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1261 No. 1261 [Edit]
I hate to be that guy, but I'm about to be that guy.

Started literally last night, there is no a K-On Visual Novel project in the works.


As of right now, the team consists of me (Organizer, boss man and script writer), an artist, and... An Azusa route advisor.

So yeah. It's not very far yet, but what do you expect in two days?

As it is, I understand and won't be the least bit surprised if the majority of your responses to this are "Another project started by channers? Pfft. Yeah right, like this'll ever get off the ground."

I definitely won't try to persuade you either way about that, because I know all too well how true that feeling is. Many projects started on the Chans get to the planning stage and never get past that.

I'm not going to say "But this project is different than others!" because, when it comes down to it, there's nothing that differentiates this project from all the others that have failed.

The only thing I could say is different is my determination. I'm not somebody who gives up easily. I look at things like Katawa Shoujo and Broquest and think "If they can do it, why can't I?"

So, if you're interested, check it out. Bookmark it maybe. If you want to help out, with anything, art, script, anything, drop a comment, or send an e-mail. Even if it's something as simple as giving me some advice or criticism, or just some encouragement, or if you just want to tell me how much I suck and how you know this project will fail and how I'm a gigantic loser, go ahead. Anything helps at this early stage, really.

I just hope that I'll be able to make this project a reality.
>> No. 1262 [Edit]
>"If they can do it, why can't I?"
because you probably have the attention span of a goldfish and will give up when things actually become difficult
>> No. 1263 [Edit]
I don't know what Broquest is and KS is still not released 4 years later and what we saw of it was in my humble opinion rather terrible.
Other than that, good luck.
>> No. 1264 [Edit]

Why you gotta be so pessimistic, man?
>> No. 1265 [Edit]
Katawa Shoujo hasn't been released yet, and I also don't know what Broquest is. I'm not a K-On fan either, so I'm not interested. But I wish you the best.
>> No. 1266 [Edit]
We have an IRC now.

#k-onvisnov @rizon.net
>> No. 1267 [Edit]
Sounds like something that wont get updated after a few weeks.
>> No. 1268 [Edit]
>> No. 1269 [Edit]
Go for it, keep plugging away until it's done.
>> No. 1270 [Edit]
No posts since Sept., most likely dead.
>> No. 1271 [Edit]
yet people just wright it off as pessimism.
>> No. 1272 [Edit]
Well, this guy has forgotten all about it. It was expected because only few people supported him.

So, when is tohno-chan going to make its own visual novel?
>> No. 1273 [Edit]
people are supposed to gather support by making something good, not the other way around
>> No. 1274 [Edit]
Whenever I finish my proposal.
One day. ;_;
>> No. 1275 [Edit]
I'm interested in this proposal
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