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File 130561982729.png - (557.94KB , 715x800 , cover.png )
1250 No. 1250 [Edit]
Took them long enough. MangaGamer finally announced their release of Kara no Shoujo.

>available for purchase this Summer.
>(Some changes were necessary for our release, which we will discuss in another post later this week.)

>> No. 1251 [Edit]
>Some changes were necessary for our release

Let me guess.
>> No. 1252 [Edit]
Yep. No voices.
>> No. 1253 [Edit]
Thought it'd be something like this. I'm willing to deal with it if Innocent Grey are eager to bring their other titles over.

>> No. 1254 [Edit]
Release date was announced today for June 29th.
>> No. 1255 [Edit]
Trial's out:
>> No. 1256 [Edit]
Trial is, but the voice patch still isn`t...

It`s strange, because the Kirikiri engine, to which that game was ported, is much easier to hack, than the original Innocent Grey engine.
>> No. 1257 [Edit]
Voice patch: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=52AROVVJ
Font patch: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q1FG8DXZ
>> No. 1258 [Edit]
My god this game just loves to kick you in the balls over and over.
>> No. 1260 [Edit]
I had a good time with this game but got a few game overs. Make sure to save occasionally!
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