN I've ever played.
They’ve had better days in the west but are still going strong in Japan, learn Japanese if you’re very insistent on reading stuff because if you have to ask if it’s translated, it probably isn’t.
>>2138 >are still going strong Minori just closed down... Are you sure they also aren't running into issues, particularly with regards to competition from the mobile game market?
>>2139 Minori was doing better than a lot of other brands that are still around. There's nothing stopping vn developers from putting their stuff on phones either, and plenty of them have done so. As for OP, why would it matter if they were dead? It's not as if that would prevent you from reading everything that came out in the 30+ years prior.
Hype in the west has seemed to die down a bit. Only (chinese) Nekopara and OEL DDLC have gotten mainstream. Like >>2138 said, learn Japanese for a wider selection.
Is there a translation of Narcissu Side 2nd other than the one currently on Steam? (Because that's a bit bad) has a link to Haeleth's personal website for news & downloads regarding Narcissu Side 2nd; but the link is broken and the site seems to be shut down. Is there an upload of Haeleth's translation somewhere?
>>2146 I feel ashamed for not knowing about this. I already have some of these, but I'm going to try and grab them all and seed them into perpetuity, or at least until better alternatives appear. Thank you, anon, and may visual novels be preserved until the death of the universe.
AIR has finally been translated! >This is a 100% translated, readable, beta patch for Air released by Gao Gao Translations. It is NOT the final patch. In patch beta1, Air Arc, Minagi Route and Kano Route are solid. Common Route and Misuzu’s route need more work.
This is most certainly a beta release. While errors have been few and far between, here are a few I've come across.
>>1141 Sounds like a classic t-cer.
>>1751 >>1753 h-hey, I may have been homeless for a few months and may arguably be a pervert, but I've never kidnapped anyone
>>1752 >In the depths of her eyes, I could do the beauty limited only to ethereal things Pure poetry...
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