Hanachirasu translation patch was released this week. Makoto translated it. The quality of the translation is fantastic, par the course for anything Makoto's touched. This VN's scenario was done by Narahara Ittetsu, who also did the senario for Muramasa (currently being translated by Makoto), which is one of the top rated VNs on erogamescape. Hanachirasu involves an alternate history, 21st century Japan with crazy samurais, terrorists, corporate militias and shit duking it out. I'm about two hours in, and it's awesome. Anyone that liked Kikokugai should definitely enjoy this. More info on the TLWiki page. http://tlwiki.tsukuru.info/index.php?title=Hanachirasu
this was kind of twisted.
also I can't get the secret room to open up
>>163 It's not translated, anyway, but you're missing out on some of the other endings. You need to replay through it one or two times, with new choices/scenes popping up each time. I'd give you a more detailed explanation, but I can't remember what exactly I did.
>>179 i already ran through again a second time and got a few new endings
I can't get the other endings...I finished the game, I played it again and no new choice was unlocked... help ?
>>381 No new choice appears until after you see the other endings on your first playthrough. I believe there are three you can see the first time around, and two choice points.
>>163 >>381 I'm having this issue too. Anyone found a work around or solution, or even what is causing the problem?
This shows all the possible choices and endings. http://momoichi.ifdef.jp/mgame/hanachirasu.htmlPost edited on 14th May 2011, 10:45pm
I was reasonably satisfied by the first main ending, though I didn't realize there was more than one until I was about to post...
You have to do four playthroughs if you want to unlock the mini-game.
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